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Power Fist perk hard to tell if it is working as intended

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9 hours ago
Mar 15, 2025, 8:41:38 PM

Used Balanced power fist on my bulwark I have not tried the other variants but assume it wouldn't' make a difference. Initial charged attack auto releases at  2 seconds - normally you press and hold again if you want to and get a charged backfist then back to regular charged attack. This isn't happening on pts after initial charged attack manual or auto released the backfist wont charge and follows through like a normal heavy attack and the 3rd attack of the chain does the same so only one charged attack then you have to stop and reset no follow through is allowed if that makes any sense, I tested it on live and it is different or broken on pts or alternatively the new perk tree that says backfist can be performed instantly after the initial charged attack is this a normal backfist attack or a fully charged backfist- the point being if its a normal backfist but instant it is removing the ability to chain charge attacks and not allowing the 3rd in the chain to charge at all . I am not seeing evidence of the power wave from the backfist - can anyone confirm they experience this? I hope I am explaining this properly. thanks for any feedback.

Updated 9 hours ago.
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6 hours ago
Mar 15, 2025, 11:45:11 PM

I can inform you brother rest easy, Yes the new perk talent "following blow" that allows you to do instant backfist 1 and 2 will always trigger after said charged attack thrust jab and hammer hook (has to be a charged attack in order to trigger this perk and doesn't matter if its a half charge 1x charge or 2x charge they will all trigger this perk , normal light attack will not. After a charge attack (any one of the 3 charged variants) back fist will trigger at half charge lvl (still considered a charged attack but the lowest dmg one possible) for reference this charged attack does around 60-70 dmg depending on perk set up and PF type, This will never change so even if you charge up a x2 max power fist charge the best you will get on the following back fist is a half charged attack (60-70dmg one) when speced into this perk. So the bottom line is if this messes with your attack rhythms and you find it clunky then best spec out of this perk and then all your normal expectation from current live perform as expected, for some people this perk can be good (depending on how you use your PF) example something you need to kill has around 250hp left, the most quickest and efficient way to do this would be to charge up a lvl 1 powerfist attack (180 dmg give or take 10 dmg) then follow it up with a back first instant (following blow perk) doing 60-70 dmg and then putting said creature into execute state. If how ever you didnt have that perk you would have to do another half charge attack that wasnt instant to net the same result at slightly more time. my point is its swings and round abouts this perk can work for or against you depending on hp break points. At all times with the PF your looking to achieve they least amount of charged attacks at the quickest time to bring something into execute state. I hope this helps I know all this due to extensive testing. and will leave you will approx dmg numbers for the 3 charged states. half charge 60-70, 1x charge 180-200, 2x charge 270-320 . the variation is due to perks and PF type, Best is the artificer block one followed by the balanced relic one. Currently in PTS the artificer block one is the only one now that can do a max charged attack and bring a major (tyranid 308hp) to execute state with the correct perks in place of course. on Live balance PF could also do this but PTS we lost 10% net dmg through perks meaning balance fist lost that break point and is now doing 290 ish dmg. I hope this helps.

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