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Heavy Prestige Perks.

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2 days ago
Mar 14, 2025, 12:19:36 AM

The intense melee focus around the heavy's prestige perks is not motivating at all to try and grind for. I understand the intent to boost the heavy's utility outside of shooting but he is legitimately the only class that doesnt have a melee weapon. The charged stomp is sufficient enough to privide breathing room to either rearm or fallback to more capable teammates. 

Id suggest sustainability perks that center around ammunition regain or ability charge perks that dont lean solely on melee. One or two melee perks is fine enough but I dont main heavy for his melee. I main him because i like shredding enemies with big guns. Perhaps a perk that allows for buffing damage against a single target thats been pinged. For example, a Carnifex has been pinged by a teammate. I think there should be a perk that helps me keep that withering fire on that target.

Another idea for the heavy is increasing his iron halo to cover more ground. Many times have i pushed into a hallway with enemy fire threatening teammates that id rather burn my ability charge to spearhead a charge while my brothers keep just behind me in a protected push. If this could be enlarged further to help shield a wider area then i can see the heavy being a true bastion of fire.

I can understand if the idea of the current perks is that the heavy is too good at shooting and perks around may make him OP, but he is legitimately the only class without a melee weapon. Let him be good at the one option he has. If a team lets their heavy be swarmed then thats a failure on the team and a loss is warranted. But if a heavy cant provide supporting fire due to lack of ammo to an assault or vanguard push, then its a failure on the heavy and the team will be punished. 

Let the heavy be good at being a heavy. After all, Big Guns Never Tire.

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2 days ago
Mar 14, 2025, 12:36:18 AM

As fun/funny as being a big stompy marine sounds, I agree that it's not very entertaining or endearing in the long run.

Realistically you very rarely rely on your melee stomps in the first place, despite them actually being very good. And you do that mostly when you are surrounded, just to give some breathing room, like you've said.

I just wish they could've instead provided something to improve the shooting experience. Like faster wind up times, more accuracy after X action, or any other buffs that improve the gameplay feel/teamplay and don't directly improve the damage output (I think heavy is in a really good place in that regard)

Restorative Capacity would've been nice if it worked for the whole team, and maybe provided a small defensive buff or something.

Auxilary Reload perhaps would've been better if it procced on a Majoris or higher, on any kill, and was on a cooldown instead, so you get a better chance for it to proc (lol melee extremis kills with a heavy)

The rest of the perks are kind of depressing...

Updated 2 days ago.
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a day ago
Mar 14, 2025, 1:21:01 AM

A good way to make perks for heavy that aren't just bonus damage for gun would be better ammo regen.
Something like:
+100% gained from ammo pick up.
+50% side arm ammo reserve.

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2 hours ago
Mar 15, 2025, 11:27:32 AM

i actually like the heavy prestige perks, they make the class a little less one dimensional. full prestige heavy melee is strong. i would switch maybe the ammo for extremis to some emperors vengance light perk so he could generate some ammo more reliable.

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an hour ago
Mar 15, 2025, 11:50:42 AM

Astartes wrote:

i actually like the heavy prestige perks, they make the class a little less one dimensional. full prestige heavy melee is strong. i would switch maybe the ammo for extremis to some emperors vengance light perk so he could generate some ammo more reliable.

Let me ask you, what is the main class that you play in this game?

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