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Zoanthrope and Naurothrope bugs...

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a month ago
Feb 9, 2025, 4:36:54 PM

so apparently I cannot create a bug report because I have no screenshots of it so I will post this here

ok I just had a VERY good Absolute run WIPED by a Neurothrope fight where


1: The Neurothrope kept HEALING ITSELF when it got low on health...now that would not have been so horrible since I knew that if we got it down fast enough it would not heal (or so we hoped)....buuuut


2: two Zoanthropes spawned on the level BELOW US at the same time and kept spamming psychic beams at us ACTUALLY DAMAGING US through the floor with us being unable to even see them or target them


Saber, before you add an extra sweaty difficulty level how about you fucking fix the bugged enemies?

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a month ago
Feb 10, 2025, 5:21:48 AM

DropzOfCrimzon wrote:

so apparently I cannot create a bug report because I have no screenshots of it so I will post this here

ok I just had a VERY good Absolute run WIPED by a Neurothrope fight where


1: The Neurothrope kept HEALING ITSELF when it got low on health...now that would not have been so horrible since I knew that if we got it down fast enough it would not heal (or so we hoped)....buuuut


2: two Zoanthropes spawned on the level BELOW US at the same time and kept spamming psychic beams at us ACTUALLY DAMAGING US through the floor with us being unable to even see them or target them


Saber, before you add an extra sweaty difficulty level how about you fucking fix the bugged enemies?

Just do what I do and screencap a message saying "why do I need to provide a screenshot of every bug, this isn't always relevant" and submit that is your screenshot. grated I usually also toss in more strong language because yeah, that is dumb.

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