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Feedback After Experiencing the PTR Server

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a day ago
Mar 16, 2025, 3:29:02 PM

​1. Power Sword's Base Performance Buff

Currently, the Power Sword is overly reliant on the Bulwark class's parry perk. Assault-class players, even when using Ground Pound, perform significantly worse than Bulwark-class players with parry. As a result, the Power Sword in the hands of an Assault-class character is an inferior weapon compared to the Chainsword. The weapon either needs a base performance buff or a more refined perk tree; otherwise, the Power Sword will remain nothing more than a parrying stick for the Bulwark class. Even this is largely dependent on Intimidating Aura.

2. HBR Headshot Damage Buff for Heavy Class

I don't think I even need to explain this one. The HBR in the test server isn't even a downgraded version of the Heavy Bolter—it's outright ineffective. There needs to be a clear distinction between the two weapons. A headshot damage buff would maximize the advantages of the HBR's superior accuracy. It should have a similar TTK (Time to Kill) to the Heavy Bolter while being effective at longer ranges.

3. Two Terminus Should Spawn Separately in Different Areas

On Absolute difficulty, the number of enemies is already overwhelming, and the arrival of a Terminus is accompanied by various other enemies. Having two Terminus spawn in the same location would make the game excessively chaotic, harm intuitive combat flow, and make it far too difficult to respond to enemies effectively.

4. Assault Class Prestige Does Not Synergize with Jump Pack

The Assault class's Jump Pack Prestige is overwhelmingly worse when compared to the Tactical class's Auspex Payback. At this rate, there’s no reason to even use a Jump Pack. I have significant complaints about the Jump Pack's performance. While I respect the developers' combat design, the Jump Pack is an ability that inherently carries risk from the moment it is activated due to the aggressive dive into enemy lines. Even if it restores 25% Armor, it does not significantly improve the Assault class’s survivability, which many players find insufficient. Didn't the developers mention that the difficulty would increase? Then take a look at the Assault class's pick rate in Absolute difficulty. Additionally, Ground Pound is being directly compared to the Heavy class’s Stomp, despite being an ability.

5. Discrepancies Between Community Patch Notes and Backend Values

There are frequent inconsistencies between the patch notes provided to the community and the actual numerical values in the backend.

6. Additional Feedback from My Acquaintances

   (While these are not my personal opinions, I agree with them and believe they are important.)

    1. Reliquary's Ammo Supply Is Insufficient

        Chaos missions inherently consume a large amount of ammo. However, on Absolute difficulty, ammo resupply is noticeably lacking, making the shortage even more frustrating. 

    2. Bulwark’s Armor Material Customization

        Add Iron Halo customization options for each class.

    3. Overall Bolter Damage Buff 

       The 5% buffs are appreciated, but in backend numbers, it’s only a 0.5 increase, which is negligible. This kind of incremental update is exhausting for players (especially OBR users).             The grenade launcher was nerfed and now suffers from insufficient ammo. If this issue isn't addressed, at least buff Bolter firepower.

    4. Assault Class Ability Cooldown Buff

        Apply Wings of Flame as a default ability and introduce a new Perk instead.

    5. Majoris Behavior Adjustment

        When its head turns red, it should use melee attacks more frequently. Currently, it often just shoots continuously without stagger, making melee classes helpless.

    6. Chaos Enemies Should Have a Synaptic Link Equivalent

    7. Tactical Prowess - Grapnel Launcher Finisher Needs a Visual Indicator

        Since keyboard and mouse players do not use lock-on, they cannot see enemy HP like controller players can. This needs a fix.

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19 hours ago
Mar 16, 2025, 7:39:24 PM

Hard agree with everything. Well put. 

Particularly agree with the additional feedback section 3, 4, and 5.

3. I have been saying this since they first buffed something by 5%, that is essentially nothing given the damage numbers on the backend. Them increasing perks from 5% to 10% was much needed and felt more impactful because 10% tends to give +1-3 which is then further boosted by class perks so 1.0 becomes 1.3 but .5 becomes .65 with the same +30% (hypothetical obviously) so the 5% increase leading to .5 means basically nothing.

4. Absolutely, Assault should be able to use the jump pack as often as a sniper can go in and out of stealth. Rewarding use of the ability to perfect dodge with continued use of the ability feels really good but you have to not take the perk to get back charge on ground pound kill, a perk that makes jump pack use basically a free frag grenade into minoris groups.

5. Ranged enemies receiving the aggression buff is a death sentence to melee. All ranged majoris have a melee attack or three they can use and they should swap to almost exclusively using those if a player is within 5m of them, otherwise they unload at point-blank and down the player in one second with basically zero recourse for the player but to panic roll since they can't stun them out of it. It feels TERRIBLE when it happens. Alternatively just make them hit harder but not gain the insane stagger resist (leave that as a melee-only buff). 

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