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So what's next? Here is my idea! (only Erebus supporters don't read this)

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a month ago
Jan 13, 2025, 11:46:35 AM

Greetings, Honoured Battlebrothers, 

as many of you probably feel already, multiplayer aspect of this game is missing something at it's core. Game is very often compared to HD 2 - now before you all guys erupt - I know it's not best comparision. BUT. Helldivers has something that SM 2 doesn't have but could profit from - some global social contruct build in the game. Galactic War, orders, crappy but still - rewards for doing them. I KNOW YOU ARE ROLLING YOUR EYES BUT KEEP READING.

I have maxed everything out in SM 2. I love this game but there is nothing I can grind for and waiting month(s) for new content that I unlock in week or so won't work for me and as I believe - for many others too. 

Solution to that is system that once made fuels itself. I know, I know "it's a lot of work", "it"s complicated" answers are coming but listen. 

How about we make something as simple as... Chapters in the game. Beyond cosmetics. My idea is that you allow player join certain chapter of his choice, let's say Salamanders. There are many successor chapters added already so we can cover only MAIN ones to not make... chaos. 

When this new played joins chapter, as expected, he is on very bottom of Battlebrothers Ranking, that can be seen somewhere on his battlebarge. All he get's is battlebarge and thunderhawk customized to fit colours of Chapter he is part of. 

How to progress in this ranking? Simply play the game. EXP that you gain during Operations (and maybe PvP if that is not a problem to combine) adds up to your Ranking Points. 

Why to progress in this ranking? To unlock Titles and rewards assigned to them. My initial idea is that as long as you are in bottom 50% you are simply Battlebrother of X Chapter. 

Then you get better titles and better looking armor pauldrons or helmets or weapon skins as you progress and move up in said Chapter Rank. 

Damn, you could even add "+10% exp for missions done with Battlebrothers from same Chapter". Cohesion. It would make social aspect of game more alive. 

If devs really liked that idea we could go further and make Glory Ranks

Let's say once every 6 months/year Chapter who got the most points, so the biggest amount of missions done get's some unique armor part, weapon skin etc. It would be available for everyone but obviously Chapter themed. I gave example of Salamanders above, so let's say we would get some Dragon-head hammer for assault. 

Implementing this mechanic would give us some reason to play game between patches when there is nothing we can do, apply some rivarly with friends and elevate fighting for glory of Chapter and Primarch to higher level. On top of that, once made it doesn't require much work after that!

I know this idea is really barebones but I also know if devs would work on it it would make game greater than ever and probably make me week off work again, same as I did on release.:)

What do you guys think about it? What would you change or add?

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a month ago
Jan 13, 2025, 12:34:28 PM

I think its a good idea , what i would add is that all of that should be further refined into the horde mode ( i posted an idea about it in this forum section, i think It could be complementary to your idea ). 

Also , i've heard rumors about Saber willing to go full live service ( Open World Games made a video about It) with battlepasses , so maybe and finally , things will improve on the content side of things

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a month ago
Jan 13, 2025, 12:58:54 PM

Aurellian wrote:

I think its a good idea , what i would add is that all of that should be further refined into the horde mode ( i posted an idea about it in this forum section, i think It could be complementary to your idea ). 

Also , i've heard rumors about Saber willing to go full live service ( Open World Games made a video about It) with battlepasses , so maybe and finally , things will improve on the content side of things

I think battlepasses would be BEST POSSIBLE THING that could happen to this game, as for now the biggest flav is missing content and in game events. 

Game has huge audience and warhammer world gains more fans every year. This game being face of franchise for now - at least until Cavill relases his show - could benefit greatly from more content - both free and priced. 

Thank you for your comment, you made my day better. I will check out video you mentioned and your idea, I can't wait for horde mode. Really. It has so much potential. But on the other hand I am a bit scared they will just give us 2 arenas with enemies spawning and that's it. While we could get again some skill-based unlockables. 

Also Horde Mode would be perfect time to release tech marine - who can plant some turrets or fortify teammates armour etc... but I am sailing too far into my dreams right now. : /

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a month ago
Jan 13, 2025, 1:17:49 PM

Naus_ wrote:

Aurellian wrote:

I think its a good idea , what i would add is that all of that should be further refined into the horde mode ( i posted an idea about it in this forum section, i think It could be complementary to your idea ). 

Also , i've heard rumors about Saber willing to go full live service ( Open World Games made a video about It) with battlepasses , so maybe and finally , things will improve on the content side of things

I think battlepasses would be BEST POSSIBLE THING that could happen to this game, as for now the biggest flav is missing content and in game events. 

Game has huge audience and warhammer world gains more fans every year. This game being face of franchise for now - at least until Cavill relases his show - could benefit greatly from more content - both free and priced. 

Thank you for your comment, you made my day better. I will check out video you mentioned and your idea, I can't wait for horde mode. Really. It has so much potential. But on the other hand I am a bit scared they will just give us 2 arenas with enemies spawning and that's it. While we could get again some skill-based unlockables. 

Also Horde Mode would be perfect time to release tech marine - who can plant some turrets or fortify teammates armour etc... but I am sailing too far into my dreams right now. : /

I agree , battlepasses would be the saving grace of this game in my opinion and would allow them to put way bigger chunks of content more often . Id gladly support Saber on that long as they dont put fomo content and everything they add doesnt expires . So yes im all in for battlepasses.

You are very welcome, glad that someone realized that the game has the potential to do so much and horde mode could be way more than a pointless arena with enemies spawn in a brainless brawl. Here is the link to my idea ( which you already replied some days ago lol but its fine) : 


And yes , Techmarine would be so Dope for that mode

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Jan 14, 2025, 6:06:01 AM

What’s wrong with Erebus supporters? 😈

But I love the ideas. Some type of ongoing progression or reward system. More content, please!!

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a month ago
Jan 14, 2025, 11:00:59 AM

Erebus wrote:

What’s wrong with Erebus supporters? 😈

But I love the ideas. Some type of ongoing progression or reward system. More content, please!!

Now I am not so sure about my idea being good, when Erebus loved it...

<watches suspiciously> 

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a month ago
Jan 14, 2025, 1:05:31 PM
Hello Brother!
We are glad to read that you have maxed out everything in the game! Thats awesome!
Gladly we are going to forward this to the proper department so they can be aware of your thoughts about more rewards for completing operations and PVP modes.
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