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MkIV Studded Pauldron on the Wrong Shoulder

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a day ago
Mar 13, 2025, 6:00:39 PM

Title says it all, the molecular bonding studded MkIV Maximus pauldron is on the "wrong" shoulder per traditional depiction. Below are the official GW MkIV Space Marine miniatures, which have the studded pauldron on the left shoulder, just like the studded MkVI Corvus pauldron is. It's pretty glaring to me personally as studded pauldrons are one of my favorite pieces of Astartes armor, but I think the best solution would be to have it available on both shoulders. Traditionally however, it is indeed on the left, not the right as currently implemented. Not the biggest thing in the world, but it's a pretty obvious mistake. I would love to see this corrected. mk4 reference.png

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a day ago
Mar 13, 2025, 6:15:46 PM

​Came here to second this! Would love to have more options for horus heresy vibes. Appreciate y'all taking the time to review the feedback.

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9 hours ago
Mar 14, 2025, 6:55:43 PM

This is not likely to be corrected: Primaris marines wearing Mk X armour display their chapter heraldry on the left pauldron (except for those serving in the Deathwatch). GW is very strict about stuff like this, so I don't anticipate the "relic" Mk V-VI pauldron to be usable on the left side.

I'm not even sure what pauldron this is meant to represent, since the Mk V and VI pauldrons did not have a raised trim like the Mk X. But GW OK'ed it, so it must be something!

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7 hours ago
Mar 14, 2025, 8:18:31 PM
Sarigar wrote:

This is not likely to be corrected: Primaris marines wearing Mk X armour display their chapter heraldry on the left pauldron (except for those serving in the Deathwatch). GW is very strict about stuff like this, so I don't anticipate the "relic" Mk V-VI pauldron to be usable on the left side.

I'm not even sure what pauldron this is meant to represent, since the Mk V and VI pauldrons did not have a raised trim like the Mk X. But GW OK'ed it, so it must be something!

Can we stop with the "It's totally GW guys, clearly they are the one responsible here" every time the devs make a silly choice?

First of all, there never was, and never will be any rules from GW that SOMEHOW primaris couldn't have studded pauldron on the left side. Marines ALWAYS wore their chapter heraldry on that side, even before the primaris so nothing changed here.

Then there is the fact that all paudrons where always meant to be used interchangeably on both sides (something SM2 should really, REALLY allow us to do).

Sarigar wrote:

I'm not even sure what pauldron this is meant to represent, since the Mk V and VI pauldrons did not have a raised trim like the Mk X. But GW OK'ed it, so it must be something!

The guy LITERALLY showed you a MKIV unit. Why are you even talking about V and VI?
And anyway, studded pauldrons are not even a specific mark of armour, it's can be done on ANY marks, but the most iconic is the MK V and VI since it was armors used during the heresy, where the need to rely on cheap repairs like molecular bonds was the most pressing, but even to this days it's done on Primaris armors to.


Literally GW itself.

(notice on the guy even have it on his left shoulder here, on this VERY official MacFarlene model)

You can even see on that cover art of this box a left studded shoulder pad.

In fact you'd have a harder time to find a right than left studden shoulder pad, and the reason is simple: that's usually the shoulder facing the enemy, and thus the one that takes the most damage and require more repair.

So please, never cook again.

Op is right, that shoulder pad should be a left shoulder pad, but honestly there is no reason to not just give us both (or rather we should be able to use any shoudler pad on both sides).

Updated 7 hours ago.
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