​I still think one of the biggest improvements Saber can make for this game is to revamp the combat system or change the way perks work.

In my opinion, one reason the game doesn't have the best replay value is that the combat is a bit too simplistic. It's basically slash, dodge, parry, gunstrike, and execute, with some ranged fire thrown into the mix.

My feeling is that players love OPTIONS. I wish there were more things I can do with my character. It would be great if some of the perks gave us new abilities instead of just a bunch of passive stuff. It's not that the perks aren't powerful, it's just that they're not very interesting to use (I mean, you don't actually even use them since they're passive).

I know SM2 takes some inspiration from Doom Eternal, and I think the game could really benefit by implementing more of the fun mechanics of Doom. In DE, your character had complete agency over the battlefield. All of the weapons felt different and unique, you had insane mobility with dashes, double jumps, and the shotgun grappling hook, and you could decide whether your wanted to freeze enemies to make them easier to fight, use your regular grenade for extra damage, light units on fire to gain armor, or use the chainsaw to harvest ammo.

It was basically a complete system that gave you a ton of options and allowed the player to approach a battle however they wanted or based off what they needed.

I understand that SM2 is a different game and some of those things from Doom wouldn't apply here, but I still think SM2 players need more options. We need more abilities, different kinds of attacks that have different effects, and some kind of system that enables SYNERGY between attacks, mobility, or abilities to keep things fresh.

I just feel like once you have mastered the parry/dodge/execution system, the battles tend to feel VERY repetitive, routine, and quite frankly, stale.