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Am I the only one who is concerned about FoV slider in PvP?

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7 days ago
Feb 2, 2025, 10:09:54 PM

Corner peaking will be a new meta. Meltas laying everywhere with just someone waiting across 3 corners (lmao). But seriously, I'm afraid that it will become new meta and I can't say I would enjoy that.

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6 days ago
Feb 3, 2025, 2:33:52 PM

I played pvp in the first 3 weeks after release but not since due to lack of skilled matchmaker and a catch up system for the loosing side, but back then the biggest issue was that every one could just dodge roll out of the combat. If the dodge roll has not yet been nerfed (aka a 20 sec cooldown after 1 time use) i am more conserned about dodge roll then some camping meta that can be countered by two assaults that divebomb in on the capture zone.

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4 days ago
Feb 5, 2025, 8:20:25 AM

I've maxed all classes in PVP and stopped playing game like 3 months ago due to lack of PVP content. I've just recently took a look of what content was added and suprisingly none XD. Given how the roadmap looks like, I won't be returning anytime soon, since there will be nothing new to do here except for ONE new map which will not make any difference in a long run.

Honestly i don't care about rank system, and other worthless minicontent being added when there's just not enough game modes, maps and mechanics to hold people for more time. 

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