Okay, this "attack" has got to be nerfed in the damage department. It is STRONGER than the Bio Titan acid pools. It has no telegraph that it is going to be leaving a trail as opposed to the normal fleeing it often does and the actual damage area is slightly larger than the visual indication.

Oh and it is the same color green as the vision effect from taking too much venom damage so you literally cannot see it if you have that status. You lose an entire armor segment for standing in it for less than a second, you know, the reaction time of realizing it has left acid (you likely were in pursuit or mid-swing) so it is an unfairly punishing "attack" that has zero counter-play. The acid from the Bio Titan is fine, that is supposed to be an environmental-based fight but Raveners can burrow, why are they fleeing on the surface in the first place?

I have had one flee for all of 1 second in a hallway then immediately turn back around and attack with its acid between me and it... that isn't fair.

This has been bothering me ever since they first started doing the "attack" on higher difficulties where you can't always kill them before they decide to arbitrarily do it.

It is worse than the Terminator missile spam at point-blank. (which is still happening btw, they claimed to have fixed that but they didn't)

Oh and I am not usually one to use the table top stat blocks as an argument for video game design but they have no such attack in their codex so honestly just remove the attack, they are appropriately annoying without it. They actually can have the same weapons as the ranged warriors, according to their codex. That means as much as I hate thorn-spam, just give them the ability to drop a bunch of thorns when they flee if you want to keep the same vibe but make it actually able to be dealt with instead of "well I guess I can't pursue now."