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Difficulty IS an Option

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5 days ago
Sep 19, 2024, 7:19:45 PM

People need to stop complaining about the difficulty being too hard. Plenty enough people have completed every mission on Ruthless myself included, some even with 0 damage taken. Some people will never be able to complete the Highest difficulties and that is FINE. What needs to change is the weapon progression system and rewards for higher tier missions. You should be able to get through all the weapon levels at least on the Substantial difficulty. Maybe add additional rewards like cosmetics and being able to progress faster on Ruthless and above. BUT Difficulty being as it is, is completely fine for now and if YOU find it too difficult you can lower the difficulty at any time. There will always be players on different skill levels and so there should also be options for those people. Not every difficulty is meant for everyone.

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5 days ago
Sep 19, 2024, 7:39:05 PM

Karatsuki wrote:

People need to stop complaining about the difficulty being too hard. Plenty enough people have completed every mission on Ruthless myself included, some even with 0 damage taken

This is actually a point of contention.  I just last night looked through my PS5 achievements out of curiosity, and only 5.5% of players have completed an Operation on Ruthless Threat difficulty.  To give you an idea, 10% of Steam players have apparently gotten all Elden Ring achievements, which includes killing every difficult boss in the game.  Now, Souls games attract a more intense crowd, so the extremes of the curve are going to be a bit thicker I'd imagine, but 5.5% having done a Ruthless op to completion felt surprisingly low to me.

Maybe that's the sort of distribution that they're OK with, and I know it's still early with SM2, but I think it's important to note that Ruthless is actually only completed by a relative select few of the population.  It also could be a chunk more on Steam, I didn't buy it on PC, but I wanted to provide the data point.

"Difficulty is too hard" is really just a mismatch of expectation vs. reality.  A certain volume of "this game feels too hard" could indicate a number of different things, and even if the playerbase isn't articulating their experience very well, there's some value in that sentiment.

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5 days ago
Sep 19, 2024, 8:24:56 PM

Steam Achievements...
5.3% have completed any mission on Ruthless.

2.5% have a maxed ranged weapon.

1.7% have a maxed melee weapon.

20.3% have won a PvP match.

More people have won a PvP game than have completed Ruthless...

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5 days ago
Sep 19, 2024, 8:36:57 PM

Bumwhistler wrote:

Steam Achievements...
5.3% have completed any mission on Ruthless.

2.5% have a maxed ranged weapon.

1.7% have a maxed melee weapon.

20.3% have won a PvP match.

More people have won a PvP game than have completed Ruthless...

Interesting how that's near identical to PS5, which also has a 1.7% completion rate for maxing a melee weapon, and also a 3.4% completion rate for hitting the level cap for a class.

Again, *maybe* that's OK for the devs, but if they're looking to add another difficulty, I don't know that they want to target only 5% of the playerbase with new content.  

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5 days ago
Sep 19, 2024, 8:45:07 PM

FatherGoose wrote:

Bumwhistler wrote:

Steam Achievements...
5.3% have completed any mission on Ruthless.

2.5% have a maxed ranged weapon.

1.7% have a maxed melee weapon.

20.3% have won a PvP match.

More people have won a PvP game than have completed Ruthless...

Interesting how that's near identical to PS5, which also has a 1.7% completion rate for maxing a melee weapon, and also a 3.4% completion rate for hitting the level cap for a class.

Again, *maybe* that's OK for the devs, but if they're looking to add another difficulty, I don't know that they want to target only 5% of the playerbase with new content.  

Sold 2m copies opening week means 114,000 have completed ruthless roughly.

I think its an accurate breakdown of how many hardcore players there are and how many people have only had the game for 2 weeks with jobs, families etc. I wouldn't take it as a mark against difficulty its too early.

10% haven't finished the prologue.

30% have completed the campaign.

Updated 5 days ago.
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5 days ago
Sep 19, 2024, 8:52:02 PM

Yeah, it may still be too early to tell for sure.  I'm a 39 year old father of 2 young'uns with a full time job, but once everyone is in bed I have a couple hours to slam games each night, and my sweaty tryhard carried me into the higher difficulties.  I love data, so I'd enjoy watching these numbers over time.

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5 days ago
Sep 19, 2024, 9:07:50 PM

The issue here is there are hugely overpowered elements that trivialize Ruthless operations. Such as Melta health exploit, Banner being a literal full heal, etc. Mere completion with exploiting these features is likely not a good metric.

There is also the fact that there is a huge difficulty and gameplay difference between, say, Inferno and Reliquary. The Tyranid missions are played literally 10x more than the Chaos missions. This too is a sign of problems rather than looking at 5.3% having "mere completion of at least 1" as a positive metric.

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5 days ago
Sep 19, 2024, 9:22:04 PM

Karatsuki wrote:

People need to stop complaining about the difficulty being too hard. Plenty enough people have completed every mission on Ruthless myself included, some even with 0 damage taken. Some people will never be able to complete the Highest difficulties and that is FINE. What needs to change is the weapon progression system and rewards for higher tier missions. You should be able to get through all the weapon levels at least on the Substantial difficulty. Maybe add additional rewards like cosmetics and being able to progress faster on Ruthless and above. BUT Difficulty being as it is, is completely fine for now and if YOU find it too difficult you can lower the difficulty at any time. There will always be players on different skill levels and so there should also be options for those people. Not every difficulty is meant for everyone.

No, but when progression is locked behind a difficulty you can't complete. And said difficulty is more tedious than difficult at the moment because the weapons you need to mitigate the increased health pools of your enemies need to be completed first, then the tedium needs to be addressed. Enemy health and the healing bugs are gonna be looked at and checked in tandem with Bolters getting a buff of sorts so we'll se where things fall after that. But simply adding the Vanguard's 25 execution health regen of 10% across the board would greatly help alleviating many of the pain points. Which should also be addressed.

Updated 5 days ago.
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5 days ago
Sep 19, 2024, 9:24:04 PM

ledarsi wrote:

The issue here is there are hugely overpowered elements that trivialize Ruthless operations. Such as Melta health exploit, Banner being a literal full heal, etc. Mere completion with exploiting these features is likely not a good metric.

There is also the fact that there is a huge difficulty and gameplay difference between, say, Inferno and Reliquary. The Tyranid missions are played literally 10x more than the Chaos missions. This too is a sign of problems rather than looking at 5.3% having "mere completion of at least 1" as a positive metric.

Its not positive or negative, its just too early. Majority haven't finished the campaign. I have multiple classes maxed including Assault and Bulwark. The Melta is going to get fixed and I'm sure the amount of these threads will rise. I think the main problem is one I found when I was first levelling.

You have to get to complete the next tier to unlock that tier's weapons. There should be a chance of obtaining the next tier's armory data during previous tiers missions.

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5 days ago
Sep 19, 2024, 9:24:59 PM

Bumwhistler wrote:

Steam Achievements...
5.3% have completed any mission on Ruthless.

2.5% have a maxed ranged weapon.

1.7% have a maxed melee weapon.

20.3% have won a PvP match.

More people have won a PvP game than have completed Ruthless...

That's because PvP doesn't scale your opponents health and damage up to ridiculous levels, while starving you of resources and weakening their effectiveness to boot. You are both on a consistent playing field from match to match. In PvE, that is not the cse.

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5 days ago
Sep 19, 2024, 9:27:31 PM

Barricade133 wrote:

Bumwhistler wrote:

Steam Achievements...
5.3% have completed any mission on Ruthless.

2.5% have a maxed ranged weapon.

1.7% have a maxed melee weapon.

20.3% have won a PvP match.

More people have won a PvP game than have completed Ruthless...

That's because PvP doesn't scale your opponents health and damage up to ridiculous levels, while starving you of resources and weakening their effectiveness to boot. You are both on a consistent playing field from match to match. In PvE, that is not the cse.

TBH what I read from this was that the PvP playerbase is bigger than I would have thought.

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5 days ago
Sep 19, 2024, 9:29:48 PM

Bumwhistler wrote:

Barricade133 wrote:

Bumwhistler wrote:

Steam Achievements...
5.3% have completed any mission on Ruthless.

2.5% have a maxed ranged weapon.

1.7% have a maxed melee weapon.

20.3% have won a PvP match.

More people have won a PvP game than have completed Ruthless...

That's because PvP doesn't scale your opponents health and damage up to ridiculous levels, while starving you of resources and weakening their effectiveness to boot. You are both on a consistent playing field from match to match. In PvE, that is not the cse.

TBH what I read from this was that the PvP playerbase is bigger than I would have thought.

I think it's the combination of both factors. PvP is a chaotic albeit consistent experience in terms of strength and playing field. PvE is more of a dance where you are expected to be able to stay in step with stricter and stricter restrictions and timing. And make it hard to move by gimping you with heavier weights. Stimms healing less and less while appearing less and less, ammo pickups being lessened, enemies being spongier (being addressed) and them doing more and more damage.

Updated 5 days ago.
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5 days ago
Sep 19, 2024, 9:35:51 PM

ledarsi wrote:

The issue here is there are hugely overpowered elements that trivialize Ruthless operations. Such as Melta health exploit, Banner being a literal full heal, etc. Mere completion with exploiting these features is likely not a good metric.

There is also the fact that there is a huge difficulty and gameplay difference between, say, Inferno and Reliquary. The Tyranid missions are played literally 10x more than the Chaos missions. This too is a sign of problems rather than looking at 5.3% having "mere completion of at least 1" as a positive metric.

I wouldn't call it positive either, necessarily.  In fact, I wonder what the percentage would be without the current overhealing bug.  If only 5.5%ish are completing even just a single Tyranid Op on Ruthless, with all the videos calling out the most powerful builds/weapons/tactics, that speaks to either the interested audience, or the remaining difficulty still being too high for a number of people, or a combination of both.  

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5 days ago
Sep 19, 2024, 9:53:02 PM

FatherGoose wrote:

ledarsi wrote:

The issue here is there are hugely overpowered elements that trivialize Ruthless operations. Such as Melta health exploit, Banner being a literal full heal, etc. Mere completion with exploiting these features is likely not a good metric.

There is also the fact that there is a huge difficulty and gameplay difference between, say, Inferno and Reliquary. The Tyranid missions are played literally 10x more than the Chaos missions. This too is a sign of problems rather than looking at 5.3% having "mere completion of at least 1" as a positive metric.

I wouldn't call it positive either, necessarily.  In fact, I wonder what the percentage would be without the current overhealing bug.  If only 5.5%ish are completing even just a single Tyranid Op on Ruthless, with all the videos calling out the most powerful builds/weapons/tactics, that speaks to either the interested audience, or the remaining difficulty still being too high for a number of people, or a combination of both.  

It wouldn't be nowhere near as high. But, with how the melta and combat generally works as is, it is the only consistent way to deal with hordes and get you back a decent amount of health and dealing with contested health bleeding away so fast. And the best way to do this is by, oddly enough, not engaging in melee. Melee is a "death by a thousand cuts" kind of deal when it comes to the hordes as they have no flash on most of their attacks and track you through your dodges. Aoe style weapons (melta is the only I see used one in many many games) alleviating the hordes, stun locking the Warriors and letting you have your fights with the Warriors which are making engagements much much easier with how spongey and how evasive Whip Warriors are (they needn't change this as they can be damaged and just need to tracked), and how Bone Sword Warriors are immune to Bolter fire when they start blocking, letting them walk up to you for free and there is nothing you can do about that. While melta, plasma ad las do not adhere to this. Melta doesn't need to be nerfed either. But giving back a little health on executes (majoris and up with more and more health and armour being granted as they get bigger) and giving push back on Gunstrikes would help a lot and make people want to engage with the melee system against the chaff and get stuck in more. With how things are working currently, you are pigeon holed into playing a certain way. Avoid melee, melta the hordes until you can fight the Warriors without being chipped down.

Updated 5 days ago.
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5 days ago
Sep 19, 2024, 10:26:05 PM

Barricade133 wrote:

Karatsuki wrote:

People need to stop complaining about the difficulty being too hard. Plenty enough people have completed every mission on Ruthless myself included, some even with 0 damage taken. Some people will never be able to complete the Highest difficulties and that is FINE. What needs to change is the weapon progression system and rewards for higher tier missions. You should be able to get through all the weapon levels at least on the Substantial difficulty. Maybe add additional rewards like cosmetics and being able to progress faster on Ruthless and above. BUT Difficulty being as it is, is completely fine for now and if YOU find it too difficult you can lower the difficulty at any time. There will always be players on different skill levels and so there should also be options for those people. Not every difficulty is meant for everyone.

No, but when progression is locked behind a difficulty you can't complete. And said difficulty is more tedious than difficult at the moment because the weapons you need to mitigate the increased health pools of your enemies need to be completed first, then the tedium needs to be addressed. Enemy health and the healing bugs are gonna be looked at and checked in tandem with Bolters getting a buff of sorts so we'll se where things fall after that. But simply adding the Vanguard's 25 execution health regen of 10% across the board would greatly help alleviating many of the pain points. Which should also be addressed.

This is what I'm talking about here
The problem is NOT the level of difficulty but the fact that they lock the progression behind that difficulty. I love the challenge it brings and I'm looking forward to Lethal very much but if they start lowering the difficulty just a few weeks after launch its not looking good for the hardcore players in the long run. They should be giving people more options on where to get the relic tier upgrades or maybe just remove them from Ruthless alltogether and add different rewards for those who complete these higher difficulties.

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5 days ago
Sep 19, 2024, 10:44:21 PM

The thing is, it was never supposed to be easy to complete ops on Ruthless it was supposed to be a badge of honor but I think the devs just overestimated how many people would be actually able to complete them. And even then people need to realise that if you can't do it you either get better at the game and try again until you succeed or you just play on the lower difficulties. In NO WAY is it mandatory to unlock the last tier of weapons. Games like Destiny do this on multiple different modes like Master mode raids and Grandmaster nightfalls which have completion rates around 5-10% of the player base AND you get better gear from those activities.
And while I stand by the point that Ruthless should be Hard there are some things that obviously need changing like the incentive to use gun strikes more than just for the damage and the fact that you can get stun locked if you're fighting more than 2 Majors if you mess up a parry just once. Over all though the difficulty is where it needs to be imo, You absolutely need teamwork and team balance when going into Ruthless and while some classe under perform on that difficulty I say rather than lower the difficulty just make some changes to buff those classes to be on the same level of usefullness as the others.

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5 days ago
Sep 19, 2024, 10:47:23 PM

Karatsuki wrote:

Barricade133 wrote:

Karatsuki wrote:

People need to stop complaining about the difficulty being too hard. Plenty enough people have completed every mission on Ruthless myself included, some even with 0 damage taken. Some people will never be able to complete the Highest difficulties and that is FINE. What needs to change is the weapon progression system and rewards for higher tier missions. You should be able to get through all the weapon levels at least on the Substantial difficulty. Maybe add additional rewards like cosmetics and being able to progress faster on Ruthless and above. BUT Difficulty being as it is, is completely fine for now and if YOU find it too difficult you can lower the difficulty at any time. There will always be players on different skill levels and so there should also be options for those people. Not every difficulty is meant for everyone.

No, but when progression is locked behind a difficulty you can't complete. And said difficulty is more tedious than difficult at the moment because the weapons you need to mitigate the increased health pools of your enemies need to be completed first, then the tedium needs to be addressed. Enemy health and the healing bugs are gonna be looked at and checked in tandem with Bolters getting a buff of sorts so we'll se where things fall after that. But simply adding the Vanguard's 25 execution health regen of 10% across the board would greatly help alleviating many of the pain points. Which should also be addressed.

This is what I'm talking about here
The problem is NOT the level of difficulty but the fact that they lock the progression behind that difficulty. I love the challenge it brings and I'm looking forward to Lethal very much but if they start lowering the difficulty just a few weeks after launch its not looking good for the hardcore players in the long run. They should be giving people more options on where to get the relic tier upgrades or maybe just remove them from Ruthless alltogether and add different rewards for those who complete these higher difficulties.

The difficulty itself is not the issue. It's how they implemented difficulty is the issue. Enemies doing more damage and giving them twice as much health is not a difficulty slider in tandem with knee capping equipment volume and effectiveness is not fun. It's tedious. That said, I do agree they should let you exchange currencies to upgrade them into higher tiers to let you alleviate the growing pains of going up in difficulty. Turning it into a gradual hill you climb, rather than a stone fucking wall you run into.

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5 days ago
Sep 19, 2024, 10:48:14 PM

ledarsi wrote:

The issue here is there are hugely overpowered elements that trivialize Ruthless operations. Such as Melta health exploit, Banner being a literal full heal, etc. Mere completion with exploiting these features is likely not a good metric.

There is also the fact that there is a huge difficulty and gameplay difference between, say, Inferno and Reliquary. The Tyranid missions are played literally 10x more than the Chaos missions. This too is a sign of problems rather than looking at 5.3% having "mere completion of at least 1" as a positive metric.

Banner being a full heal is NOT an exploit its literally a perk you have. While it may be a bit strong in a sense and an obvious pick on that column it is in NO WAY an exploit

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5 days ago
Sep 19, 2024, 11:04:28 PM

Karatsuki wrote:

ledarsi wrote:

The issue here is there are hugely overpowered elements that trivialize Ruthless operations. Such as Melta health exploit, Banner being a literal full heal, etc. Mere completion with exploiting these features is likely not a good metric.

There is also the fact that there is a huge difficulty and gameplay difference between, say, Inferno and Reliquary. The Tyranid missions are played literally 10x more than the Chaos missions. This too is a sign of problems rather than looking at 5.3% having "mere completion of at least 1" as a positive metric.

Banner being a full heal is NOT an exploit its literally a perk you have. While it may be a bit strong in a sense and an obvious pick on that column it is in NO WAY an exploit

It isn't supposed to be granting your teammates full contested health I believe. I am pretty sure that is where the bug lies. And as such is being used to top off your entire team. And with higher diffs reducing amount of Stimms and them healing you less and less. Bulwarks are going to be a must pick if they don't add some more ways to get health back.

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5 days ago
Sep 19, 2024, 11:26:21 PM

Barricade133 wrote:

Karatsuki wrote:

ledarsi wrote:

The issue here is there are hugely overpowered elements that trivialize Ruthless operations. Such as Melta health exploit, Banner being a literal full heal, etc. Mere completion with exploiting these features is likely not a good metric.

There is also the fact that there is a huge difficulty and gameplay difference between, say, Inferno and Reliquary. The Tyranid missions are played literally 10x more than the Chaos missions. This too is a sign of problems rather than looking at 5.3% having "mere completion of at least 1" as a positive metric.

Banner being a full heal is NOT an exploit its literally a perk you have. While it may be a bit strong in a sense and an obvious pick on that column it is in NO WAY an exploit

It isn't supposed to be granting your teammates full contested health I believe. I am pretty sure that is where the bug lies. And as such is being used to top off your entire team. And with higher diffs reducing amount of Stimms and them healing you less and less. Bulwarks are going to be a must pick if they don't add some more ways to get health back.

image loaded from url

It is literally a perk you can pick that give all teammates full contested health.

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