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Vanguard and Sniper class perks and weapon perks feedback

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3 hours ago
Mar 13, 2025, 4:05:52 PM

As a Vanguard/Sniper main, all I can say is that I love the changes so far, however with this build I encountered some bugs, here is my feedback so far:


-Lingering Concealment consumes 2 seconds of your Camo Cloak charge, even though in the description of the perk it is said that you remain invisible for 2 seconds AFTER breaking Camo Cloak; this bug is only present in PTS build

Sniper bolt rifle:

-Reloaded Restoration perk does not work when using the Finisher Reload perk, as soon as you do a finisher, the Finisher Reload perk activates, reloading your weapon, however no ammo is refunded as it should with normal reload with the Reloaded Restoration perk; this is also in the official build happening

-Reloaded Restoration does not work after switching to a secondary weapon, which is kind of bad, considering there are a lot of CQC situations; this also occurs in official build


-I love the addition of Bolt Carbine, however, as it is a CQC weapon, it would be nice if it had Finisher Reload perk as Instigator and Occulus have.

Inferno Pistol:

-One Shot perk says in description that you get 1 cartridge for 50% extra damage, however I saw that in game you still have 2 cartridges

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27 minutes ago
Mar 13, 2025, 6:18:23 PM

Thank you for testing the Sniper ammo regen. It is odd, even in the live version, it has no synergy with itself. And switching weapons as a sniper is mandatory for optimal ability uptime. The ammo regen should continue to track through switching weapons, and the ammo regen should proc on auto reloads as well.

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