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Salamander themed cosmetics for sniper of all classes?

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a month ago
Feb 8, 2025, 5:00:41 PM

Sorry, but I have to ask. Who was smoking what/did not actually read the lore on the (arguably a fan favorite) chapter when they decided to create a cosmetic pack for the Salamanders chapter, a chapter more than well known for their heavy master crafted armor and terminator suits, heavy use of melta and flamers/heavy flamers/heavy bolters, or using primarily melee in combat.

Tactical sniper use is what they even have a NEGATIVE against on tabletop with requiring you to take the long-range marksman successor trait to compensate for your negative on range.  Their (and their successors) literally have the Chapter Doctrine of - "Promethean Cult :: Whilst the Tactical Doctrine is active, when resolving an attack made with a flame or melta weapon by a model with this ability, add 1 to the wound roll." Even all their special units revolve around melee and fire based weapons with the rare heavy bolter or bolt gun in their relics list and their special armors.

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a month ago
Feb 8, 2025, 5:30:01 PM

My issue with this is the devs stated they wanted to stick true to the universes lore, both book and codex.  Yes the salamanders have recon snipers but its not what they are KNOWN for.  Especially for a champion pack which should have items themed to that chapters champions and guess what - they all use flame, melta, heavy bolters, and large melee weapons.

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a month ago
Feb 8, 2025, 5:47:50 PM

Salamander Champion pack is biggest fail in this game life so far. 

I do not understand who came with this idea and how it is possible it was later accepted. 

I do not understand how people working on it found motivation to do so, it must have been really good money to fight disgust one had to feel. 

And on top of that we got no Chapter Pack. 

I really hope devs will fix this in upcoming update 7. Noone asked for, noone needed and few really wanted Raven Guard Chapter Pack, it feels so off. 

Instead of one good package we got two, average quality at best. Raven Guard pack is even lower than average, Salamanders Sniper is very rich in details, well made, but just completly wrong. 

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Feb 8, 2025, 5:55:58 PM

They must have been drinking some Fenrisian mead.

Can't bring my self to equip it so I made a beaky Raptor sniper instead. Disappointing choice for sure and so far the cosmetic packs have been underwhelming too IMO.

Not really hyped for the Champion or Cosmetics going forward and I was foolish enough to buy the "season pass" so a bit of buyers remorse has set in.

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a month ago
Feb 10, 2025, 5:35:01 AM

This does indeed only show that they should never have locked "champion" cosmetics to a single class what's more if they did the y screwed themselves when they made the first champion a heavy Ultramarine thus locking out the heavy for Salamanders and they apparently have "plans" for vanguard and tactical so they didn't even make one of those the Salamander champion, at least those classes have melta weapons. 

To top it off they decided to give the weapon cosmetic to the BSR instead of the Las Fusil which at least is sort of a heat-based weapon so would tangentially fit with the chapter's theme.

Just give us chamion skins for all classes in the pack, make it like $15 (or make it $3 for individual skins thus you save a bit by buying the pack rather than individual but you also just buy the 1-3 you want if you, like me really only play 3 classes regularly)  and then the successor chapter pack be a separate, less expensive pack. ($5 is reasonable for what are essentially just re-colors and some easy to make icons, the actual money there is in the helmet and pauldrons that seem to be kinda standard now in the successor packs)

I get it, that is more work but you spent 2 months and gave us... this. And we even told you we were not excited for the Salamander champion being a sniper.

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a month ago
Feb 10, 2025, 9:45:38 PM

See thats where its confusing too because the Raven guard are known for the stealth and ambushes and have dedicated full marine sniper squads that are some of the deadliest snipers of all chapters.  Brazen Consuls are another chapter very well known for being precision marksmen and having dedicated marine units for that aspect of warfare. 

So why the heck did they make the salamanders the champion for the sniper class and the raven guard the champion for the tactical marine?  The ultramarine champion should of been tactical, the raven guard champion the sniper, the salamander the heavy.  Black Templar(or Imperial Fists) the Bulwark.  Assault and vanguard I personally cannot name a specific chapter.

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a month ago
Feb 11, 2025, 12:48:09 AM

Denthamos wrote:

So why the heck did they make the salamanders the champion for the sniper class and the raven guard the champion for the tactical marine?  The ultramarine champion should of been tactical, the raven guard champion the sniper, the salamander the heavy.  Black Templar(or Imperial Fists) the Bulwark.  Assault and vanguard I personally cannot name a specific chapter.

First, they didn't make the Tactical a Raven Guard Champion. It's simply a cosmetic pack. (there's leaked datamining on what the Tactical most likely will be however)
Secondly, I can bet that the reason they chose Salamanders for Sniper is because of the cape, simple as that.
They probably wanted to give Salamanders Champion an iconic Scale Cape and with their philosophy of not adding caped to other classes due to keeping class visuals unique the Sniper was the only choice.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Feb 11, 2025, 3:06:58 AM

Rexipher wrote:

Denthamos wrote:

So why the heck did they make the salamanders the champion for the sniper class and the raven guard the champion for the tactical marine?  The ultramarine champion should of been tactical, the raven guard champion the sniper, the salamander the heavy.  Black Templar(or Imperial Fists) the Bulwark.  Assault and vanguard I personally cannot name a specific chapter.

First, they didn't make the Tactical a Raven Guard Champion. It's simply a cosmetic pack. (there's leaked datamining on what the Tactical most likely will be however)
Secondly, I can bet that the reason they chose Salamanders for Sniper is because of the cape, simple as that.
They probably wanted to give Salamanders Champion an iconic Scale Cape and with their philosophy of not adding caped to other classes due to keeping class visuals unique the Sniper was the only choice.

Something I also don't agree with, let us have capes damnit, most of the badass space marine shave them. Heck Titus had one at the start of the game when he was a squad commander in deathwatch so they have at least one non-sniper cloak modeled they could use.

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