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I guess they do want to kill their game...

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a day ago
Sep 18, 2024, 9:55:59 PM

Mass amount of threads talking about how weak Marines feel, that survivability is in the toilet....

So logically nerf the one gun that allows people to survive...

I wouldn't care if they nerfed it if they addressed the stagger, the stun locking, buffed other weapons, addressed survivability in general, addressed the issues with slow melee weapons in a game that promotes fast melee weapons. But they didn't address any of that.

You have a small window to fix these issues and sure seemed the devs were pretty damn tone deaf to that. Other wise people will just mass exodos like Helldivers and other games like this p

Updated a day ago.
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21 hours ago
Sep 18, 2024, 10:01:33 PM

The Melta is legitimately bugged.  It isn't functioning how it's designed, so calls to either keep it or, worse, to make all other guns work the same way, are wildly misguided.  Designing a game around a bug like that is outrageous.

Give us regenerating health, or change how long contested health persists, or increase the amount of contested health you get back per point of damage, etc.  ANYthing other than keeping a bug just because some players crutch on it to survive and can't imagine being forced to engage with the game's mechanics instead.

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21 hours ago
Sep 18, 2024, 10:13:18 PM

xXHappy_PuppyXx wrote:

So logically nerf the one gun that allows people to survive...

Huh... How have I survived in Ruthless so far without a Melta? Even times when no one in the group used one?

image loaded from url

Updated 21 hours ago.
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21 hours ago
Sep 18, 2024, 10:16:29 PM

Rexipher wrote:

xXHappy_PuppyXx wrote:

So logically nerf the one gun that allows people to survive...

Huh... How have I survived in Ruthless so far without a Melta? Even times when no one in the group used one?

image loaded from url

I was wondering the same thing.  Ironically, no one is talking about how its not just the melta though.  

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21 hours ago
Sep 18, 2024, 10:19:08 PM

FatherGoose wrote:

The Melta is legitimately bugged.  It isn't functioning how it's designed, so calls to either keep it or, worse, to make all other guns work the same way, are wildly misguided.  Designing a game around a bug like that is outrageous.

Give us regenerating health, or change how long contested health persists, or increase the amount of contested health you get back per point of damage, etc.  ANYthing other than keeping a bug just because some players crutch on it to survive and can't imagine being forced to engage with the game's mechanics instead.

You do know that all guns can over heal right? It's just easier on the melta. Use the grenade launcher on the bolt gun to kill a bunch of smaller enemy while grey health it will over heal, same with plasma charge on the heavy and rifle, same with penetrate rounds on bolters. It's just easier with the area of effect on melta weapons.

Point is they pretty much ignored the stagger/stun and survivability issue. Ya it sucks to be pigeon hold into certain a weapon systems..  but now you will have even more frustration because you removed it with out addressing the later.

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21 hours ago
Sep 18, 2024, 10:21:07 PM

Enot83 wrote:

Rexipher wrote:

xXHappy_PuppyXx wrote:

So logically nerf the one gun that allows people to survive...

Huh... How have I survived in Ruthless so far without a Melta? Even times when no one in the group used one?

image loaded from url

I was wondering the same thing.  Ironically, no one is talking about how its not just the melta though.  

I did notice how they only mentioned "a bug where the Melta allows the user to heal above the contested health"

It gave me the feeling that they will only fix the meltas over-healing and not touch the other over-healing stuff.
Hopefully it was just because that the Melta's been the hot topic and that the fix will effect over-healing all together across the board.

Updated 21 hours ago.
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21 hours ago
Sep 18, 2024, 10:22:53 PM

Rexipher wrote:

xXHappy_PuppyXx wrote:

So logically nerf the one gun that allows people to survive...

Huh... How have I survived in Ruthless so far without a Melta? Even times when no one in the group used one?

image loaded from url

Ah so noone on your team was using one..   ya I didnt think so. If others are using it it means they don't need as many stimms leaving them to classes that don't use health regening. Weapons like bolters grenade and plasma weapons and melta weapons all these weapons over heal.

Updated 21 hours ago.
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21 hours ago
Sep 18, 2024, 10:26:07 PM

xXHappy_PuppyXx wrote:

Rexipher wrote:

xXHappy_PuppyXx wrote:

So logically nerf the one gun that allows people to survive...

Huh... How have I survived in Ruthless so far without a Melta? Even times when no one in the group used one?

image loaded from url

Ah so noone on your team was using one..   ya I didnt think so. If others are using it it means they don't need as many stimms leaving them to classes that don't use health regening weapons like bolters grenade and plasma weapons and melta weapons.

Me and my brother are running bolter weapons (Sniper & Vanguard) because rule of cool > meta.
No grenade launchers, plasmas or meltas.

Updated 21 hours ago.
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21 hours ago
Sep 18, 2024, 10:29:32 PM

xXHappy_PuppyXx wrote:

FatherGoose wrote:

The Melta is legitimately bugged.  It isn't functioning how it's designed, so calls to either keep it or, worse, to make all other guns work the same way, are wildly misguided.  Designing a game around a bug like that is outrageous.

Give us regenerating health, or change how long contested health persists, or increase the amount of contested health you get back per point of damage, etc.  ANYthing other than keeping a bug just because some players crutch on it to survive and can't imagine being forced to engage with the game's mechanics instead.

You do know that all guns can over heal right? It's just easier on the melta. Use the grenade launcher on the bolt gun to kill a bunch of smaller enemy while grey health it will over heal, same with plasma charge on the heavy and rifle, same with penetrate rounds on bolters. It's just easier with the area of effect on melta weapons.

Point is they pretty much ignored the stagger/stun and survivability issue. Ya it sucks to be pigeon hold into certain a weapon systems..  but now you will have even more frustration because you removed it with out addressing the later.

Fine, fix the bug for all guns.  I'm guessing when you fix it for one, you fix it for all, because it sounds like it's based on simultaneous kills while you have contested health.  You CAN recover health, so when you do, it calculates how much you recovered with that attack and puts it back as health, without checking what the max is.  All they have to do is ceiling it to the max based on contested health and it's all fixed at once.

And no, I won't have any more frustration.  I play Assault, primarily with Thunder Hammer, so if I've ever done this it's only been a couple times and just lucked out on hitting a bunch of enemies with a huge smash in time (usually in the time it takes to charge up a heavy attack with the Thunder Hammer, contested health is already gone anyway).

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21 hours ago
Sep 18, 2024, 10:31:47 PM

Rexipher wrote:

xXHappy_PuppyXx wrote:

So logically nerf the one gun that allows people to survive...

Huh... How have I survived in Ruthless so far without a Melta? Even times when no one in the group used one?

image loaded from url

I too have never used the Melta or needed to rely on the gimmick. 

I have no clue where these players are doing that need to use the gun to survive.

Parry / Gunstrike is the king mechanic for survival

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21 hours ago
Sep 18, 2024, 10:32:12 PM

They didn't say they were going to nerf it dude. They said they would fix the over healing associated with the Melta, which is a bug. It's still going to own ass.

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21 hours ago
Sep 18, 2024, 10:34:12 PM

LahLahMan wrote:

They didn't say they were going to nerf it dude. They said they would fix the over healing associated with the Melta, which is a bug. It's still going to own ass.

They never said that they would nerf the performance of the gun itself.
It will still heal your contested health like anything else. It just won't heal more than what you should be able to.

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21 hours ago
Sep 18, 2024, 10:35:51 PM

xXHappy_PuppyXx wrote:

Mass amount of threads talking about how weak Marines feel, that survivability is in the toilet....

So logically nerf the one gun that allows people to survive...

I wouldn't care if they nerfed it if they addressed the stagger, the stun locking, buffed other weapons, addressed survivability in general, addressed the issues with slow melee weapons in a game that promotes fast melee weapons. But they didn't address any of that.

You have a small window to fix these issues and sure seemed the devs were pretty damn tone deaf to that. Other wise people will just mass exodos like Helldivers and other games like this p

I mean, forum posts only represent a relatively small segment of the game’s population.  I would hope the devs are not balancing the game based on them.  I would assume they have actual game data of what classes, gear, perks, etc. people are running, what they are succeeding/failing with, and other information that will provide them with an idea of what actually needs to be changed.

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21 hours ago
Sep 18, 2024, 10:44:34 PM

melta is insanely overpowered, while i agree make other weapons better.  the reality is this weapon is just straight broken, it does what jump pack can do in one hit.

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21 hours ago
Sep 18, 2024, 10:44:35 PM

Chaplain_KIMCHI_GURU wrote:
Parry / Gunstrike is the king mechanic for survival

Precisely. This is what's holding OP back and making them think there's no way to survive. There is: parrying, dodging. You can't just wade in.

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21 hours ago
Sep 18, 2024, 10:53:18 PM
I can't even play the game on my acer nitro AN515-55 gaming laptop and many others I have seen have this game working fine on their acer nitro A515-55 but I couldn't get it to stop permanently loading and freezing and on top of that a black screen starting up and I'm very disappointed in Focus Interactive because I have the first game and it works like a charm and this game works like my laptop is 6 or 8 years old and it's only from 2021 so Idk what I did wrong where I can't get it working on my acer nitro 5.

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21 hours ago
Sep 18, 2024, 10:57:37 PM

eyebrows wrote:

Chaplain_KIMCHI_GURU wrote:
Parry / Gunstrike is the king mechanic for survival

Precisely. This is what's holding OP back and making them think there's no way to survive. There is: parrying, dodging. You can't just wade in.

Also that Parrying adclears very fast by one shotting any minoris that attacks you

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21 hours ago
Sep 18, 2024, 10:59:02 PM

eyebrows wrote:

Chaplain_KIMCHI_GURU wrote:
Parry / Gunstrike is the king mechanic for survival

Precisely. This is what's holding OP back and making them think there's no way to survive. There is: parrying, dodging. You can't just wade in.

Wtf are you talking holding the OP back? My point is the frustration within the community about survivability. They use over heal on certain weapons to compensate. If a vast number of players quit do to that frustration the game dies. They did nothing to address that. All the melta did was shine a light on that issue. My issue isn't the melta nerf but the lack of addressing the issues that frustrating players enough to post almost daily on it. 

The people claiming they are just blasting through ruthless are full of crap and they know it. Even the devs talked about the gun strike issue and lack of I frames. Gun strikes do jack if you are swarmed as you will be hit regardless. 

You can brown nose the devs all you want it won't change the fact the vast majority will quit. That will kill the game.

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20 hours ago
Sep 18, 2024, 11:02:47 PM

xXHappy_PuppyXx wrote:

You can brown nose the devs all you want it won't change the fact the vast majority will quit. That will kill the game.

This is a silly comment and pure speculation.  What makes you the arbitrator for what the majority want or will quit over?

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20 hours ago
Sep 18, 2024, 11:24:50 PM

Maelwolf wrote:

xXHappy_PuppyXx wrote:

You can brown nose the devs all you want it won't change the fact the vast majority will quit. That will kill the game.

This is a silly comment and pure speculation.  What makes you the arbitrator for what the majority want or will quit over?

Because I can read... Post after post, on Reddit, forums, YouTube comments. You don't get that number of frustrated players posting if it's not a issue. Been gaming a long time and you can see the same type of frustrated posts in other games that lost vast amount of players. 

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