Previously, with the fencing thunder hammer perked out a certain way, along with the combination of precision strike and pride in duty or diligence activated, we could one shot tyranid majoris on ground pound. Leading to a very rewarding and enjoyable gameplay loop that required a bit of skill to get into in the first place. With the change/rework of tyranid slayer on thunder hammer, this is no longer possible as you cannot reach the necessary breakpoint. Essentially this has now made an already difficult to master class unfun and has discouraged me to play it (already I would not pick it for chaos missions. But with the aforementioned build it was OK to take on Tyranis maps). If one takes a glance at reddit or even SM2 discord, the general consensus is that the assault is already the weakest class. This change just makes it worse. Makes me pretty sad as this is another fun element that has been essentially nerfed out.