"When grapnel launcher is in cool down, Weapon damage increases by 15%"

I like the concept of this perk, But currently both on live and PTS in order for this perk to trigger both charges have to be used. As a result I don't believe this perk is getting picked at all because good vanguards aren't going to blow through there 2 charges just to enable this perk. Wouldn't it be more sensible to have this perk trigger on recharge (not complete cooldown), allowing the perk to be active after just using 1 grapnel as opposed to 2. This seems like a sensible change and would improve the pick rate of this perk. In its current form Its to punishing and rare to trigger as at most times vanguards are getting back 1 charge fairly quickly. Please consider this sensible change, Also the description of the perk is deceptive as a lot of people think its works the way I'm proposing, not the way its actually does to there disappointment.