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Hi brothers and Tech Priests : just a quick question about PvP "reconnaissance" ordeal (auspex 4+ enemies) : I'm stuck at 3/20, and it doesn't count any new success.
I can see ingame "40 scanned enemy x4" / "50 scanned enemy x5"... but counter is still stuck at 3.
Since I start checking why it didn't progress, I have seen at least 4 messages ingame about getting successfull 4+ enemies auspex scans, but there is no progress in the Reconnaissance ordeal
Is it a known problem ? (I already tried restarting the game, and I know some people already finished it).
Other ordeals still progress (but I only miss 5 to complete Eternal War, and the 4 other are a bit tedious to test... (Death launch / massacre / frag & shock ordeals)).