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A New Source of Revenue

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17 hours ago
Mar 9, 2025, 4:41:31 AM

It's to support the game you filthy animals!

Animation Bundles that include,

-Execution Animations-

Adding more executions is an easy way to make the game more visually enjoyable.

Executions can be organized in Classes by chosen Weapon and lastly under all Enemy types. There can be a number of available slots (4?) for every enemy type that shares similar executions and players can select the executions they wish to see and experience under chosen weapon of the chosen class for that enemy. Players have access to all default executions already. Going down this route of equipping executions will allow for a more controlled experience as well as one that keeps game performance in mind.


Executions can be gained, unlocked and can completely be randomized through the playthrough.

Content could be released as DLCs that are organized by either Enemy type that affects multiple weapons and classes, targeted Weapon that affects multiple enemies for classes that have access to the same weapon, and/or Class based where a class gains several executions for their various weapons.

-Other Animations-

Having the ability to select and add unique animations to Orders and Emotes. Also having the ability to select a passive animation for when the player is AFK or the character hasn't moved for a brief period of time.


Adding and being able to choose and equip dialogue for the dialogue wheel.

As a sidenote, I would love to be able to purchase specific items within DLCs for $.99.        

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13 hours ago
Mar 9, 2025, 8:40:36 AM

Unlocking new execution for killing big numbers of one enemy type sounds like a good idea. But I would like it to be just included in game for everyone and keep DLC slot for skins only. 

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6 hours ago
Mar 9, 2025, 4:24:37 PM

What I'm seeing from the community is a whole lot of "gimme, gimme, gimme" and for free. We don't consider the devs side of things where content equals time and time equals money. If we want things at a faster pace, I'm proposing another source of funding of those future projects. Anyone have any ideas on how to fund this game beyond skins?    

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6 hours ago
Mar 9, 2025, 4:30:30 PM

You are wrong. Some time ago many players, me included, suggested Devs to make game live service with battlepasses and more quality content behind paywall. 

They declined and said they have no plans going live service.

Which means they are not interested in another source of funding, even those which would be far better than what you suggest.

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5 hours ago
Mar 9, 2025, 4:52:57 PM

Naus_ wrote:

You are wrong. Some time ago many players, me included, suggested Devs to make game live service with battlepasses and more quality content behind paywall. 

They declined and said they have no plans going live service.

Which means they are not interested in another source of funding, even those which would be far better than what you suggest.

Yup. Many of the most active people here on the forums took place in a discussion on if we as a community would like the game to be live service and the answer was I would say about 70% in favor of it. The devs, however, have since said they have absolutely no intention of making this live service. So I will continue to support them by buying their cosmetic packs to support the continued development of the game. (as long as I actually like what is in the pack, didn't get the sniper one because... no)

We ask for a lot of things, yes, but only because they have given us this platform that expressly asks us for our ideas on what we would like to see added to the game. While some are certainly more impatient that others I am quite happy over-all with how the game currently is and am just happy to see new content when it arrives.

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