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Resetting perks on prestige

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3 hours ago
Mar 13, 2025, 4:52:52 PM

Just for context, it was confirmed by Mzulft on Discord that the perks on each class are going to reset along with the level when you prestige.

I genuinely think it's a very archaic approach. I understand that it's additional grind for people that want to grind, but it doesn't seem to be the right way to go about this in 2025.

I'd like to discuss some cons and pros for it.


  • More grind makes some people more involved
  • Having to unlock all the skills again gives some "sense of progression"
  • Potentially populating lower difficulties, since perks on each class are back to 0


  • Having to unlock things you've previously unlocked may feel like a chore
  • Playing lower difficulties with all the acquired gamesense and skill will certainly feel like a downgrade from gameplay perspective
  • If the players end up playing on lower difficulties after prestiging, the grind will become slower, due to lower exp gains

I'd like to preface this by saying that I don't mind more grind, and I'd be glad to prestige all of my classes when I get to it, since my main incentive are the rewards (both cosmetic rewards and perks) that you will get from doing so.

But resetting the perks on prestige will considerably drop your power level (much more for some classes than the others),​ making it less plausible to keep playing the game on Lethal/Absolute.

Difficulties lower than Ruthless probably won't be impacted by this, as people will keep playing whatever difficulty they can consistently clear while getting the most exp. And since their weapons also remain untouched on prestige, it will probably be Ruthless+. With maxed out weapons, pretty much anything lower than Ruthless is going to be a walk in the park, especially for people that played long enough, so they might not even go there.

So what's the point of resetting perks, really, outside of just making it more of a hassle for the player?

In contrast, prestige systems in games like Deep Rock Galactic allow you to​ keep all your progress, without resetting anything besides the level, since the players are already incentivized to keep grinding by the rewards.

Please, consider this approach rather than just taking away things that were already previously unlocked. Cheers.

Updated 2 hours ago.
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2 hours ago
Mar 13, 2025, 5:19:59 PM

This is the type of info players need to give good feedback 

Reset to level 1 on prestige level is a huge mistake and people will hate it. 

I don't think it will get more people to play lower difficulties. Would it not be better to use the quick match button to give xp based on level and then make it random on what difficulty match you get. I think people would be much more open to some thing like that. Down side would be it may feel crappy as a new player when high level players are in those matches.


Updated 2 hours ago.
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2 hours ago
Mar 13, 2025, 5:25:59 PM

I second this.

I dare even say, its in the great grind that prestige will bring that I intend on trying different builds.

But if I domt have the perks, guess the builds wont be complete... At most I can try some weapon combinations and whatnot...

At the very least, and this is barely helping much... keep the team perks and signature perks unlocked...

Those tend to be good for teambuilding and worth no being a pain for your teammates, as well as more generic and less build centric perks. 

But really... just let us have the perks and have fun...

Last idea, give prestige ranks an innate EXP Boost!

This would reduce the grind pain, IF YOU REALLY REALLY WANT THAT SABER, but exp is not just for the class, is also for weapons, and I feel many weapons can feel weak beause you have to level them up to make them good. But that takes time and you can lose interest half way through.

Ideas Ideas, but we just want the fun!

no need to take our toys away Saber!

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2 hours ago
Mar 13, 2025, 5:26:32 PM

Skeletalsam wrote:

This is the type of info players need to give good feedback 

Reset to level 1 on prestige level is a huge mistake and people will hate it. 

I don't think it will get more people to play lower difficulties. Would it not be better to use the quick match button to give xp based on level and they make it random on what difficulty match you get. I think people would be much more open to some thing like that. Down side would be it may feel crappy as a new player when high level players are in those matches.


Genuinely, the idea behind "prestige" systems in general is to give people that want to keep playing the game more stuff to work for. Or to keep players playing longer to work for said stuff.

I think it's not a bad thing in general, and resetting back to 1 objectively means nothing if you keep your perks, and you can still keep grinding while gaining more rewards, on whatever difficulty you'd like to.

But lowering the powerlevel means those difficulties, the ones you previously worked to get into, may become impossible for you again. And that's not fun at all, imo.

DRG really approached the progression in a beautiful manner in this regard.

Updated 2 hours ago.
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2 hours ago
Mar 13, 2025, 5:39:59 PM

I agree. Resetting perks for EACH prestige level is anti-fun, especially considering having to do it for each of the SIX classes.

My suggestion: Each of the first three prestige perks requires an amount of experience equal to 25 character level, without resetting the usual perks. But the last prestige perk requires a complete reset to make it a kind of final challenge - also, you could add some additional achievement on Steam, for those who like such things.

In sum, it would even be fun to re- level up each character once, but no more, please.

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2 hours ago
Mar 13, 2025, 5:53:27 PM

It all depends on the reset is it just reset to level 1 and you lose all class perks? If it resets weapons too that is pretty huge

I have already reset perks on 1 class and I am now level 1 and I sure am not going to level it to 25 to test the 1 perk I think will be broken over powered I hope that is changed in the PTS so we can test more.

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an hour ago
Mar 13, 2025, 6:54:42 PM
Prestiging back to level 1 would give me reason to play Absolute, as I can get more XP from it besides just being a fun gamemode. But now I can't because I'll lose the class defining perks, I hope they change this.

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26 minutes ago
Mar 13, 2025, 7:22:32 PM
HoruSOW wrote:
Prestiging back to level 1 would give me reason to play Absolute, as I can get more XP from it besides just being a fun gamemode. But now I can't because I'll lose the class defining perks, I hope they change this.
Exactly this 😫
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