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Multi-Melta Still Doesn't Work Sometimes

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9 days ago
Feb 1, 2025, 5:24:14 AM

Multi-Melta sometimes doesn't register the input, I end up having to click again and again till it actually fires. This should not be mistaken with the bug where you join a game and your primary doesn't work until you change weapons, which also still happens by the way. This is when youre in the middle of the action, you press/click and press/click but the weapon doesn't do anything. I asked a friend if he noticed this and he told me he experienced it as well. It is random and it can be quite punishing on Lethal. 
Iron Halo is also still broken, it still does not activate or deactivate while sprinting since Patch 5.0, can we please get Heavy fixed already?
Sure, as players we want a lot of things, we want lots of more content but right now, I would take bug fixes and connection fixes over everything else to be honest.

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9 days ago
Feb 1, 2025, 5:51:15 AM

Yeah they are still oddly stubborn on their lack of patching and hotfixing. Like we were damn lucky to get the parry hotfix when we did. It has been well over two weeks with no patch, not for balance or bug fixing or anything. I get they have a large one in the works but it is a month now, that is not okay. They said they would be dropping something in January but here we are now in Febuary with no patch in January... that was a lie. Stop lying to us. ZERO patchs or hotfixes in January. With no indication of one other than the upcoming "content" release. (an enemy that sounds like it will be incredibly not fun to fight, yay. Spore mine spam enemy, just what we asked for... NOT)

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9 days ago
Feb 1, 2025, 5:52:07 AM

Shining_Darkness wrote:

Yeah they are still oddly stubborn on their lack of patching and hotfixing. Like we were damn lucky to get the parry hotfix when we did. It has been well over two weeks with no patch, not for balance or bug fixing or anything. I get they have a large one in the works but it is a month now, that is not okay. They said they would be dropping something in January but here we are now in Febuary with no patch in January... that was a lie. Stop lying to us. ZERO patchs or hotfixes in January. With no indication of one other than the upcoming "content" release. (an enemy that sounds like it will be incredibly not fun to fight, yay. Spore mine spam enemy, just what we asked for... NOT)

Completely agreed brother.

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7 days ago
Feb 2, 2025, 9:42:41 PM

I'm bumping this since this is important, more styles/customization/additions don't mean a thing when the things that are supposed to work do not.

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6 days ago
Feb 4, 2025, 1:14:53 PM
Hello Brothers!
Thanks for this bug report!
We would be sure to forward this to the proper team so they can be aware of this.

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6 days ago
Feb 4, 2025, 2:05:11 PM

Fsikens_PS wrote:
Hello Brothers!
Thanks for this bug report!
We would be sure to forward this to the proper team so they can be aware of this.

No problem I've also created a bug report for multi-melta bug and I had already created one for Iron Halo long ago. Now, fingers crossed for the fixes.

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