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I’m just venting

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a day ago
Sep 18, 2024, 3:07:58 PM

Back when the game first came out, I played only PVP. Yes, I played it because the matches were short, and I could unlock gear quickly. Some days, I had to play the same class repeatedly just to unlock everything, which was pretty torturous. The first time I played PVP, yes, it was fun, but that was it.

As for PVE, I've already played through every stage, every difficulty, or whatever. Yes, I played it all day, but now, in the past couple of days, I've played PVE only twice, and it's already reached my limit. After 108 hours, I'm seriously bored—really bored. This is quite different from Darktide, where the replayability is much more diverse, and there's a feeling of shouting, “Blood for the Emperor! Skulls for the Golden Throne!” It gets me hyped up! And it took over 600 hours before I got bored with that game, even though it updates super slowly.

But for Space Marine 2’s PVE, no matter how many maps you add, the potential for replayability is zero—it’s just empty. To sum it up for those who want a short version: it’s boring. I’m just venting about Space Marine 2. As for the upcoming Darktide update, I’ll probably uninstall Space Marine 2 and go play Darktide until there are changes that offer more than just empty maps and greater replayability. I don’t think I’ll even bother with the SSpass I bought—I’ll just let it sit there.

The feeling I get after playing 2-3 PVE stages is exactly like this.


I’ve been watching Dawn of War 3 clips on YouTube. It’s such a grand, massive war, but I guess I’ll never see anything like that in a third-person action game—or maybe that’s just how it will always be.

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a day ago
Sep 18, 2024, 3:56:38 PM

gr4v3dgr wrote:

In other news, open spot in the server queue!

I don’t have issues with the servers; I can play all the time without disconnects. But for me, there’s no motivation to replay the game. It might be a strong word, but it’s boring. Saber’s focus seems to have missed the mark. Yes, Saber has focused too much on 40K art. If Saber made a game for GW’s praise but not for player enjoyment, I’m sure they’d only sell season passes for this year. I don’t think that’s the highlight of 40K in video games. Especially in a live-service game like this, it’s off the mark. Sure, I like 40K art, but it’s just a first impression, and it doesn’t last. Plus, it consumes company resources and time. Instead of focusing on art, developers should create large, open maps for PVE, letting the art team work on things like dust, wind, or war debris in those large PVE environments. Add grandeur to the game at a low cost. If developers focus on balance, 40K fans will say, "Forget about balance." Players want big guns, large battlefields, massive Space Marines, and lots of players in PVE. Imagine a 40K game like Dawn of War 3, but from a third-person perspective, showcasing legendary 40K battlefields. I’d be overjoyed. ​

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a day ago
Sep 18, 2024, 3:58:12 PM

I agree. It felt much more fun grinding in Vermintide and Darktide compared to SM2. Also having played WWZ, which is a very basic horde shooter, I even have 300-400 hours in that. Now im at the 45 hours mark and I barely play, somehow PVE just feels boring after 1 or 2 matches. Too little to unlock after all? Enemy waves not big enough? Enemies too spongey?
I think if this game wasn't in a 40k jacket, people would really see how little content there actually is. Now after the Q&A they basicly show how little they've gotten lined up soon. 
In 2025 we get 1 PVE mission, 1 weapon and a horde mode, thats spread out over a whole year...

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a day ago
Sep 18, 2024, 4:01:55 PM

DataQ wrote:

I agree. It felt much more fun grinding in Vermintide and Darktide compared to SM2. Also having played WWZ, which is a very basic horde shooter, I even have 300-400 hours in that. Now im at the 45 hours mark and I barely play, somehow PVE just feels boring after 1 or 2 matches. Too little to unlock after all? Enemy waves not big enough? Enemies too spongey?
I think if this game wasn't in a 40k jacket, people would really see how little content there actually is. Now after the Q&A they basicly show how little they've gotten lined up soon. 
In 2025 we get 1 PVE mission, 1 weapon and a horde mode, thats spread out over a whole year...

Playing the co-op PVE mode in Space Marine more than three times, I think, is a great mental torture lol ahahha​

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a day ago
Sep 18, 2024, 7:18:08 PM

Bigtomo wrote:

Back when the game first came out, I played only PVP. Yes, I played it because the matches were short, and I could unlock gear quickly. Some days, I had to play the same class repeatedly just to unlock everything, which was pretty torturous. The first time I played PVP, yes, it was fun, but that was it.

As for PVE, I've already played through every stage, every difficulty, or whatever. Yes, I played it all day, but now, in the past couple of days, I've played PVE only twice, and it's already reached my limit. After 108 hours, I'm seriously bored—really bored. This is quite different from Darktide, where the replayability is much more diverse, and there's a feeling of shouting, “Blood for the Emperor! Skulls for the Golden Throne!” It gets me hyped up! And it took over 600 hours before I got bored with that game, even though it updates super slowly.

But for Space Marine 2’s PVE, no matter how many maps you add, the potential for replayability is zero—it’s just empty. To sum it up for those who want a short version: it’s boring. I’m just venting about Space Marine 2. As for the upcoming Darktide update, I’ll probably uninstall Space Marine 2 and go play Darktide until there are changes that offer more than just empty maps and greater replayability. I don’t think I’ll even bother with the SSpass I bought—I’ll just let it sit there.

The feeling I get after playing 2-3 PVE stages is exactly like this.


I’ve been watching Dawn of War 3 clips on YouTube. It’s such a grand, massive war, but I guess I’ll never see anything like that in a third-person action game—or maybe that’s just how it will always be.

Then let the door guide your exit Brother,

For I have only seen you complain and spread your complaints in every thread you choose to respond to. 

I am sorry you did not enjoy the game you waited for, but this game has only been out for 9 days (earlier for Early Access Purchasers) and you are already crying to the winds at its downfall and demise.

It has not even reached the first stage window on the roadmap and you have already gone around speaking down on the company and game as if that is an effective form of feedback and community rally engagement. 

The game has not accrued time - it needs time which you do not seem to allow it.

If this game has not satisfied you or busied you for 9 days, then you must look elsewhere to satisfy your attention but there is little need for this constant denouncement and belittlement.

May the Emperor Protect but by all means take your cries with you.

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a day ago
Sep 18, 2024, 8:07:23 PM

even as I open my Xbox to play games I want to play space marine, it feels good to play but the mechanics just aren’t fun.. you’re railroaded into partying just to survive and every mistake reduces you from a space marine to a fearful weak human.. 

The endless times I watch as other space marines parryspam and roll to survive or die, leaving me to parryspam and roll to keep us in the fight or die.. it’s boring, it’s repetitive, one note, it’s an overreliance on a simple game mechanic to add “skill” and “difficulty” to what otherwise would be a fun gameplay experience.. I’d happily play the same 6 missions longer if I could play in different ways, if it felt like the difficulty was in the game and not it’s faults.. faults that people ignore while they use the bugged melta or demand invincibility during reaction shots or use the bulwark to overcome the armour and health issues or how every mission is a frantic search for health and relics to survive the unbalanced game.. they don’t see it themselves but they’re already trying to find workarounds for the games faults to find fun and enjoyment that they so desperately crave, all the while pointing at everyone else saying they suck and crying about a perfect game.. 

The game needs fixing or the cracks will become too loud to ignore and the only one who will stick around to play any season they have a pass for will be the elitists and those who are so simple that they could be entertained by ball in a cup if you printed warhammer40k on it

With every player that leaves, the game gets closer to losing its base.. if commenters can’t see that, then they can’t be convinced, and we aren’t trying to convince you.. we leave loudly because we don’t want to go, but this game is showing that we aren’t welcome, so go we will

It’s a shame, but I’m losing hope in this game rapidly

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a day ago
Sep 18, 2024, 8:15:09 PM

What is killing my motivation to play is that the devs refuse to sckowledge the main problem of the game. Gunstrike Iframes, making the mechanics core of the higher difficulties instead of just rolling, enemies spam shooting through walls and other mobs.. They are even going to nerf the melta and its ability to heal which was one the good thing that heavy's had going for them. The lack of care of the actual game by the devs just made me play less and I feel like I might just stop.. because what good is there going to be in the future if all we have is more skins for more money and no actual fixes to mechanics.. 

Yes its doable, but it can surely be more fun and more challenging. You shouldnt die because you made a gunstrike by mistake. You shouldnt be prevented of using your gun because a gunstrike trigger is present (and using it will kill you). Mobs shouldnt be able to use range attacks endlessly through walls and other mobs.

Its helldivers all over agian, they refuse to listen to the comunity. They refuse to ackowledge the problems

Updated a day ago.
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a day ago
Sep 18, 2024, 8:56:58 PM

DataQ wrote:

I agree. It felt much more fun grinding in Vermintide and Darktide compared to SM2. Also having played WWZ, which is a very basic horde shooter, I even have 300-400 hours in that. Now im at the 45 hours mark and I barely play, somehow PVE just feels boring after 1 or 2 matches. Too little to unlock after all? Enemy waves not big enough? Enemies too spongey?
I think if this game wasn't in a 40k jacket, people would really see how little content there actually is. Now after the Q&A they basicly show how little they've gotten lined up soon. 
In 2025 we get 1 PVE mission, 1 weapon and a horde mode, thats spread out over a whole year...

I have 1500 hours in wwz. People forget that wwz also had very little content at launch. Several years later after all the expansions it is a very well rounded game. I think wwz also had the benefit of having much more map variety so it still felt different each round. I still have faith that saber will continue to add content to the game over time

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a day ago
Sep 18, 2024, 10:41:20 PM
Space Marine 2 isn't a live service game my dude. Darktide is right? I think Space Marine 2 operations is going to get there at some point and offer that type of replayability. It's going to take some time though. That being said, 108 hours is pretty damn good at least you got your moneys worth.
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17 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 3:33:31 AM

Chaplain_KIMCHI_GURU wrote:

Bigtomo wrote:

Back when the game first came out, I played only PVP. Yes, I played it because the matches were short, and I could unlock gear quickly. Some days, I had to play the same class repeatedly just to unlock everything, which was pretty torturous. The first time I played PVP, yes, it was fun, but that was it.

As for PVE, I've already played through every stage, every difficulty, or whatever. Yes, I played it all day, but now, in the past couple of days, I've played PVE only twice, and it's already reached my limit. After 108 hours, I'm seriously bored—really bored. This is quite different from Darktide, where the replayability is much more diverse, and there's a feeling of shouting, “Blood for the Emperor! Skulls for the Golden Throne!” It gets me hyped up! And it took over 600 hours before I got bored with that game, even though it updates super slowly.

But for Space Marine 2’s PVE, no matter how many maps you add, the potential for replayability is zero—it’s just empty. To sum it up for those who want a short version: it’s boring. I’m just venting about Space Marine 2. As for the upcoming Darktide update, I’ll probably uninstall Space Marine 2 and go play Darktide until there are changes that offer more than just empty maps and greater replayability. I don’t think I’ll even bother with the SSpass I bought—I’ll just let it sit there.

The feeling I get after playing 2-3 PVE stages is exactly like this.


I’ve been watching Dawn of War 3 clips on YouTube. It’s such a grand, massive war, but I guess I’ll never see anything like that in a third-person action game—or maybe that’s just how it will always be.

Then let the door guide your exit Brother,

For I have only seen you complain and spread your complaints in every thread you choose to respond to. 

I am sorry you did not enjoy the game you waited for, but this game has only been out for 9 days (earlier for Early Access Purchasers) and you are already crying to the winds at its downfall and demise.

It has not even reached the first stage window on the roadmap and you have already gone around speaking down on the company and game as if that is an effective form of feedback and community rally engagement. 

The game has not accrued time - it needs time which you do not seem to allow it.

If this game has not satisfied you or busied you for 9 days, then you must look elsewhere to satisfy your attention but there is little need for this constant denouncement and belittlement.

May the Emperor Protect but by all means take your cries with you.

You're just a fanboy who never sees the reality of this IP. The campaign of this game is the new standard for 40k, but admit it—the PVE is even worse than other games in the same industry. I’ve seen players asking which map can be played the fastest—WTF? Is there some kind of design flaw in how fun the game is to play? ​

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17 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 3:46:40 AM

JesterAmnseiai wrote:

even as I open my Xbox to play games I want to play space marine, it feels good to play but the mechanics just aren’t fun.. you’re railroaded into partying just to survive and every mistake reduces you from a space marine to a fearful weak human.. 

The endless times I watch as other space marines parryspam and roll to survive or die, leaving me to parryspam and roll to keep us in the fight or die.. it’s boring, it’s repetitive, one note, it’s an overreliance on a simple game mechanic to add “skill” and “difficulty” to what otherwise would be a fun gameplay experience.. I’d happily play the same 6 missions longer if I could play in different ways, if it felt like the difficulty was in the game and not it’s faults.. faults that people ignore while they use the bugged melta or demand invincibility during reaction shots or use the bulwark to overcome the armour and health issues or how every mission is a frantic search for health and relics to survive the unbalanced game.. they don’t see it themselves but they’re already trying to find workarounds for the games faults to find fun and enjoyment that they so desperately crave, all the while pointing at everyone else saying they suck and crying about a perfect game.. 

The game needs fixing or the cracks will become too loud to ignore and the only one who will stick around to play any season they have a pass for will be the elitists and those who are so simple that they could be entertained by ball in a cup if you printed warhammer40k on it

With every player that leaves, the game gets closer to losing its base.. if commenters can’t see that, then they can’t be convinced, and we aren’t trying to convince you.. we leave loudly because we don’t want to go, but this game is showing that we aren’t welcome, so go we will

It’s a shame, but I’m losing hope in this game rapidly

I'm no different. The more I play, the more hopeless I feel, realizing they made the game to please GW, not players like us. We'll never get to see what we want. I don't blame GW because they have to do what's right for their IP. The fun players have is entirely up to the developers—GW has nothing to do with that. Sigh. And today, I haven't even logged in. I don’t know why I should. Everything feels lifeless after finishing the campaign


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17 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 4:00:10 AM

LahLahMan wrote:
Space Marine 2 isn't a live service game my dude. Darktide is right? I think Space Marine 2 operations is going to get there at some point and offer that type of replayability. It's going to take some time though. That being said, 108 hours is pretty damn good at least you got your moneys worth.

​I spent 108 hours mostly playing PVP, almost 90%, because PVP has more replayability than PVE. Space Marine 2 is a live-service game.

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16 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 4:14:26 AM

Bigtomo wrote:

LahLahMan wrote:
Space Marine 2 isn't a live service game my dude. Darktide is right? I think Space Marine 2 operations is going to get there at some point and offer that type of replayability. It's going to take some time though. That being said, 108 hours is pretty damn good at least you got your moneys worth.

​I spent 108 hours mostly playing PVP, almost 90%, because PVP has more replayability than PVE. Space Marine 2 is a live-service game.

Out of my 112.5 hours I've done a quick campaign and the rest is purely Operations. I haven't touched PvP and I'm still having a blast playing for hours daily.
My replayability comes from playing with randoms as no match will be the same and facing the challenges together is what I find fun.

It's perfectly fine to not play a game daily, or even weekly. Just play when you feel like it, be it for 15 minutes or 15 hours.

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16 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 4:39:15 AM

Rexipher wrote:

Bigtomo wrote:

LahLahMan wrote:
Space Marine 2 isn't a live service game my dude. Darktide is right? I think Space Marine 2 operations is going to get there at some point and offer that type of replayability. It's going to take some time though. That being said, 108 hours is pretty damn good at least you got your moneys worth.

​I spent 108 hours mostly playing PVP, almost 90%, because PVP has more replayability than PVE. Space Marine 2 is a live-service game.

Out of my 112.5 hours I've done a quick campaign and the rest is purely Operations. I haven't touched PvP and I'm still having a blast playing for hours daily.
My replayability comes from playing with randoms as no match will be the same and facing the challenges together is what I find fun.

It's perfectly fine to not play a game daily, or even weekly. Just play when you feel like it, be it for 15 minutes or 15 hours.

Never mind. I don’t know what else to say Only time will tell with this game

But if Saber makes a 40k game in the future with a storyline lasting 20 or 30 hours, I would buy it because Saber did very well with the campaign. However, for PVE, I’d need to reconsider. ​

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12 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 8:11:41 AM

You've logged over 100 hours in ~10 days and you think *the game* is to blame for you being "bored"? My god son, talk about entitled; get some perspective.

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12 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 8:14:13 AM

Bigtomo wrote:

Chaplain_KIMCHI_GURU wrote:

Bigtomo wrote:

Back when the game first came out, I played only PVP. Yes, I played it because the matches were short, and I could unlock gear quickly. Some days, I had to play the same class repeatedly just to unlock everything, which was pretty torturous. The first time I played PVP, yes, it was fun, but that was it.

As for PVE, I've already played through every stage, every difficulty, or whatever. Yes, I played it all day, but now, in the past couple of days, I've played PVE only twice, and it's already reached my limit. After 108 hours, I'm seriously bored—really bored. This is quite different from Darktide, where the replayability is much more diverse, and there's a feeling of shouting, “Blood for the Emperor! Skulls for the Golden Throne!” It gets me hyped up! And it took over 600 hours before I got bored with that game, even though it updates super slowly.

But for Space Marine 2’s PVE, no matter how many maps you add, the potential for replayability is zero—it’s just empty. To sum it up for those who want a short version: it’s boring. I’m just venting about Space Marine 2. As for the upcoming Darktide update, I’ll probably uninstall Space Marine 2 and go play Darktide until there are changes that offer more than just empty maps and greater replayability. I don’t think I’ll even bother with the SSpass I bought—I’ll just let it sit there.

The feeling I get after playing 2-3 PVE stages is exactly like this.


I’ve been watching Dawn of War 3 clips on YouTube. It’s such a grand, massive war, but I guess I’ll never see anything like that in a third-person action game—or maybe that’s just how it will always be.

Then let the door guide your exit Brother,

For I have only seen you complain and spread your complaints in every thread you choose to respond to. 

I am sorry you did not enjoy the game you waited for, but this game has only been out for 9 days (earlier for Early Access Purchasers) and you are already crying to the winds at its downfall and demise.

It has not even reached the first stage window on the roadmap and you have already gone around speaking down on the company and game as if that is an effective form of feedback and community rally engagement. 

The game has not accrued time - it needs time which you do not seem to allow it.

If this game has not satisfied you or busied you for 9 days, then you must look elsewhere to satisfy your attention but there is little need for this constant denouncement and belittlement.

May the Emperor Protect but by all means take your cries with you.

You're just a fanboy who never sees the reality of this IP. The campaign of this game is the new standard for 40k, but admit it—the PVE is even worse than other games in the same industry. I’ve seen players asking which map can be played the fastest—WTF? Is there some kind of design flaw in how fun the game is to play? ​

Again, the exit is right there - no one is asking you to stay if you do not wish to be here. 

There is nothing to admit because the PvE is NOT "even worse than other games in the same industry." 

The game is solid and can grow from here. It needs time for it to happen.

All I see is someone crying for validation.

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12 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 8:51:34 AM

Chaplain_KIMCHI_GURU wrote:

Bigtomo wrote:

Chaplain_KIMCHI_GURU wrote:

Bigtomo wrote:

Back when the game first came out, I played only PVP. Yes, I played it because the matches were short, and I could unlock gear quickly. Some days, I had to play the same class repeatedly just to unlock everything, which was pretty torturous. The first time I played PVP, yes, it was fun, but that was it.

As for PVE, I've already played through every stage, every difficulty, or whatever. Yes, I played it all day, but now, in the past couple of days, I've played PVE only twice, and it's already reached my limit. After 108 hours, I'm seriously bored—really bored. This is quite different from Darktide, where the replayability is much more diverse, and there's a feeling of shouting, “Blood for the Emperor! Skulls for the Golden Throne!” It gets me hyped up! And it took over 600 hours before I got bored with that game, even though it updates super slowly.

But for Space Marine 2’s PVE, no matter how many maps you add, the potential for replayability is zero—it’s just empty. To sum it up for those who want a short version: it’s boring. I’m just venting about Space Marine 2. As for the upcoming Darktide update, I’ll probably uninstall Space Marine 2 and go play Darktide until there are changes that offer more than just empty maps and greater replayability. I don’t think I’ll even bother with the SSpass I bought—I’ll just let it sit there.

The feeling I get after playing 2-3 PVE stages is exactly like this.


I’ve been watching Dawn of War 3 clips on YouTube. It’s such a grand, massive war, but I guess I’ll never see anything like that in a third-person action game—or maybe that’s just how it will always be.

Then let the door guide your exit Brother,

For I have only seen you complain and spread your complaints in every thread you choose to respond to. 

I am sorry you did not enjoy the game you waited for, but this game has only been out for 9 days (earlier for Early Access Purchasers) and you are already crying to the winds at its downfall and demise.

It has not even reached the first stage window on the roadmap and you have already gone around speaking down on the company and game as if that is an effective form of feedback and community rally engagement. 

The game has not accrued time - it needs time which you do not seem to allow it.

If this game has not satisfied you or busied you for 9 days, then you must look elsewhere to satisfy your attention but there is little need for this constant denouncement and belittlement.

May the Emperor Protect but by all means take your cries with you.

You're just a fanboy who never sees the reality of this IP. The campaign of this game is the new standard for 40k, but admit it—the PVE is even worse than other games in the same industry. I’ve seen players asking which map can be played the fastest—WTF? Is there some kind of design flaw in how fun the game is to play? ​

Again, the exit is right there - no one is asking you to stay if you do not wish to be here. 

There is nothing to admit because the PvE is NOT "even worse than other games in the same industry." 

The game is solid and can grow from here. It needs time for it to happen.

All I see is someone crying for validation.

​Here, take the Outstanding Patriot Award, buddy!


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6 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 2:16:46 PM

Complaining isn't a virtue, and being upset or frustrated doesn't make you right.  You're free to vent, and people are free to counter with their own positive thoughts on the game. 

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6 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 2:45:13 PM

FatherGoose wrote:

Complaining isn't a virtue, and being upset or frustrated doesn't make you right.  You're free to vent, and people are free to counter with their own positive thoughts on the game. 

Do you see my argument? I said that the game's replayability potential is non-existent. As for the PVP, I played it and it was fun, but once I lost the motivation to unlock new gear, I never went back to play again. Have you seen posts with these arguments? All I see are blind fanboys who can't see the truth, just looking at a field of beautiful flowers, telling me to leave and accusing me of being too demanding. WTF, is this what they call a counter-argument? It's just fanboy nationalism, that's all

Are there any positive opinions about the game? What are the reasons behind them? Or are you going to tell me it's the art and map details in the game that represent the replayability potential of the PVE mode?   ​

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