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Add Power Sword to Tactical Class

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2 days ago
Mar 15, 2025, 11:10:26 PM

​Going off your guys idea of giving more weapons to the classes, the Power Sword should be made available to the Tactical Class in the PTS (and the full patch once you guys release it). This is because the tactical class only has one melee weapon and it becomes rather stale to always use it. Giving the tactical class the power sword will help add variety. Additionally, I am personally creating an Imperial Fist Primaris Captain and all the images I see of him on Google, he has a power sword so if given the sword, it would better help me make my character more lore accurate

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2 days ago
Mar 16, 2025, 2:37:51 AM

Ahhh Yes, I completely forgot about the combat knife coming to the tactical class. While having to weapons is better than one, I still believe that giving the power sword to the tactical class will further add variety regardless on my personal reason as stated above.

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2 days ago
Mar 16, 2025, 2:50:29 AM

Mhmm. Agreed. It should get it, I would like Vanguard to get it as well, but, if only 1 of the 2 were the choices. I'd say give it to tac.

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a day ago
Mar 16, 2025, 7:33:38 PM

I agree, I would like to see it  on the Tactical as well. Atleast add it on the test server to see how  it  functions with the class and go from there

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a day ago
Mar 16, 2025, 7:50:09 PM

Barricade133 wrote:

Mhmm. Agreed. It should get it, I would like Vanguard to get it as well, but, if only 1 of the 2 were the choices. I'd say give it to tac.

Ecytly my opinion. With the power sword tactical could cosplay as the primaris captain model with stalker or auto bolt rifle and power sword, even including the helmet crest :D

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8 hours ago
Mar 17, 2025, 5:59:28 PM

BBB__ wrote:

Barricade133 wrote:

Mhmm. Agreed. It should get it, I would like Vanguard to get it as well, but, if only 1 of the 2 were the choices. I'd say give it to tac.

Ecytly my opinion. With the power sword tactical could cosplay as the primaris captain model with stalker or auto bolt rifle and power sword, even including the helmet crest :D

Yeah I'm of the same opinion; would love to role-play as an intercessor sergeant, or even a primaris captain as you say.

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