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Squad Coherence mechanic idea/discussion

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a day ago
Mar 10, 2025, 5:33:13 PM
I know the devs tried this and it didnt work. But hear me out this is my suggestion. Adding it as a bonus mechanic rather than a detriment. For example in the super highest difficulty, if you keep in cohesion it will restore your armor faster? And make contested health last a bit longer?

In this way it will reward encourage the team playing as a squad rather than punishing each of them going their own way.
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a day ago
Mar 10, 2025, 5:50:49 PM

I think devs already confirmed they will add new mission modifiers and this cohesion mechanic will be among them. 

As for faster armor restoration and contested health stuff, I say NO. I choose additional modifiers to make missions harder, if these also buff me then there is no point in adding them. 

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19 hours ago
Mar 10, 2025, 8:55:11 PM
In WWZ, there were some that did offer benefits. But they didn't offer any sort of extra xp. Sides, some of them were pretty fun. That said, I think they should keep these "modified" missions to either an opt in weekly and rotating challenge or in private lobbies.

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18 hours ago
Mar 10, 2025, 9:43:55 PM

Naus_ wrote:

I think devs already confirmed they will add new mission modifiers and this cohesion mechanic will be among them. 

As for faster armor restoration and contested health stuff, I say NO. I choose additional modifiers to make missions harder, if these also buff me then there is no point in adding them. 

Perhaps rather than "improving" armor regen simply making the natural regen that is on a roughly 55sec timer back to the Ruthless 25 second timer? That way when you are done with a fight you don't have to slow down as much between fights if you "regroup" to get your armor back if you ended the fight on no armor. Right now that is my biggest gripe with lethal and absolute. That isn't "difficulty" that is tedium. Maybe literally call it a "Regroup" recovery. When no squad members have taken damage for 25sec, the squad recovers their armor.

Apart from that maybe something like a small damage bonus while all three squad members are together. Small as in like 5-10% at most. Something you can certainly do without but something that will make a difference if you can be bothered to keep it up like when fighting a terminus.

Neither is really needed though so I'm not making an ideas post or anything about it, certainly.

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15 hours ago
Mar 11, 2025, 12:28:38 AM

I'll play along. How about this idea. We have yet to get any HQ units. We have battleline and secondary role units as represented by the 6 classes that we currently have. How about HQ/Character units such as Apothecaries and what not, having more access to group buffs and cohesion can be brought back through their perk tree. It makes lore sense as well as providing a difference between the core 6 non-HQ classes and HQ classes. I'm calling it Basic and Advance Classes btw. Cohesion could also work differently; every Advance Class can provide a unique buff and there can be stacks of cohesion that increases the radius of the effect. Players can gain stacks by maybe getting executions, using their ability or whatever the trigger may be (and it could be different for every class) the game should reward that class on fulfilling its role or playing it the way it's supposed to be played. What you think Pitalla?          

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15 hours ago
Mar 11, 2025, 12:47:13 AM

ChaosStruck6789 wrote:

I'll play along. How about this idea. We have yet to get any HQ units. We have battleline and secondary role units as represented by the 6 classes that we currently have. How about HQ/Character units such as Apothecaries and what not, having more access to group buffs and cohesion can be brought back through their perk tree. It makes lore sense as well as providing a difference between the core 6 non-HQ classes and HQ classes. I'm calling it Basic and Advance Classes btw. Cohesion could also work differently; every Advance Class can provide a unique buff and there can be stacks of cohesion that increases the radius of the effect. Players can gain stacks by maybe getting executions, using their ability or whatever the trigger may be (and it could be different for every class) the game should reward that class on fulfilling its role or playing it the way it's supposed to be played. What you think Pitalla?          

While I and many others want apothecary and most understand it will be a support class focusing on buffing the team, I don't think that is a good solution to the perceived problem given the difficulty/time required to make an entire new class. Implementing something about cohesion in the upcoming prestige perk system may be in the cards though since that is clearly the next big system they will be introducing and thus likely where many of their resources are being diverted (that and getting the PTS up and running).

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