Since the Update 6.0, the game has been stuttering. Tried everyhing I could, many of us did, and it's still there. Please do not downplay this as mere "fps problems". I'm aware that since majority of the players do not suffer from this, this problem is not being addressed or prioritized. This is obvious from your perk balances and whatnot, while a good amount of players can not play or enjoy the game. 

I personally love this game, I preordered this game even though I'm against preordering in general. I have 400+ hours in the game and I haven't been able to play/enjoy the game since Update 6.0. So basically, I'm unable to play/enjoy the game almost for a month now... As people who are suffering this we have tried everything we could(deleting shader cache, deleting user config, rolling back drivers, updating drivers, reinstalling drivers, verifying game files, reinstalling the game etc etc), we have put bug reports, provided files, feedback. Just please focus on this, just make the game playable for us again.

At this point, if there was an option to roll back the datavault update, I would have used it, because all these new things do not mean a thing when the game stutters and this makes it unplayable/unenjoyable. I would rather have a working game since I paid for it, than to have a game getting updates which don't do anything for me.
Please prioritize and focus on this, please do not ignore this just because majority don't have this problem.