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Combat Immersion? Nope!

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11 hours ago
Mar 14, 2025, 4:23:49 PM

The Combat Immersion in Space Marine 2 is honestly not very good :( short video explanation. Way to many PvE targets are damage sponges when Bolters and Melee and Power Weapons would shred them like paper, Tyranid Warrior taking 20+ Heavy Bolter rounds to the head and just goes into an execution state. Armor in PvP does not act like armor at all but like everyone has an Iron Halo, Armor can deflect incoming rounds but we have a bar that depletes...my 2 cents  


Updated 11 hours ago.
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11 hours ago
Mar 14, 2025, 4:38:24 PM

Is this vid made on this new SM 2 Test Server? Looks like Imperial Guard finally getting more love!

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11 hours ago
Mar 14, 2025, 4:43:10 PM
HAHAHAH XD would be cool...but I think what I say in the video speaks for it self....probable never going to get a Accurate/SIM Space Marine game...the Devs think to Small!

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11 hours ago
Mar 14, 2025, 4:47:43 PM

D4ngerCLO5E wrote:

The Combat Immersion in Space Marine 2 is honestly not very good :( short video explanation. Way to many PvE targets are damage sponges when Bolters and Melee and Power Weapons would shred them like paper, Tyranid Warrior taking 20+ Heavy Bolter rounds to the head and just goes into an execution state. Armor in PvP does not act like armor at all but like everyone has an Iron Halo, Armor can deflect incoming rounds but we have a bar that depletes...my 2 cents  


So you just want to shred all enemies, on all difficulties in the game like paper and you also want bolters to make little holes in power armour in PVP, got it. 

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11 hours ago
Mar 14, 2025, 4:57:54 PM

Martinicus wrote:

D4ngerCLO5E wrote:

The Combat Immersion in Space Marine 2 is honestly not very good :( short video explanation. Way to many PvE targets are damage sponges when Bolters and Melee and Power Weapons would shred them like paper, Tyranid Warrior taking 20+ Heavy Bolter rounds to the head and just goes into an execution state. Armor in PvP does not act like armor at all but like everyone has an Iron Halo, Armor can deflect incoming rounds but we have a bar that depletes...my 2 cents  


So you just want to shred all enemies, on all difficulties in the game like paper and you also want bolters to make little holes in power armour in PVP, got it. 

I mean...is what we have in game any kind of portrayal of of what Secret Level showed Space Marines as??? How about Death of Hope? or Astartes??? Make a 40K or 30K game that portrays Marines as Lore Accurate....NO ONE will play SM2...OR SM3 if it's just more of the same...Halo Armor bars but No actual function. All SM2 gets right is how things look...nothing more.  

Updated 11 hours ago.
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10 hours ago
Mar 14, 2025, 5:07:38 PM

40K Bolt Round Armor Impacts.jpg^^^ A 40k game that could portray ranged damage like this

30K Armor.png

^^^ and Melee damage like this

Would be infinitely better then what we have now XD not even close! 

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10 hours ago
Mar 14, 2025, 5:20:59 PM

Maybe in Space Marine 3 Brother.

But after huge success of SM 2 and devs getting rather quickly deal on making next part I would suppose SM 3 will be simmilar but much bigger and more advanced SM 2. 

And I will preorder it instantly again. 

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10 hours ago
Mar 14, 2025, 5:21:09 PM

Martinicus wrote:

D4ngerCLO5E wrote:

The Combat Immersion in Space Marine 2 is honestly not very good :( short video explanation. Way to many PvE targets are damage sponges when Bolters and Melee and Power Weapons would shred them like paper, Tyranid Warrior taking 20+ Heavy Bolter rounds to the head and just goes into an execution state. Armor in PvP does not act like armor at all but like everyone has an Iron Halo, Armor can deflect incoming rounds but we have a bar that depletes...my 2 cents  


So you just want to shred all enemies, on all difficulties in the game like paper and you also want bolters to make little holes in power armour in PVP, got it. 

I mean....as far as I'm aware they only Tyranids that can take the levels of damage all the weapons we have in game should dish out would be Hive Tyrants, Carnifex, Tyrant Guard and Brood Lords and bigger bio forms...all the smaller Bio Forms just use mass numbers they are not meant to be durable.   

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10 hours ago
Mar 14, 2025, 5:23:50 PM

Naus_ wrote:

Maybe in Space Marine 3 Brother.

But after huge success of SM 2 and devs getting rather quickly deal on making next part I would suppose SM 3 will be simmilar but much bigger and more advanced SM 2. 

And I will preorder it instantly again. 

I'm not pre ordering a thing :/ 

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7 hours ago
Mar 14, 2025, 8:25:51 PM

Naus_ wrote:

Is this vid made on this new SM 2 Test Server? Looks like Imperial Guard finally getting more love!

After the state of the game and bolters feeling like paper weights still and how bad they have dropped the class choices for the last 2 champion packs i aint gonna ever pre-order anything from Focus again which is sad to say. All they had to do was realize for Salamanders is that heavy was the obvious choice. "but they havd the ultramarine" yes which was also a mistake give that to sniper or tactical. we only have 6 classes with 9 chapters we were bound to end up with some having several. the only other solution is them doing 2-3 classes per champion pack. The space wolves being vanguard is just adding insult to injury. 

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4 hours ago
Mar 14, 2025, 11:38:04 PM

Sweetllew wrote:

Naus_ wrote:

Is this vid made on this new SM 2 Test Server? Looks like Imperial Guard finally getting more love!

After the state of the game and bolters feeling like paper weights still and how bad they have dropped the class choices for the last 2 champion packs i aint gonna ever pre-order anything from Focus again which is sad to say. All they had to do was realize for Salamanders is that heavy was the obvious choice. "but they havd the ultramarine" yes which was also a mistake give that to sniper or tactical. we only have 6 classes with 9 chapters we were bound to end up with some having several. the only other solution is them doing 2-3 classes per champion pack. The space wolves being vanguard is just adding insult to injury. 

I 100% agree! Imagine messing up the Khorne class and making them a RANGED class!!! ARE YOUR F$%^& KIDDING ME! From the start based on the Chapter and Legion locking to classes....it seems Focus had the Idea of making a 40K Hero shooter -_- utterly disgraceful! It's like they did not research to find out ALL Chapters and Legions field all kinds of units and classes....yes some more then others but that does not mean I should not be able to make a Night Lord Heavy or a Iron Warrior Assault! I very much hope they go with a better Creative Director in the future, harsh words :/ but true words.  

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