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Poll: Bulwark Shield

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2 months ago
Oct 8, 2024, 4:01:27 AM

Do you think Bulwark's shield should be destructible in PvP?

Please include your Level, Rank of your classes, and Yes/No.

Level: 25

All Classes: VIII


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2 months ago
Oct 8, 2024, 5:56:38 AM

Bladerunner777 wrote:


Level; 25

heavy class VIII

other classes; II, III, IV etc

(should I include my shoe size as well ?)


I guess just what your Bulwark is. Using it to see what people who actually have played him think vs people who haven't.

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
Oct 8, 2024, 6:15:46 AM

Bladerunner777 wrote:

MrsHeadshott wrote:

Bladerunner777 wrote:


Level; 25

heavy class VIII

other classes; II, III, IV etc

(should I include my shoe size as well ?)


I guess just what your Bulwark is. Using it to see what people who actually have played him think vs people who haven't.

??? I played him and I fought against him. I see him everyday many times (unlike heavies with multi meltas for instance)

I'm just saying, keep playing him. You need to experience why he's not overpowered. He's great with people there to capitalize, but he's meh if not being a great distraction. 

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2 months ago
Oct 8, 2024, 6:44:54 AM

Llvl 22 I guess ?

Don't remember rank per class (what the point btw, gameplay wise ?), but I mainly play vanguard / assault and bulwark.

Answer : Yes.

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2 months ago
Oct 8, 2024, 1:24:27 PM

Yes but with a caveat. Make it destroyable by melta weapons, not just sheerly projectiles. The whole point is that it's made of tank-armor that stops normal weapons fire.

It's not really a balanced class to be able to wield 3 items at the same time and use 2 of them at any given time together.

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2 months ago
Oct 8, 2024, 5:17:27 PM

Shield is fine, stop whining already. You can stagger the Bulwark out of his shield stance and shoot him in the face. Bulwark is already at bottom of the list of the six classes, only trading places with the Vanguard, it doesn't need to be worse.

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2 months ago
Oct 8, 2024, 5:28:46 PM

Aexrael wrote:

Shield is fine, stop whining already. You can stagger the Bulwark out of his shield stance and shoot him in the face. Bulwark is already at bottom of the list of the six classes, only trading places with the Vanguard, it doesn't need to be worse.

The shield is not "fine", it's imbalanced in SOME areas, but fine in the rest. That being said, the melee in the game is drastically underpowered compared to the ranged. Just notice how often melee classes just use their sidearms instead.

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2 months ago
Oct 9, 2024, 8:24:20 AM

Mainfoldium wrote:

Aexrael wrote:

Shield is fine, stop whining already. You can stagger the Bulwark out of his shield stance and shoot him in the face. Bulwark is already at bottom of the list of the six classes, only trading places with the Vanguard, it doesn't need to be worse.

The shield is not "fine", it's imbalanced in SOME areas, but fine in the rest. That being said, the melee in the game is drastically underpowered compared to the ranged. Just notice how often melee classes just use their sidearms instead.

Assaults easily top the charts and demolish opposing teams, how is that in any way imbalanced in favor of ranged?

On top of that the powerfist changes in 3.0 made it completely broken in Eternal War, for both Assaults and Bulwarks.

The one thing that may need a review is the Power Sword, it pales in comparison to the Chainsword, Thunderhammer and Powerfist.

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2 months ago
Oct 9, 2024, 5:24:26 PM

Aexrael wrote:

Mainfoldium wrote:

Aexrael wrote:

Shield is fine, stop whining already. You can stagger the Bulwark out of his shield stance and shoot him in the face. Bulwark is already at bottom of the list of the six classes, only trading places with the Vanguard, it doesn't need to be worse.

The shield is not "fine", it's imbalanced in SOME areas, but fine in the rest. That being said, the melee in the game is drastically underpowered compared to the ranged. Just notice how often melee classes just use their sidearms instead.

Assaults easily top the charts and demolish opposing teams, how is that in any way imbalanced in favor of ranged?

On top of that the powerfist changes in 3.0 made it completely broken in Eternal War, for both Assaults and Bulwarks.

The one thing that may need a review is the Power Sword, it pales in comparison to the Chainsword, Thunderhammer and Powerfist.

You're making arguments that have critical requirements.

Those critical requirements come down to playstyle and skill.

The amount of times I pick Assaults out of the air before they can even get to slam down, is at times ridiculous. Most of the time I find it extremely easy to kill them (barring times where it's clearly latency-related lag making stuff like dodges irrelevant because you're dead before you see the attack start), but at the point where you get "outplayed" and they're in your face and you're standing on a shock grenade etc, of course the Assault is supposed to have the upper hand.

But I do see a lot of players getting killed by Assaults simply because they're oblivious to their presence, or rather.. they don't look UP, they're not LOOKING for Assaults, they're not on-guard and not listening for the audio-cues. And there's a reason very few Assault players use the power fist, it's hard to use properly against someone modestly good at dodge-roll timing. What I have seen more of lately having success, are the chainsword Assaults, they're a nightmare when they're good, especially when playing as a Bulwark (because the time to charge a heavy attack with the chainsword is so short).

It's good you mentioned the power sword, because that would probably be one of the most balanced weapon Assaults could get, since they do not allow for a first-attack being a heavy attack, which would balance out encounters. So it boggles my mind why they wouldn't give it to Assaults.

But I digress.. I seldom see Assaults topping the scoreboards in pvp, and the few times I do, it's either; someone I can clearly see has skill to some degree, myself (humble self-brag lol), or it's someone that's doing the new "meta" of hovering and dropping melta bombs (since they do not give any grenade indicator) which has a massive area of guaranteed kill. Usually the scoreboard is topped by either tactical marines or vanguard, which is obvious why (really strong classes, but wouldn't want them nerfed because they do their roles appropriately and not excessively)

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2 months ago
Oct 9, 2024, 10:30:07 PM

Aexrael wrote:
The one thing that may need a review is the Power Sword, it pales in comparison to the Chainsword, Thunderhammer and Powerfist.

Yeah this.  The Powersword is absurdly weak considering it is, ostensibly, the best all around melee weapon available.

Anyone having issues facing Storm Shields has a serious skill issue to deal with; don't ask for nerfs to a class just because they counter your class-of-choice, get good instead. 

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2 months ago
Oct 10, 2024, 6:10:09 PM

No.  It should not be destructible, however I think it should allow pass-thru damage after a certain point and certain weapons should penetrate.  

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2 months ago
Oct 10, 2024, 10:52:45 PM

That's even worse. Lol. It's penetrable, shoot from the side or stagger.

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
Oct 11, 2024, 12:27:18 AM

Bladerunner777 wrote:
Anyone having issues using powersword has a serious skill issue to deal with; don't ask for buffs to a weapon just because it is countered by other classes than yours, get good instead.

i mean... if i had an issue with it I'd be making whiny forum threads about it.   

Destroying the Bulwark shield will lead to people inting so they respawn with another shield, also in the lore a storm shield can withstand super-heavy weapons(MASSIVE guns) and lascannons... its just a bad idea born of low-tier scrub salt.

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2 months ago
Oct 11, 2024, 4:51:01 PM

You have six people on a team. It's much easier to stand on either side of a bulwark and kill him. 

If you're having extra trouble use a krakk. They stick to him, and literally every weapon can kill him during the stumble, including the bolt pistol. 

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2 months ago
Oct 11, 2024, 8:31:44 PM

MrsHeadshott wrote:

You have six people on a team. It's much easier to stand on either side of a bulwark and kill him. 

If you're having extra trouble use a krakk. They stick to him, and literally every weapon can kill him during the stumble, including the bolt pistol. 

Yeah you nailed it right here, bladerunner just proves over and over he doesn't know how to play his class or work with his teammates. 

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2 months ago
Oct 11, 2024, 11:35:56 PM

You know how a heavy has a big gun, and an Iron Halo? They win the 1v1 in the open just based on DPS. So like two Tacs might be and to take down the Iron Halo and kill before one of them dies. So, team work, or you have to wait it out.  That's called positioning. 

Bulwarks are the things that hamper the Heavy duo from steamrolling comps that don't also include heavies. 

Instead of it being time based, someone has to flank or you're not going to kill him from the front. The pressure causes him to put down the banner, then you wait it out or damage through it, depending on what you have. 

Not to mention Bulwarks have TERRIBLE DPS compared to other classes. This is the trade off. Mobility-DPS-Defense. 

Heavy has the highest DPS and the second most defense. 

Bulwark has the worst Mobility and DPS, but the best Defense. 

This is how the game is set up. It makes sense. 

Individual skill shouldn't even be a factor, and it should be okay that you have to flank a guy with the of the sturdiest shields in the universe rather than killing it from the front. 

Sniper can stealth behind. Melta ignores. Shock Grenade blind, Krakk sticks and staggers, frags can one shot. Melee can ground pound and heavy attack. These are the non flanking answers to the Bulwark of which there are plenty. 

I don't think this conversation should be continued. Everything there is to say has been said by each of us. 

The poll is fine, but the debate is pointless...

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2 months ago
Oct 12, 2024, 12:38:43 AM

Bladerunner777 wrote:
What makes you think so kid :) you don't even know me, I top the charts regularly with heavy and slay bulwarks like little piglets.

"Bulwark shield is stupidly OP and wrecks people.... oh, but not me!" lmfao

I feel like this poll is just a salt thread in disguise; if you're mad that a Bulwark is face tanking your heavy, walking up to you, and killing you... you're mad at yourself for sucking, it's no the games fault.

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2 months ago
Oct 12, 2024, 4:17:55 AM

As a bulwork main this pains me but maybe not destructible but maybe after a sustained amount of fire it counts as a stun?

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2 months ago
Oct 12, 2024, 4:51:20 AM

The Bulwark is something you learn to adapt to as you play. There's tons of people in low levels who just shoot the shield. 

Once everyone figures out the counter play there will just have to be coordination. These things happen. Like people sleeping on multi melta.

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