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Prestige Class Perk Feedback for every Class

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a day ago
Mar 13, 2025, 9:39:38 PM

Look, i know everyone got their own opinion on this, this is mine:


Dunno, who at the office is the Vanguard fanboy, but I think you guys need to have an intervention at this point. The Vanguard has more than enough sustain.

Battlefield Awareness

How about instead of 20% more damage sub 8 meters, you give some more ammo to the Melta. I do not know why you need to make a perk that makes one of the strongest weapons in the game even stronger? Like, is your idea that everyone is just running Melta at this point, i am asking because the 20% more damage won't make much difference for the Bolt options but it makes the Melta even stronger than it already is.

Why not make this a generic +20% ammo perk instead?

Exigency Charge

How often do you really run around with that less health on the Vanguard? like, seriously, everyone runs this Class with the Regain Health on Executes, this means that the amount of time you will have 25% or less health is so few and far in between that you could make this a 100% recharge bonus and it still would likely not play much of a role.

Indominable Spirit

Its fine. Underwhelming, but fine. And i know you want Gunstrikes to be a risk reward thing, but i honestly would rather have Invulnerability frames, than just a stagger resistance for the few seconds of the Gunstrike. What kills you on the higher level, when you misjudge the Gunstrike is the fact that your armor dies, not that you get staggered. Not like you get armor on a Gunstrike anyway, with the Vanguard.


Should be a 1st Tier feat.

Launch Restoration

So, if i grapple to execute, i get an armor segment, my grapple back and another armor segment? Like, don't you think that is a bit much? How about you give a 3rd Grappling Hook Charge instead?


Again with the Sustain. Why remove the pretense and simply say you get 1 additional armor segment here? At least that wouldn't mean i can just melta into a horde and between melee swings, to regain armor.

Well Equipped

What a useless perk. Seriously, you nerf'd the usefulness of Equipment in Operations to hell and back, because you don't want people to use equipment damage on the Bosses. And the Frag Grenades already kill everything... Krak grenades kill everything. What is this damage bonus for? Where is this instance where you'd actually benefit from this extra 20% damage? It's not going to be Terminus and they are about the only thing where it actually would matter.


You ran out of ideas on this one, didn't you?


Oh wow... 10% more damage. How riveting, and to get it i need to do headshots, which potentially means my instakill Feat will be on cooldown for when i truly need it.

How about instead of an extra 10% damage, you make this feat remove the cooldown of the Instakill On Headshot feat and limit it to Extremis? You know, that way you get rewarded for managing to Auspex Scan multiple extremis and be able to precision kill them quickly. Thus maintaining the skill feat of you headshotting people, adding on precision with the Auspex Scan.

Skilled Supplier

10% more ammo... on a Class where you regain Ammo on executes... what a useless perk. Even if you don't pick the feat to regain ammo on executes, it would still be useless. That's what... 10 to 20 more rounds? Have you actually played this game?

Second Look

This should have been in there on default, and will become the new defacto default pick for this Class.

Spare Power

Pointless Perk is pointless. Decapitation is the only instance in this game where i would say that could be useful, to increase the Uptime of Auspex scan versus the Hive Tyrant. But then again, i can also just go perfect parry her.


Meh, but the 2nd best Perk in the whole lot. And that is a damning statement if there ever was one. When the idea of getting 25% more health back with a health stim is the 2nd best option, after not wasting your Auspex scan, is the most "excitement" this class offers.

Steel Within

It's fine i guess. 15% damage reduction doesn't really excite me, considering how little it seems to matter on Lethal and Up, but meh.

Exigency Charge

I suppose its more useful than the Vanguard. Still doesn't excite me. How about you would have given the Tactical some sustain here? Maybe armor regain on gun strikes?


Emperor's Grace

This is a useful feat. It's pointless for the Sniper playstyle but it definitely is a useful feat to have when you play them as close ranged Ambusher.

Versatile Precision

What a useless perk. Hey, can i trade this for a "regain 1 magazine on 10 headshots" Perk? Who needs all these spread reduction perks when you are aiming most of the time anyway?!

Boosted Recharge

Not quite as useless as a -25% spread perk, but is very close second. It's a photo finish on this one, in a race to the bottom. Fortunately nobody will ever notice as everyone will be running Emperor's Grace.


I am so excited to read that you will continue to maintain the playstyle where the Sniper will spend more of their time running with a Bolt pistol instead of their primary weapon. This is just sad. How about a 100% damage boost, every 15 seconds, to the Primary weapon instead? So that you can be sure to oneshot whatever you are shooting at? Or how about a Perk that increases your damage based on the time you spend aiming? Like if you have 10 seconds to aim, its 100% damage. That way the sad amount of ammo you carry will at least be sure to hit like a truck.

Adrenalin Boost

Are you actually playing this class? After that perfect dodge everyone is gonna be invisible and invulnerable for 2 seconds. Have you actually played the Sniper in Melee? They ain't a bulwark that is standing their ground. You'll be dodging away after the first combo, regardless of whether you perfect dodged or struck anyway, because you simply cannot take the hits. But for some reason you seem to think we'd be standing around, getting wailed on. This is a prestige class perk. Can we stop designing them for newbies that don't know how to control their character yet? How about, instead of this one, you give them the Bulwark perk of not being staggered as long as they have armor... that would be way more useful, as you could then risk taking a shot, without having your cloak read.


2nd best Pick in the list, which isn't saying much. It's fine.

Exacting Focus

Its fine.


This one is just depressing me.

Boosted Recharge

So... when i am playing Lethal, and get to see maybe 2 or 3 of these, and don't leave them for my teammates... i will get 25% recharge bonus. Yeah, hell needs to freeze over for me to ever pick this Perk, or any like it.

Indominable Spirit

It's fine. Nothing exciting.


This is gonna be the pick everyone picks, always. It's fine, nothing exciting. Guess the Vanguard Fanboy allowed someone else to have this one.


Oh wow, 15% more heazzzzzzZZZZZZzzzzzz, oh sorry, i nodded off. Where was I? Oh right, FortiduzzzzzZZZZZzzzzzz.....

Scrambled Targeting

Why only when surrounded? I mean, its fine but this should be in 1st Tier.

Practiced Aim

It's fine, should be in 1st Tier.


Not as comatose inducing as Fortitude, but this is the Tier 3 Perk? Are you for real? This is what people should work towards, a perk that builds upon your teammates going down for the count? Here is an idea, how about instead of this one, you give it a "Regenerate 1 Armor segment every 40 seconds"? Or how about it does something for the person being revived? How often does this really happen? I mean, how bad does this run need to be for me to have a chance to benefit from this more than once or twice?


Gotta ask, was this supposed to be the Bulwark Prestige Perk Tree? Or is this an early april fools joke with the Prestige Perks being Melee focused on the one Class that already is disadvantaged on melee...


So, when i stomp through the level, because i am out of ammo, due to the fact that you couldn't give me a proper ammo pool, i am now a little less useless by being able to Stomp walk through the level... what a riveting Prestige Perk. Feels super Prestigious.

Auxiliary Reload

So, instead of fixing the ammo issue, i am getting 1 magazine for my Sidearm back... but only 1 Magazine.. and only on Extremis enemies... provided i melee kill them. Before Lethal extremis aren't even numerous enough for people to make use of this perk. And you expect the heavy, from the backline to sprint forward for the execute? Maybe the idea is that since its a heavy they are already in the front line stomp walking through the level and thus will easily get those Melee Kills off of the Bulwark and the other 3 Melee classes. That being said, there are enough times that i am executing Extremis on Absolute for this perk to be not entirely useless. But know what i would rather have had? Ammo for my MAIN GUN.


Well, at least its not a Tier 2 feat. Probably the most useful feat in the Tier 1 list... and that is sad. Probably would pick the Auxillary Reload, personally, as we are playing enough Absolute to make that feat eek out a victory here.

Exponential Force

So, i can use Prestige Classes to boost my Melee damage by 125%, as i am stomp walking through the level... because apparently this is what the most Veteran of the Heavies are doing. Stomp, Stomp, Stomp... forget about your primary gun... the Heavy is now a Melee Class... stomping and using the sidearm. Who phoned this one in? Did the Intern work on this one? Like, i am starting to get strong "my homework is due tomorrow, but i want to play some monster hunter, so i am copy pasting weapon perks" vibe here.

Best Defense

Am i glad that my Melee Heavy will take less damage as i melee the enemy.

Restorative Capacity

The first Perk in this entire list that makes me think someone actually realized that this is the heavy class.


Yep, i am stomp walking through the level.


The Prestige Tree that should be swapped with the Heavy.

Auxiliary Reload

Doesn't get much better here, than what i had to say about this for the Heavy, but at least here it makes sense, given that you are a melee class.


Maybe once you remove the Banner Heal this will be more useful, for the moment i just don't see the point, on a class everyone plays full healing themselves with executes.


Doesn't excite me, but its fine.

Powerful Shot

It's fine. You only have your sidearm. Its boring but fine. But why ever would you pick this over Masterful Defense?

Masterful Defense

Healing Banner is back. All you need to do is get shot by Deathspitters or some Gaunts and you'll be ready for that heal.

Standard Bearer

This could be useful, if we ever use something other than the heal banner. Alas, for the time being people will be super toxic if you don't heal with your Banner... so meh. Even after that, why ever would you pick this over Masterful Defense?

Rally Point

Its fine. That being said, why is thier a Tier 3 perk? At Tier 3 i would expect it to "confirm" contested health, in addition to removing the negative effects. And yes, i am well aware that this means that the Heal Banner then would no longer restore contested health, but instead give you a full heal, without need to confirm it. But to me, that would be worth a Tier 3 Prestige Perk. After all, you have to jump through a lot of hoops to get here.


I am extremely underwhelmed with the Perks in general. Its the same miniscule, boring % advantages. Instead of truly changing up the playstyle (with exception of the Heavy, which you seem to be desperate to make into a Melee Class at this point), its boring non upgrades. Nothing that truly changes how the class is used. No additional charges to the abilities. Like giving a 3rd or a 4th Jump pack charge, to really up the mobility of the Assault and let people use the dodge and the ground pound. No additional grappling hooks... the ability to regain the Auspex scan when you missed it, should be standard for the ability, ... and the Sniper gets nothing that makes them more a sniper.

These Prestige Classes could have been the opportunity to give sustain to classes that have none. Let other Classes get their hands on the "regain health on execute" or the regain primary weapon of the Tactical. There is no ability that synergizes with team feats...

Like why isn't there a Perk that makes the Vanguard "execute extremis, regain 20% health" from a team feat that only applies on a personal feat level to a "everyone in the party regains 20% health, regardless of who does the executing" perk. Like Boosting the use of the Team feat to make sure that when someone executes the extremis everyone benefits and not just those that spam the Activate button? Or why doesn't the Assault get a Perk that restores health to everyone when they execute a Terminus enemy? Or the Tactical or Bulwark could have a Perk where executing a Majority everyone around them in.. 5 or 10 meter gain 10% contested health.

Instead we get 10% more damage, and take 25% less damage if you are already sucking so bad that you won't survive anyway. When i hear Prestige Class Perks, then i imagine stuff that actually is worth going to the trouble obtaining. Like hard choices... do i want the ability to regenerate ammo or do i want my team to regenerate equipment charges when i do? That sort of stuff.

As it stands, i am extremely disappointed with what i have seen.

Updated a day ago.
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a day ago
Mar 13, 2025, 11:34:25 PM

underwhelming I am fine with as I don't want some of the strongest prestige perks to be how most of the prestige perks are, I feel like for the most part many of the characters are plenty capable of handling all the difficulties and threats and that a focus on having the prestige perks be more in line with all of each other instead of gradually becoming stronger or sometimes not doing that and adding useless bonuses, stuff like 10% increased damage, 15% increased hp, and even the no stagger on gun strikes are what I like to see, what I don't like to see is picking up armor charges(a rare item), barely filling an ability same thing with tac's ammo pickup to get ability charge, or things that don't fit the classes at all, first off heavys main weakness is absolutely not his lack of being able to melee his guns are effective at every range, especially point blank, giving him 3 traits for meleeing makes no sense whatsoever

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