​While playing and building most of the bolt weapons, I can't help to but to wonder did Saber(the developers) just copy some of fallout 4 or Starfield weapon's stats from Bethesda and call it a day. For they had the worst designed to date, no offense. I don't often writes such a lengthy words, so forgive me if you find my writing is bad. Though I feel like I have to write this down because currently Bolt Weapons are NOT on the right spot. Simply buffing a little damages isn't exactly helping much.

 First of all, this so called .75cal/19mm ammo base of the w40k lore is suppose to be a miniature missile that explode on impact. A powerful ammo that could penetrate light armor and explode from the inside. While in-game it felt like shooting a normal 55.6 ammo, making it not very impactful and underwhelming when your enemies standing still unscathed like they just hit by a Nerf gun. This would be normal if you're normal human being with your AR15. But this is Space Marine an Elite Trans-human arming an Alien, Mutant, and Heretic slaying weapon called Bolter. Here is some of my details impression about each individuals of the Bolt weapons from below.

 Bolt Rifle (just itself without the Grenade Launcher): Pretty great if you pick up the right perk call "HeadHunter" which is basically the most important perk for the Bolt Weapons as to mitigate it lack luster performance compare to other guns. Thank to the increase multiplier for the Headshot damages by 10% and even better if you pick multiple times of this perk. Though here's the problem, it force us to heavily reliance on headshotting the enemies, as any other shot to the body feel like they taking almost no damage at all. Also why is this gun have so little Ammo Reserve, because if it for the sake of having a Grenade Launcher mount, shouldn't you just reduce it to that version only but not the normal version? 

Auto Bolt Rifle: Dub the worst Bolt weapons in the game, and probably hurt me the most as I really like the design of this weapon. Two Reasons, one is because it has no Headhunter perk at all. Only 2 perks relate to increasing base damage, however, only but 1 that actually increase 10%. While the other second one increase 25% but ONLY AFTER you can successfully kills 10 enemies and get that buff for 5 seconds with 30 seconds cooldown. But remember, Bolt guns is such an under-performance gun so by the time you did get that perk to run you had already waste second or less reloading because of killing those 10 mobs, and another second aiming your next target like Majoris, and by the time done all that if you're even lucky enough to shoot with this perk is already over and you're force to wait for 30 seconds cooldown. Futher extrapolate that this gun using the same Ammo type as the Bolter rifle but somehow doing less than 1 point and even with the same barrel length it has less range. 

Instigator Bolt Carbine: I find this one a little odd, and just like the Auto Bolt Rifle using the same ammo, but it has less damage about 0.5 less with the same Barrel length but some reason too suffer penetration point by 1. Small Ammo Reserve like the Bolt Rifle, and 1 less bullet in the Magazine. Luckly, also NOT like the Auto Bolt Rifle, this one does have Headhunter perk. All and all this gun should not have much different when it come to stats other than having a triple Burst shots, so it is kinda mid compare to Bolt Rifle. 

Bolt Carbine: For this one it has done right for having less damages because of the shortening barrel length. This one is the only one (other than Bolt Rifle) are consider a good Bolt weapon because it has everything you needed like the Headhunter and Divine Might perks. But still suffer customization creativity because the core of the problem is still there, and trust me people will do anything to pick those two perks and will not change anything else.

 Bolt Occulus: For some reason this one perform worst than the Bolt Carbine despite being almost the same gun, only without the front grip but instead come with a mounted scope. The Headhunter perk is none existing so you has to rely on one Divine Might and either the Tyranid or Chaos Eliminator perk for extra 10% damage. 

As I ask of you. Did you see the problems that all the Bolt Weapons are having? The need of Headhunters and Divine Might perks just to get it from worst to good. While other guns like Plasma and Melta gun came from Good to Great. In conclusion, the core problem for Bolter Ammo just are too weak, stats wise should at least have 3 times it effectiveness both for the base damages and the Headshot multiplier. You said it in your last 6.0 you wish to have creative option build for the Op classes instead of relying on one powerful skill right? Than make it so for the bolter as well. I know your last patch said about Rebalancing weapons perk, but when it come to bolter, perks aren't the only problems.