
I did not find the correct place for ideas about the official Discord server, so I hope putting it here is alright.

I recently joined a community that I found in the promote channel on Discord. I invested a lot of effort to join, pass the trial and adjust my server profile to fit in. Only to notice that almost all of their members were playing from the US and my ping was so bad that there was no way for me to play with them.

Wanted to look for another community from the EU and noticed that people never add their preferred server regions in the text they write about their communities. I don't know if the playerbase is like 80% US and that the question rarely matters for most people, but it would be great to have a way of telling where the communities are playing from.

So my suggestion would be to add server emotes with the different server regions, so communities might start to use them or - and this might be much work for the mods, I don't know - to make sure that the server region is added into the title.

What do others think about that? Did someone have a similar issue?