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Allow for optional Fencing weapons in campaign, please

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2 days ago
Mar 7, 2025, 1:35:37 PM


I would love to replay the campaign multiple times over (I only replayed it 3 or 4 times) but I do not want get my muscle memory screwed over by the fact campaign uses balanced weapons

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2 days ago
Mar 7, 2025, 6:43:51 PM

Odd I can't tell the difference in the campaign. But maybe because I time my parries now based on enemy movement rather than the indicator.

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2 days ago
Mar 7, 2025, 9:19:06 PM

In campaign the weapons are balance +50%. How do I know this? Because relatively recently I introduced two friends to the game and we went through campaign together. Took awhile but eventually they got the hand of the campaign parry timings. We then swapped over to operations and they suddenly sucked at parry with balanced weapons they started with. Once they got fencing weapons they were right back to being able to parry everything.

I know the campaign weapons are not of the balance type because they are easier to parry with than balance but not as easy as fencing. Using a balanced weapon on vanguard with the +50% parry window feels about the same as campaign ergo that is about what the campaign weapons' parry timings are.

Besides the muscle memory of balance weapons means you have fencing timing down. Fencing weapons are not an excuse to not learn the actual timings. In fact using a block weapons is how you properly master parry because that has an even smaller window. Master block weapon timing and ingrain that into your muscle memory and your parry timings will never be thrown off again.

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a day ago
Mar 8, 2025, 12:25:47 PM

Shining_Darkness wrote:

In campaign the weapons are balance +50%. How do I know this? Because relatively recently I introduced two friends to the game and we went through campaign together. Took awhile but eventually they got the hand of the campaign parry timings. We then swapped over to operations and they suddenly sucked at parry with balanced weapons they started with. Once they got fencing weapons they were right back to being able to parry everything.

I know the campaign weapons are not of the balance type because they are easier to parry with than balance but not as easy as fencing. Using a balanced weapon on vanguard with the +50% parry window feels about the same as campaign ergo that is about what the campaign weapons' parry timings are.

Besides the muscle memory of balance weapons means you have fencing timing down. Fencing weapons are not an excuse to not learn the actual timings. In fact using a block weapons is how you properly master parry because that has an even smaller window. Master block weapon timing and ingrain that into your muscle memory and your parry timings will never be thrown off again.

wasted effort, I only play bulwark and only use fencing now and I have for the better part of 750 hours

yes I tried successfully all the other weapons variants, no I am not interested in other classes or switching weapon types

simple as that. I doubt it is a very big ask to give a fucking toggle for campaign, so people like you have the option to use balanced weapons and people like me can use fencing (hell add block too, why not?)

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