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Assault Prestige Perks Feedback

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4 hours ago
Mar 13, 2025, 4:27:51 PM

Many of the Assault prestige perks feel underwhelming - they are either situational or simply quite bland:

Boosted Recharge: "Armour pickups restoring jetpack charge by 25%" – When you find armour drops, in most cases you would give it to the Sniper or Vanguard (with only two bars) if they're on the team. Then, you'd see if another member would need it if they've got no bars remaining. Only then should you take it for yourself. In practice, this could encourage selfish play, with assault players just picking up any armour drops to restore charge when they don't need the armour.

Indomitable Spirit: "Don't lose control upon heavy hits and cannot be knocked back while performing a gunstrike" - This is a great one. A lot of feedback surrounding gunstrikes from all classes is how you can get knocked out of the animation. So this, for a lot of players, will be an autopick. 

Duellist: "Perfect Parry and Perfect Block Windows increased by 25%" - Another good one that applies to the whole run. Also fits the class well, given that it is THE melee class, having a better window to perform either action compliments the class well.

Fortitude: "Health Increases by 15%" - This is... ok? Assault players need the extra survivability, given our reliance on armour upkeep which is manageable. For those struggling with it, having the extra health can help, but for those who can maintain armour, this will not be picked. Still, it has its place as a prestige perk, but it isn't anything that stands out.

Scrambled Targeting: "If surrounded by 5 or more enemies, take 20% less ranged damage" - Another good one, given that Assault should be in the thick of melee combat and this can help out a lot throughout the run. 

Practiced Aim: "Ranged Damage Increases by 20%" - Another 'ok' one that boosts damage of secondary weapon. I can see this being picked to help soften targets before entering melee.

Commendation: "Reviving a squad member restores jump pack charge and all armour" - This is far too situational. It requires a teammate to go down before providing any benefit, meaning it only activates when a run is already in trouble. Sure, a gung-ho all hammer-swinging for the last stand, but not one that'd benefit you the entire run like extra ranged damage and/or duellist."

What we should have for Assault prestige perks are bonuses that compliment the class - i.e: benefits for when in melee combat / benefits for perfect dodging. 

Some ideas would be:

  • Reflexive Reinforcement - Gain an armour segment on a perfect dodge (would allow for flexibility in the 1st column of class perks to move away from armour reinforcement)

  • Promethium Accelerant - A 5-10% ability recharge on perfect dodge

  • Surge Charge - Time to charge an attack decreases by 10-15%

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4 hours ago
Mar 13, 2025, 4:42:23 PM

I like your perk ideas, they would be better additions than some of the other perks mentioned such as Boosted Recharge and Commendation which I agree with your analysis. I personally don't mind Practiced Aim, my damage is usually 60% melee and 40% ranged so boosting ranged damage really helps against target you would prefer not to or cant go into melee with such as Rubric Marines with Flamers, Zoanthropes, Tzaangor Enlightened etc., not to mention that it would also help with restoring more of your contested health. 

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3 hours ago
Mar 13, 2025, 4:55:45 PM

Skylarkin wrote:

I like your perk ideas, they would be better additions than some of the other perks mentioned such as Boosted Recharge and Commendation which I agree with your analysis. I personally don't mind Practiced Aim, my damage is usually 60% melee and 40% ranged so boosting ranged damage really helps against target you would prefer not to or cant go into melee with such as Rubric Marines with Flamers, Zoanthropes, Tzaangor Enlightened etc., not to mention that it would also help with restoring more of your contested health. 

​Thank you, brother. I agree - the ranged damage perk is a solid choice. It’ll help clear Zoans and Chaos more efficiently and weaken melee targets before engagement much faster. I can see many people opting for it, possibly even stacking it with the existing class perk, which, if I recall correctly, has the same effect - so a final boost to secondary damage by 40%?

I just don't think a prestige perk where you ultimately level a class from 1-25 again should be dependent on finding an item or activating upon a bad situation - it should be a 'powerful' perk that either exists for the entire run (such as the ranged damage increase or perfect parry/block window increase) or is easy to proc, like perfect dodging or engaging in melee combat.

Updated 3 hours ago.
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3 hours ago
Mar 13, 2025, 5:13:37 PM

For me, I don't need BOOSTED RECHARGE or DUELLIST.

The other PERKS are valuable to me.

And, I want other PERKS that enhance the strengths of Assault.​

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an hour ago
Mar 13, 2025, 7:24:00 PM

tomi392 wrote:

For me, I don't need BOOSTED RECHARGE or DUELLIST.

The other PERKS are valuable to me.

And, I want other PERKS that enhance the strengths of Assault.​

I'm in agreement, brother. Perks to make us feel powerful and help us in situations we will find ourselves a lot in - e.g: melee combat, dodging.

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