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Why is Vanguard the choice for space wolves champion skin?

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7 hours ago
Mar 14, 2025, 8:20:56 PM

The Tactical class getting the iron fist makes some sense but the last 2 have really been far off the mark. First Heavy should have been the Salamander choice with multi melta getting a weapon skin. Now we get vanguard as the space wolf champion. Assault feels the most like a space wolf getting into the fight and battle. this just feels a waste as the skin for the Vanguard looks like bad compared to the other skins we have gotten.  I still cannot believe that GW and Focus decided that Vanguard was the best choice for Vanguard. and what makes it worse is still no news on a power axe of lighting claw melee. they take a lot of time because of animations executions having to interact with all the possible foes. but just feels like a double downer that will forever leave a bitter taste in my mouth for anything Focus does going forward. 
With no news of other classes getting possible champion skins for same factions this feels like a major miss off the mark. I really hope the next big update coming out after 7 is very good for the game because if we don't see any sort of new melee weapon or a champion skin that brings that same feeling as when the Dark Angels got Bulwark which is hands down the best-looking champion skin and it is not even close.
Please focus stop dropping the bomb with these champion packs makes buying a better edition to support the game with the season pass for these skins feel very wasted.

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7 hours ago
Mar 14, 2025, 8:40:26 PM

Vanguard is actually quite appropriate for SW. Assault will doubtless be reserved for White Scars.

That said they just refuse to listen to the community and stop making the champion skins class-specific and non-customizable. Tactical technically is a much better poster child for the poster children (Ultramarines) given they are the "generic" primaris unit and Ultramarines are mostly made of them. I mean with the exception of Papa Smurf all their iconic units are non-specialists. Titus? Looks like a tactical. Caedo? Tactical. Sicarius? Tactical. See what I mean? These are three of the (now) most iconic ultramarines and they all look like tacticals.

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7 hours ago
Mar 14, 2025, 8:49:23 PM

Shining_Darkness wrote:

Vanguard is actually quite appropriate for SW. Assault will doubtless be reserved for White Scars.

That said they just refuse to listen to the community and stop making the champion skins class-specific and non-customizable. Tactical technically is a much better poster child for the poster children (Ultramarines) given they are the "generic" primaris unit and Ultramarines are mostly made of them. I mean with the exception of Papa Smurf all their iconic units are non-specialists. Titus? Looks like a tactical. Caedo? Tactical. Sicarius? Tactical. See what I mean? These are three of the (now) most iconic ultramarines and they all look like tacticals.

Tactical should of been the ultramarine champion pack. the issue with white scars is it will not deliver the same fulfilment as SW. not to mention if they held off on SW until they were adding either power axe or lighting claws with assault it would of gotten a lot bigger hype around the game from content creators. the new infernal pistol not really talked about as much kind of a whatever. the next big thing to get players back and more hype is going to be a new melee weapon. they really missed the mark here to double dip on the SW as well as the new melee weapon options.  not to mention of the ones we have gotten the SW vanguard is almost the worst looking one so far. adding the wolf head with a new helmet and some stuff hanging off of the armor you can clearly tell not as much love was put into it as the Dark angels or even the Salamanders. not to mention the bolt carbine being wasted on the SW is also tragic. if they waited and did a power axe melee weapon as the next melee which we had in SM1 and gave it a unique skin as well as being usable by 4/6 classes excluding sniper and heavy it would be an ever better cosmetic choice that you could build a SW themed bulwark, Tatical with the axe.
100% was a missed opportunity with the SW and where there is no guarantee on getting other skins on other classes that are unique 100% the biggest waste of potential so far. 
Not to mention announcing SM3 well we are missing so much from SM2 atm and no real road map on what is coming except hordes it was a double bad choice with timing

Updated 7 hours ago.
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6 hours ago
Mar 14, 2025, 9:11:54 PM

The SM3 announcement just confirms my long held suspicion the SM2 team is a skeleton crew for continued support. At this point I have just accepted this game is the way it is and want nothing more out of it than they are already planning to give. I am not wasting more effort carefully wording ideas I have if they don't stand a chance in hell of being implemented.

Game is what it is and I'll enjoy it while it lasts and then move on when something else is able to occupy the time I spend playing this. 

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5 hours ago
Mar 14, 2025, 10:30:55 PM

Shining_Darkness wrote:

The SM3 announcement just confirms my long held suspicion the SM2 team is a skeleton crew for continued support. At this point I have just accepted this game is the way it is and want nothing more out of it than they are already planning to give. I am not wasting more effort carefully wording ideas I have if they don't stand a chance in hell of being implemented.

Game is what it is and I'll enjoy it while it lasts and then move on when something else is able to occupy the time I spend playing this. 

The issue is that SM3 wont last or get enough day 1 if SM2 fails. they have to go all in with SM2 for the next 2-3 years for players to be wiling on SM3.

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5 hours ago
Mar 14, 2025, 10:55:05 PM

Sweetllew wrote:

Shining_Darkness wrote:

The SM3 announcement just confirms my long held suspicion the SM2 team is a skeleton crew for continued support. At this point I have just accepted this game is the way it is and want nothing more out of it than they are already planning to give. I am not wasting more effort carefully wording ideas I have if they don't stand a chance in hell of being implemented.

Game is what it is and I'll enjoy it while it lasts and then move on when something else is able to occupy the time I spend playing this. 

The issue is that SM3 wont last or get enough day 1 if SM2 fails. they have to go all in with SM2 for the next 2-3 years for players to be wiling on SM3.

I do not get why you think that SM3 doesn't stand a chance or whatever. You like this game, that is fine, but it was never going to be a "forever game" it simply was not designed to last. The game has already performed well above the team's expectations.

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5 hours ago
Mar 14, 2025, 10:58:20 PM

Shining_Darkness wrote:

Sweetllew wrote:

Shining_Darkness wrote:

The SM3 announcement just confirms my long held suspicion the SM2 team is a skeleton crew for continued support. At this point I have just accepted this game is the way it is and want nothing more out of it than they are already planning to give. I am not wasting more effort carefully wording ideas I have if they don't stand a chance in hell of being implemented.

Game is what it is and I'll enjoy it while it lasts and then move on when something else is able to occupy the time I spend playing this. 

The issue is that SM3 wont last or get enough day 1 if SM2 fails. they have to go all in with SM2 for the next 2-3 years for players to be wiling on SM3.

I do not get why you think that SM3 doesn't stand a chance or whatever. You like this game, that is fine, but it was never going to be a "forever game" it simply was not designed to last. The game has already performed well above the team's expectations.

Yes and the standing is they will end up like Ubisoft. promise content then cut on that to make something new to try and milk in more money. If Space Marine 2 does not get some sort of steadying out of player numbers or any sort of hype again Space Marine 3 wont be bigger than 2 because it will not get looked at the same way not because of the game but because of who made it and how they lied in the past.

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3 hours ago
Mar 15, 2025, 12:37:47 AM

Brother I suggest taking a step back and clearing your head, you are starting to stray towards comments that end to receive warnings from moderators (heading towards saying inflammatory things about the developers which I myself have received a warning on in the past for a fairly mild comment).

The devs have not failed to deliver anything they promised to provide. They are still relatively on-track as far as their roadmap is concerned. Yes, they have said they would like to add some things but said things were never promised to us. There are only 5 "greenlit" ideas and several of those are being added in patch 7. In other words there is the roadmap and 5 things outside that they have promised and are working on. Beyond that nothing has been promised.

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