Hello all.  I know this has been brought up before, but I wanted to just double down on this anyway.  Please allow Heavy to dodge out of Heavy Stance (at least in Operations mode)

I understand that Heavy not being able to dodge in Heavy Stance is probably intended for balancing reasons, but I don't think it accomplishes that goal.  I think it hurts more than it helps, for several reasons:

  • Heavy is already balanced with other mechanics.  Primarily, he doesn't get a melee weapon in a game where you're constantly swarmed in melee.  He also has to deal with overheating on his weapons (2 out of 3 of them at least).  On top of that, there is this slight (maybe .5 second) delay when he goes into and out of Heavy Stance.  This is a game that requires twitch reflexes, having that delay is already enough of an impediment.  Did he really need to have his dodge restricted in ADS as well?

  • It simply doesn't feel good.  This is a muscle memory thing.  Every other class, every other weapon, you can dodge out of ADS.  Then you launch as a Heavy and all of a sudden a core game mechanic is completely different.  To say it makes the class feel clunky is an understatement.  It balances some of the fun out of the class, in a PVE game mode where balance does not need to be perfect.  Balance should never come at the cost of fun.

This issue hurts the Heavy Bolter in particular (already arguably the weakest of his 3 weapons) since the other 2 can hip fire and be effective, Heavy Bolter needs Heavy Stance to do any real damage.

This aspect is the only thing that keeps me from truly enjoying playing as Heavy.  I know others feel the same way.  75% of damage I take/times I die is due to this issue.  It's not necessary to balance the class, and more importantly, it isn't fun.

Please change this, at least for Operations mode.  Thanks.