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End Champion Packs

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2 months ago
Jan 19, 2025, 7:24:10 PM

Suggestion, stop making champion packs and rework your cosmetic releases as chapter packs. I feel focusing on a  specific class such as the upcoming Salamander Sniper Champion (which most do not seem to agreed with) for example has little value if someone doesn’t play a sniper class. The player doesn’t get to enjoy the cosmetics across the board especially if that person is a Salamander fan in this case.

If champion packs are to continue then please add more chapter cosmetics across the board to support that chapter.

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a month ago
Jan 20, 2025, 6:01:41 AM

ccouldn't agree more. Sniper champion decision for Salamander is a huge L and could not be more disappointing. It made me not even want to play. Chapter cosmetic packs would be significantly better. I would even pay more money for them.

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a month ago
Jan 20, 2025, 8:38:55 AM

This is actually very good idea. Instead of one Champion I would rather get more detailed and developed Chapter Pack. 

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a month ago
Jan 20, 2025, 10:42:55 PM

Yup, Sniper is the only class I don't enjoy. I'd rather them spend some time figuring out how to make the parts compatible on other classes and able to be re-colored rather than making a salamander sniper. Sure, you can still make the "champion" a sniper but make the parts able to be at least put on the other classes with compatible parts meshes.

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a month ago
Jan 21, 2025, 2:19:21 AM
Hello brothers. The idea of having champion cosmetics dedicated to the several chapters and available to every class in the game is really good. That's why I've send this suggestion to our dev team for proper consideration. Do let me know if you have any other suggestion.

The Emperor Protects.
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a month ago
Jan 21, 2025, 11:33:38 AM

This 100% They can't even get the champions right.
They just need to release all of the items as cosmetics so we can customise the characters we want and play how we want.

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a month ago
Jan 21, 2025, 3:43:52 PM

I also prefer this idea, when people post pictures of their characters it's usually them being happy to play as their favourite chapter and not as the class they are playing. Especially those who still or used to (such as myself) play as their Space Marines chapter from the tabletop game.

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a month ago
Jan 21, 2025, 9:56:05 PM

100% agreed. If they can't do a halfway correct and accurate job on the champions then just give us the armor pieces to put on ANY CLASS.

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a month ago
Jan 22, 2025, 2:39:15 PM

Slogael wrote:

And at least make the champion armor pieces available separately

This is something that we have been reading a lot, I would love to see this too! So your suggestion is going to get forwarded to the proper team!

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a month ago
Jan 22, 2025, 4:48:21 PM

I agree , thats why i recommended that all chapters should get the dark Angel treatment and get general armor parts

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Jan 23, 2025, 7:28:07 AM

I'd add an addition, there should also be more than 3 armour pieces you can earn for each respective chapter on EVERY class in each respective slot. I get this is an Ultramarine game, so they get more stuff. But, that said, why are there only 3 across all respective slots? You should be able to earn each respective slots customization in the successors, rather than only getting 3 different pieces for general use (the use isn't the issue it's the amount for what we pay). And as is the champion packs are not worth it for what you buy. Weapons skins for weapons that are hard locked to that class as well as Champion skins also locked to said class. Better hope you like that ONE class and play nothing else cause no other class can use most weapons also, so the weapon skins aren't worth it. Not too mention you only get 3 customization items that can be used on multiple class sure. But only 3 once again. You can't make a proper Dark Angel with a chest, shoulder and head gear. And even then, that is 1 item per slot......as I said. Not worth it in the slightest in hindsight.​

Give us a Champion skin for each class, allow the skins to be used on more class weapons (and open up more weapon usage across the current restrictive weapon selections). And most importantly, please give us more than three items to use with each pack in the different slots. Just give us a themed cosmetic pack with some more gear.

Updated a month ago.
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