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Give us the game back !

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6 months ago
Sep 26, 2024, 4:53:24 PM

Give us back our game! Already 2 Friends sold they game today. Nice idea too nerf a game were all play want more difficulty and more enemy. Why ?? I play with a french community and everyone dont understand. Dont nerf, buff things that are low insted. Give us back the difficulty please. (Sorry for my english) - dont do the same mistake that Helldivers 2 did. Plz

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6 months ago
Sep 26, 2024, 4:59:09 PM

The difficulty was poorly designed for how the game works.  They fixed the overhealing bug, which a lot of people were relying on, and they adjusted damage values so you didn't just get shredded from a mile away while you were trying to swing at a minoris.  

The changes they made made a lot of sense.  They're also planning on adding another difficulty tier per the roadmap.  The game is MUCH more sensibly designed, so they can build on what they have now and tweak waves that are more enjoyable to turn up manageable difficulty.  These are all good things, I don't know why your community is freaking out.   I doubt this was ever supposed to be a Punishment game, now it feels so much more like an actual game.

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6 months ago
Sep 26, 2024, 8:18:40 PM

I agree with BJuce, the game has become too easy for me too...
I know there is a 5th difficulty on the roadmap, but i wonder if the challenge will be there...

I have to say i am disappointed for the patch. I already have 95 hours in the game, and what made me stay was the challenge offered by the ruthless games.

Maybe do like another Warhammer game did and add kind of a "Auric" games for those who want to...

Updated 6 months ago.
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6 months ago
Sep 26, 2024, 9:03:20 PM

I agree with BJuce and Mexmarsouin, for me the game has become frustratingly easy.

I had incredible difficulty completing operations on the third difficulty, and I was enjoying the anticipation of what awaited me on the fourth difficulty when I would get maxed out and have enough experience to have success on that difficulty. Now after the patch I easily completed the op on the fourth difficulty and I am very disappointed.

I still love the game, but I hope they bring back the feeling of actually playing as a space marine.

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6 months ago
Sep 26, 2024, 9:09:58 PM

yumimaro wrote:

I still love the game, but I hope they bring back the feeling of actually playing as a space marine.

The interesting thing about this comment is that feeling so squishy to everything made many people feel like they weren't space marines.  Now, I'd argue, the player feels much more like an actual space marine, and they can crank up the spawn number juice now that the game is better designed.

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6 months ago
Sep 26, 2024, 10:15:48 PM

You're right. I think it's worth considering that this is probably not the final state of the game's difficulty levels.

The developers have done and continue to do a very good job, and things will probably improve with further patches. I just wanted to express my personal feedback on the new feel of the game.

Many thanks to the developers for the work they have done. Please keep it going.

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6 months ago
Sep 26, 2024, 10:36:09 PM

yumimaro wrote:

You're right. I think it's worth considering that this is probably not the final state of the game's difficulty levels.

The developers have done and continue to do a very good job, and things will probably improve with further patches. I just wanted to express my personal feedback on the new feel of the game.

Many thanks to the developers for the work they have done. Please keep it going.

It's still important to let devs know there's interest in an oppressive-tier difficulty, so sharing that you miss the more intense gameplay is valid and important.  The only thing I'm trying to do out here is steer the "game is ruined" dooming back to center.  The game wasn't ruined, it was fixed.  Now it can be improved, and hopefully that means difficulty that feels even better.

It's also cool to get insight on the AI director, because we can say things like "actually with all these changes, moving tzaangors back from 20 to 30 should be fine to keep chaos missions more packed".  Or they could make a difficulty where massive waves hit every few minutes.  Now that the game works more as intended, there's so much they can try.

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6 months ago
Sep 26, 2024, 10:59:08 PM

Getting kind of sick of reading people complain about the game being easier now. Theres a huge chunk of us that dont have a ton of free time to play this game and hang with people that play enough to handle Ruthless with ease. As a casual player I was blocked from upgrading my guns past a certain point because I couldnt get the higher tier armory data from harder ops and I dont have the time to keep grinding low level ops to get there. This obviously is just my own personal gripe but Im sure there are several others that feel the same. The game feels far more balanced now than it did before and I can actually survive enough to complete higher difficulties. This isnt supposed to be a game thats reserved for “elite” players. If there was some sort of trade up/fusion system for armory data (which has been mentioned a LOT in the ideas forums *cough*) then at least those of us that cant commit to higher difficulty games could still obtain the stuff that people who play 6+ hours a day can get. I LOVE this game, Im pleased with what theyve done so far and Im looking forward to seeing their future plans. 

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6 months ago
Sep 26, 2024, 11:18:52 PM

Reject_Harrowed wrote:

Getting kind of sick of reading people complain about the game being easier now. Theres a huge chunk of us that dont have a ton of free time to play this game and hang with people that play enough to handle Ruthless with ease. As a casual player I was blocked from upgrading my guns past a certain point because I couldnt get the higher tier armory data from harder ops and I dont have the time to keep grinding low level ops to get there. This obviously is just my own personal gripe but Im sure there are several others that feel the same. The game feels far more balanced now than it did before and I can actually survive enough to complete higher difficulties. This isnt supposed to be a game thats reserved for “elite” players. If there was some sort of trade up/fusion system for armory data (which has been mentioned a LOT in the ideas forums *cough*) then at least those of us that cant commit to higher difficulty games could still obtain the stuff that people who play 6+ hours a day can get. I LOVE this game, Im pleased with what theyve done so far and Im looking forward to seeing their future plans. 

all they needed to do was not have progression hard locked to difficulty, and tone down minoris enemies. I think they were very heavy-handed on the Nerfs, games basically a walking simulator now. Minroris enemies are barely an inconvenience, and ranged enemies are blind, you can literally stand still and parry spam to be unkillable.

I understand not having time to dedicate to games, I'm a small business owner working 50+ hours a week, and I only game 2-3 hours a day during the week. Games used to be fun because they provided a challenge. Mastering the mechanics and outplaying the enemy WAS fun, now it's just people wanting the game to play itself, they want to play the hardest difficulty without trying or earning it. Hopefully, the new difficulty will solve this.

idk that's just me, I'm still having fun, but the game feels noticeably less engaging and gets borderline boring after 3-4 operations, I enjoyed having to be locked in and on the edge of my seat, which made winning feel well-earned.

Updated 6 months ago.
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6 months ago
Sep 26, 2024, 11:21:04 PM

Bladerunner777 wrote:

Mexmarsouin wrote:

I agree with BJuce, the game has become too easy for me too...

Try playing pvp instead ;)

I tried, and i dont like it, but thats a personnal opinion of course.

I dont like it not because it's hard, but because i cant find the feeling of this game's essence : perfect dodges, perfect parries, etc...

You'll tell me "difficulty is a personnal opinion too".
Indeed it is, but people can select the difficulty in which they "feel good". If ruthless is too hard, there's no shame playing in a lower difficulty.

Then you'll tell me "yeah, but they can't afford the relics weapons".
It's true, but there are other way to go around that, which could be trading "artificers data" to buy "relic data".

One guy submitted this idea in another topic.

Anyway, the patch is here, but i feel important to let the devs know that some people like the game being hard, so i really hope that 5th difficulty will fulfill my wishes.
Wait & see ;)

Updated 6 months ago.
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6 months ago
Sep 26, 2024, 11:21:26 PM

I also feel that the game is now a cake walk. I dont have to shoot anything, I can just parry the whole game. I think many of the adjustments were great, but being able to parry and always get armor back was too much. Now I am never punished for not having wave clear. The melta and lazfusil are the prime wave clear options. I would of rather seen a lift to the ability other options have to provide that to the squad (IE the auto rifles having better penetration, to kill a couple at a time, or just more reliably kill small targets quickly). Powerfist feels much better, and I think it does have a role in handling single targets through heavy attacks (a playstyle that is 'new'). Med stims might be too good now, if rumors are true that we may see a 'healing' class in the future...I have not played with new heavy plasme, but it looks like it will do better and feel better.

Assault class is essentially unchanged, and is still bad. Luckily it doesnt matter, because with patience you can just solo parry everything to clear the content. I havent done a chaos mission yet, but expect it to be very easy in comparison to before with the heavy reduction in mob count.

I think that the highest difficulty should remove some of the 'debuffs' (nerfs) that were put in place for the current iteration of the game, while also increasing maybe horde sizes/quality of average tier of enemies (mostly minoris to even split or mostly majoris). 

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6 months ago
Sep 26, 2024, 11:26:43 PM

FatherGoose wrote:

yumimaro wrote:

I still love the game, but I hope they bring back the feeling of actually playing as a space marine.

The interesting thing about this comment is that feeling so squishy to everything made many people feel like they weren't space marines.  Now, I'd argue, the player feels much more like an actual space marine, and they can crank up the spawn number juice now that the game is better designed.

a space marine is way more than just their armor. being locked in, focusing on eliminating high-damage threats, avoiding damage, making good tactical use of your equipment and abilities, and performing melee combos suited for the situation are all part of being a space marine. people just want the feeling of being a space marine without having to think and perform like a space marine. the game gave you plenty of tools to feel unstoppable If you played well, space marines are just walking juggernauts that one-shot everything, in the overall scoop of 40k, space marines are on the weaker side in terms of raw strength and durability.

space marines have skills and abilities honed over decades or even centuries of war against the most brutal and unforgiving enemies the galaxy has to offer, 10-15 gaunts or 1-2 warriors are perfectly capable of taking down a space marine that lets them hit him. You need to use speed, tactics, accuracy, squad mates, precision, and martial superiority to overcome immeasurable odds, not just face tanking with armor and one-shotting with bolters.

Updated 6 months ago.
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6 months ago
Sep 26, 2024, 11:28:20 PM

KananDane wrote:
I enjoyed having to be locked in and on the edge of my seat, which made winning feel well-earned.

This 100% is the way I felt playing in the update. Played a ruthless op solo, and just spammed parry pretty much the entire way through...lost like 10 health if that total. Oh yea, that was on a lvl 11 char too.

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6 months ago
Sep 26, 2024, 11:46:04 PM

A full armor bar for perfect parrying minoris might be too much, but it's a good directional change.  The whole loop is about armor sustain, and when majoris just won't attack in melee while other majoris are rifling you down from range while minoris are chain attacking, it felt really bad as melee.  This offers a way to have some more control over your survivability, even if it ends up being a half bar or something down the road. 

Sure it can feel good to lock in and sweat,  but it'll feel much better to do with a congruent design.  I really think players were sweating for all the wrong reasons and finding all the wrong solutions to deal with it, for the most part. 

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6 months ago
Sep 27, 2024, 12:39:14 AM

The devs will continue to tweak and change difficulty and damage values for the game. Instead of spamming that it's not hard enough try giving constructive feedback on the gameplay mechanics with well thought out reasoning on future changes. The recent update is a good first step towards finding a good rhythm to fight against chaos and tyranid enemies

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6 months ago
Sep 27, 2024, 4:14:21 AM

I'll add my voice and say that the game felt more rewarding before, indeed.
At the very least, please make sure that the next added difficulty takes off the kiddy gloves so that people who seeks to challenge themselves have a place to do so.

Updated 6 months ago.
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6 months ago
Sep 27, 2024, 4:34:53 AM

BJuce wrote:

Give us back our game! Already 2 Friends sold they game today. Nice idea too nerf a game were all play want more difficulty and more enemy. Why ?? I play with a french community and everyone dont understand. Dont nerf, buff things that are low insted. Give us back the difficulty please. (Sorry for my english) - dont do the same mistake that Helldivers 2 did. Plz

This game is made for adults aged 40 and above, and the players who are asking to make the game easier? They are exactly those players! Haha! Time will tell whether this game will shine or fade into darkness. Instead of improving the quality of life in PVE mode, they reduced the number of enemies. And those old players don’t even know how to break the enemy’s guard stance! LOL ​

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6 months ago
Sep 27, 2024, 4:37:48 AM

If this is the quality of post to expect from proponents of the game being worse, it looks like we're heading in the right direction. There are plenty of games for hammering nails into your dick. It's okay for SM2 to be an actual game instead of a fetishistic punishment sim for a loudmouthed 0.5% of the fan base whose only argument for getting what they want is that everyone else but them is bad.

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