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After last patch the game feels great now, but Ruthless became too easy (160 hours feedback)

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6 months ago
Sep 30, 2024, 1:06:30 PM

I do believe that most recent patch changed game for the best. Overall nerf of ranged enemies and armor from trash parry allowed melee to finally shine and almost no dodge spam required anymore (thank the Emperor!)

The game became too easy. Now you easily beat any Ruthless Operation not only without dying, but without injury at all. Maybe 1 armor for each trash parried is too much, maybe it can be half of armor, or less. But even without parry spam, for example when playing heavy, it's too easy.

I don't want changes to be reverted, I think most of them are for the best. The game before felt unfun and unfair, ruthless required cheesy playstyle to consistently win. Now you finally feel like a space marine, when you're not so afraid of small enemies. But I do wish some new additional tweaks to be done to Ruthless difficulty to make it more challenging. For example:

1. Eviler Game director (with ammo boxes adjusted for that) - if you look at Darktide's max difficulty for example, game director there sometimes (a lot of times) behaves completely unhinged throwing every single enemy type at you at once in swarms with bosses and specials on top - and this feels AWESOME! Spacemarine2 director is toothless in comparison. Most often than not boss enters arena without any enemies to support it, and only one special hits the field at a time. This is too easy for ruthless difficulty, let director be more evil, to pose a challenge for seasoned players and bring more variety to missions.

2. More frequent encounters (with ammo pickups adjusted for this as well of course). Again, Darktide's max difficulty means that your mission is basically one continuous fight, with very rare moments of reprieve. In SM2 it's almost other way around. Waves are rare (especially if you cut down reinforcement cries, which you often do, if you're a seasoned player), and they are smaller and shorter. Let us be on edge throughout the whole mission clinging to our own lives and each other's, to search for ammo and pickups not in silence after everyone is dead, but while fighting off angry hordes.

3. Mission modifiers. On top of those two, it would be cool to have some random modifiers applied to max difficulty. Like more elites, or thicker trash mobs, more trash mobs, more frequent specials, minibosses on top of actual bosses (yes most of these are from Darktide as well, but damn it all works wonders there!), or something in that line.

Some such changes are desperately needed, because as of now max difficulty can be easily beaten with almost no injury. At the same time, I feel like some bolter weapons need a buff should the game become more difficult, because those seem to struggle to be relevant the most, even now. Personally, I've grinded most of the weapons and classes some time ago, and the only reason for me to go on Operations further is to get my butt kicked so to speak, and I think that would be true for many players as well.

Updated 6 months ago.
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6 months ago
Sep 30, 2024, 1:16:59 PM

​It becomes easy when you're equipped with a full set of gold gear, but it instantly gets challenging and fun when you bring purple or green gear into Ruthless mode, which is exactly what I'm doing, haha!  

But for me, I hope the upcoming difficulty mode will be intense, with enemies and hordes spawning all along the way—Revenants, Reactor spawns, explosions, and minibosses. Also, AI that is smart in dealing with players. I regret that this game’s enemy types don’t include instant-kill mechanics like the hounds in Darktide or the collectors in Darktide. If Space Marine 2 had something like that, it would definitely be fun and help players improve their skills.

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6 months ago
Sep 30, 2024, 1:22:43 PM

Ha, yeah you could artificially make it harder by hindering your loadout, true :) And I have very high hopes for upcoming difficulty, as well. I do hope that will be something unique, never before experienced in operations. But it can be months until that moment. Meanwhile at least some tweaks to Director behavior and quantity of enemy waves could go a long way to make what is currently there a much more thrilling ride.

Updated 6 months ago.
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6 months ago
Sep 30, 2024, 2:00:58 PM

Bigtomo wrote:

​It becomes easy when you're equipped with a full set of gold gear, but it instantly gets challenging and fun when you bring purple or green gear into Ruthless mode, which is exactly what I'm doing, haha!  

But for me, I hope the upcoming difficulty mode will be intense, with enemies and hordes spawning all along the way—Revenants, Reactor spawns, explosions, and minibosses. Also, AI that is smart in dealing with players. I regret that this game’s enemy types don’t include instant-kill mechanics like the hounds in Darktide or the collectors in Darktide. If Space Marine 2 had something like that, it would definitely be fun and help players improve their skills.

Everyone brings purple or green to their first Ruthless, since that's the gating factor to gold cards.  Ruthless against 3 new 15s with purple or gold gear is probably near the difficulty they were intending.  Ruthless against 3 experienced 25s with gold gear is where you hear the crying of "its too easy".  If the gold cards were accessible PRIOR to Ruthless, you could turn the difficulty back up some.  Pro players would still beat it on <15 with under-leveled gear, while casuals could get their gold gear and keep leveling until they could tackle it.

The weapon level gating is a core design problem.

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6 months ago
Sep 30, 2024, 4:33:36 PM

At this point they should just focus (pun intended) on the next difficulty and making it actually true to it's name (Lethal).
We don't need new weapon tiers unless they adjust the XP needed for them which is currently a bit too much for the average player.

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6 months ago
Sep 30, 2024, 8:44:04 PM

This is true.  Immediately upon update Ruthless became easily done solo.  To make it better there just need to be twice as many enemies with the same level of difficulty.  Maybe even 3 times.

Updated 6 months ago.
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