As many others have pointed out the prestige perks for heavy are extremely underwhelming. Leaning into the worst aspect of the class rather than promoting its strength and identity is bizarre. The only perk that seems to have any value is Conviction - 25% less hp damage for 10 seconds after losing all armor. They somehow messed up the ammo perk as well by having it apply only to the secondary. These absolutely need to be reworked; 4/7 perks affecting melee is ridiculous. 

The changes to contested health are also completely unnecessary and yet another way to punish the class if you take plasma or melta. 

And of course, why is the heavy bolter being nerfed? - "'Heavy Precision' (Artificer tier): Replaced with 'Honed Precision' (Equipped Weapon's Maximum Spread decreases by 50% when firing without aiming)." This is a straight up nerf. Losing out on 10% spread reduction in heavy stance (x2 for 20%) in favor of hipfiring accuracy for the heavy bolter is a terrible trade.