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Perk resets sound fun! Some suggestions to make the process more appealing

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26 minutes ago
Mar 15, 2025, 1:06:17 AM

Many seem to be surprised by the idea that perks will be resetting when we prestige our classes, whereas I imagine those familiar with the term's origins have been expecting this since the initial roadmap. Personally, I'm very much looking forward to experiencing the low-level gameplay again, and seeing how far I can push the difficulty relying solely on my weapons. I'd be pretty bummed if this wasn't actually the case, and these were glorified Paragon levels. Having perks remain unlocked defeats the purpose of a prestige system and makes the level reset meaningless, it would make more sense to just increase the level cap at that point. However, I can empathize with those players really do not want to play with zero perks again if they never enjoyed the leveling process in the first place.

In my opinion, it's an optional system that provides a minor benefit to those who choose to participate in it, but I think finding a middle ground would make this more appealing for those players who dread the idea of leveling their classes again while still keeping the interesting dynamic of having to overcome a power reset. Here are a few suggestions:

Make the process of releveling faster

-You could implement a passive XP bonus after prestiging

-This bonus could scale with your prestige rank, making the process faster every time

-Alternatively, no XP bonus, and each prestige could put you back to a higher level (first to 1, second to 3, so on)

-This would retain the intended experience while making it go by a bit faster for those who find it unappealing

Allow players to choose one perk to unlock permanently with each prestige

-When you prestige, you'd be given the option to select a perk to keep unlocked after resetting

-This could carry over between prestige ranks, so after your third prestige you would have 3 perks of your choice available at level 1

-This would provide another interesting dynamic, allowing for players to make meaningful, personalized choices throughout the process

Similar, leave Team and Signature perks unlocked

-This would allow you to keep using certain core perks while still feeling a power reset

-Team perks in particular would reduce tension in joining higher difficulty operations with players who are appropriately leveled

-Alternatively this could be a gradual process similar to the previous suggestion, you'd start with one team perk, then one team perk and one signature, so on

I wouldn't mind if no changes are made at all, but if a change is made to the currently planned system, my preference would be that it look something like my second suggestion here. At the end of the day I'll be happy with anything so long as the experience of a meaningful power reset is retained in some form.

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16 minutes ago
Mar 15, 2025, 1:17:00 AM

its a ton of grind. i just want to play at max diff with everything unlocked. i get 0, and i mean 0, fun out of the grinding part. 

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11 minutes ago
Mar 15, 2025, 1:21:55 AM

Mosch wrote:

its a ton of grind. i just want to play at max diff with everything unlocked. i get 0, and i mean 0, fun out of the grinding part. 

To each their own! For me, that's one of the most enjoyable aspects of the game. As it stands, I don't think you're going to notice that much of a difference if you decide not to go for the prestige rewards (the difficulties aren't getting any harder, and we're getting various other buffs), but I'd be happy to find a middle-ground if they decide to change it.

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