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console players on test - make it happen if possible please

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a day ago
Mar 16, 2025, 3:31:04 PM

Hoping this is in the works or can even happen - testing weapons and class perks solo is not optimal and the matchmaking on ruthless is non existent - personally i do not want to test on lower difficulty - if the majority of people are testing in lethal or absolute - sound off , it isnt my first choice of difficulty but if its hopping i will give it a shot.

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a day ago
Mar 16, 2025, 4:27:54 PM

I don't think this is something that's going to happen, because (as far as I know) console title updates on their own have to go through very strict and lengthy verification processes before they can even be published.

Doubt it's feasible to release a PTS on consoles considering this.

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a day ago
Mar 16, 2025, 4:31:34 PM

Bummer, i appreciate the feedback i know a large percentage of our battle brothers are console users and probably a large reason the match making is non existent many times

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20 hours ago
Mar 16, 2025, 7:19:01 PM

HomerJay wrote:

On PC it require to download all game again.......so I currently sit on 2 SM2 separate instalations!

Exactly! Console players would also have to download the entire game again which let's face it most wouldn't want that anyway so not worth the effort of setting it up. (at least how it currently works, why they didn't simply set up a PTR inside the existing game as many other games have done instead of an entirely separate game a=with an entirely separate server, I don't know. It was probably easier that way) They only put it out on PC because of how much people were asking for it. It went to steam and not EOS because steam is easier to set up/rent servers from.

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16 minutes ago
Mar 17, 2025, 2:33:23 PM

Hello, unfortunately we won't be able to port the PTS to consoles for various technical reasons. This is something we have explored but that can't be done without putting us to much behind our schedule

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