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Please report the cheaters here

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4 months ago
Sep 27, 2024, 8:47:31 AM



We're aware that there are cheaters in multiplayer, and we apologize for the inconvenience.

If you come across any, please report them here.


We'll need as much of the following information as possible:

- Platform (EGS or Steam)

- In-game username

- If possible, an image or video file, or a link to a file that proves the person cheated.

As always, thanks for your help and support!

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4 months ago
Sep 27, 2024, 1:51:01 PM

Platform: Steam

UN: 吾皇

Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198859491867

Evidence: https://www.reddit.com/r/Spacemarine/comments/1fclgd1/space_marine_2_already_has_cheaters_it_just_got/

Platform: Steam

UN: OutWestar

Steam Profile: likely multiple accounts, https://steamcommunity.com/id/OutWestar https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199426954658 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199418746120

Evidence: https://www.reddit.com/r/Spacemarine/comments/1fbx67l/most_lore_accurate_space_marine_def_not_cheating/

Platform: Steam

UN: CrocoKyle999

Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198173096795

Evidence: https://www.reddit.com/r/Spacemarine/comments/1fp5kdc/really/

Platform: Steam

UN: Brother let's be nice to others?

Steam Profile: Unknown.

Evidence: https://www.reddit.com/r/Spacemarine/comments/1fflv6b/only_caught_a_clip_at_the_end_but_dude_joined_mid/

Platform: Steam

UN: 2High2Cry

Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198375824849

Evidence: https://www.reddit.com/r/Spacemarine/comments/1fop24w/how_much_longer_till_level_20_cheaters_get_banned/

Platform: Steam

UN: Ruon

Steam Profile: Unknown.

Evidence: https://www.reddit.com/r/Spacemarine/comments/1fop24w/how_much_longer_till_level_20_cheaters_get_banned/

Platform: Steam

UN: Leon

Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198343040221/

Evidence: https://www.reddit.com/r/Spacemarine/comments/1fgbhmd/what_fun_do_you_get_by_cheating_infinite_grenades/

Platform: Steam


Steam Profile: Unknown.

Evidence: https://www.reddit.com/r/Spacemarine/comments/1fbuft5/a_hacker_already/

Platform: Steam

UN: Decepticon

Steam Profile: Unknown.

Evidence: https://www.reddit.com/r/Spacemarine/comments/1fj4pjy/hackers_in_pvp_lobbies_already/

Platform: Steam

UN: Death0107

Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198810511849

Evidence: https://www.reddit.com/r/Spacemarine/comments/1ffmlpw/welp_the_games_been_out_for_4_days_cheaters/

Platform: Steam

UN: Gods drunkest driver

Steam Profile: Unknown.

Evidence: https://www.reddit.com/r/Spacemarine/comments/1fkls91/bruh/

Platform: Unknown.

UN: AsiagoBoi

Steam Profile: Unknown.

Evidence: https://www.reddit.com/r/Spacemarine/comments/1feug3b/how_is_this_man_throwing_so_many_bombs/

Platform: Steam

UN: Sky Diving

Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199487199279

Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vrl_9-iF74w and https://www.reddit.com/r/Spacemarine/comments/1fb11l5/hackers_already_or_just_a_bug_was_spamming/

Platform: Steam

UN: WayfRR

Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199548847101

Evidence: https://www.reddit.com/r/Spacemarine/comments/1foh4we/after_experiencing_it_myself/

Platform: Steam

UN: Uxvy

Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198411426874

Evidence: https://www.reddit.com/r/Spacemarine/comments/1fpb6re/pvp_cheater_uxvy_with_multiple_homing_stickies/

Platform: Steam

UN: Luzixian

Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198437253574

Evidence: https://www.reddit.com/r/Spacemarine/comments/1fdkygh/this_is_why_i_turn_cross_play_off/

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4 months ago
Sep 29, 2024, 9:35:09 PM

Platform: Steam

UN: SynCity

Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/SynfulMage

Evidence: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2248914581

Platform: Steam

UN (Goes by either): Emperor / Direngrey

Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/esfreak




Updated 4 months ago.
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4 months ago
Sep 30, 2024, 9:04:52 AM

User hides their nametag in PvP

Platform: Steam

Un: It's been hidden

Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198228978088/

Evidence: https://imgur.com/a/i8iNMbn

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4 months ago
Oct 2, 2024, 5:11:42 AM

I don't know if it is considered cheating or not, but we have a PC player in Xbox/PlayStation PvP lobbiesbd46a3c2-fb43-4450-b94a-ad24ae10302f.png b038a1c2-f13c-41ac-9a51-a74e9626d796.png

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4 months ago
Oct 3, 2024, 11:54:31 AM

Platform: Steam

In-game username: ImDisappear

Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199775595793

Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8PoAmtAzCo

Seemed like unlimited ammo/grenades were used. As can be seen in the video the Hive Tyrant was staggered continuously in phase 1 from grenades being used, way over the limit of the three that can be held. Did not stop at ammo cache another tell-tale sign.

Updated 4 months ago.
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4 months ago
Oct 4, 2024, 8:21:55 PM
Where do we report those who kick near the end of a mission because the charmingly named Adeptus Retardus just kicked me out at the final area of a ruthless difficulty mission

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4 months ago
Oct 5, 2024, 5:29:17 AM

Guys remember if you find an exploit report it to the developers and then stop using it otherwise you might just end up on this list.

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4 months ago
Oct 5, 2024, 6:35:42 PM

Platform: Steam

UN: Nadael

Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198013463228/

Evidence: https://streamable.com/omkgfx

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4 months ago
Oct 7, 2024, 8:05:26 PM

UN - Realmilk

Platform - Unsure

Not a Cheater however i believe players that are derogatory and put down any other players for their performance should be called out as they ruin the game experience as much as any cheater. This player was putting down other players via the team chat text box.

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4 months ago
Oct 8, 2024, 9:58:47 PM

Platform: Steam

REGION: Unites States of America

IGN: jirarudo03

Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198983423749

Evidence: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2271022913 and https://youtu.be/3o7ncBh3DYM

Updated 4 months ago.
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4 months ago
Oct 9, 2024, 11:15:23 PM



REGION: United States of America

IGN: Manny

STEAM PROFILE: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198056419149/

EVIDENCE: https://youtu.be/LcDnX54uqws

Updated 4 months ago.
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4 months ago
Oct 10, 2024, 6:01:17 PM


REGION: North-east Asia

IGN: NACKTTA (it means camel)

STEAM PROFILE: https://steamcommunity.com/id/akslwktlsdlTsk

EVIDENCE: I can't be sure 100% but there were many weird situations. He was grenade bolter Tac. weapon Skin was not a relic.

1) no one throw 2 straight frags on a single(all enemies are dead) ranged-Tyranid warriors(devourer as I think) in close range(6~8m as I remember) while approaching and shooting them. 

Throw speed was same as rpm of bolter-grenades which is not possible because of throw motion and delay. The speed was same as many cheaters does, closely tailgating frags in the air.


2) Tac can replenish bolter-nade ammo "when they kill majoris". Maximum bolter-nade ammo cap is 10~11 on relic and it is the highest value as I know.

But he used more than that without killing any other Majoris. He consumed all bolter-nade ammo right before the Hive Tyrant door as he did it intentionally. I checked the ammo he used and it was almost 10 and also checked there was no majoris. Right after entering the final door, he used almost 8~10 nade shots on the Tyrant at the beginning. I mean, getting no ammo pack. It is impossible play. No breakable boxes, no ammo pack too. I carefully examined it. He needed to run to find and get the pack to recover the ammo at least, but he didn't.

His usual game play pattern was also weird because he just spammed bolter-nades through the entire stage. It is actually possible if there are enough majoris. But you know, as a usual habbit, people try to save ammo because future is uncertain. I don't claim he is cheater just because of this opinion but it is not easy to scatter 2~3 nades or even more on literally "EVERY" encounters even on 2~3 simple gaunt scarecrow through the game of 20~30min play time. There can be some situations Tac need to try to get ammo by killing majoris but he wasn't like that. 

3) After played-user-list update, I almost couldn't saw a case that players I played right before were not found on the list. I'm not talking about renewal delay. Two players of the match were not found even after 5minutes. They are completely gone from the list. I barely remember there was one or two. But I never had a case like this through weeks recently. I can't find this guy on in-game player list and can't ban him. I think there is something disturbing it or cheat function for the purpose of avoiding reports. 

One more thing is that I met him before in somewhere and tried to remember him as toxic, I can't remember it correctly though. It can be a case I had before player-list update or cheater case on other games. I usually mark something for recognizing cheaters and he had it on steam profile.

I ask you to add simple damage log file or replay function in the game. 

You are requesting 'evidence'. you really think people always play the game recording it?

Simple game logs would be great help for evaluation. Damage record and time stamp. Is it so hard to make it?

Do you even know there is cheating mod in nexus?


Some people are saying they met someone using it on PVE multiplay with impossible loadouts, power sword on sniper. 

I think they can use it only on campaign or private solo. But why is it happening on public multiplay?

Updated 4 months ago.
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4 months ago
Oct 14, 2024, 5:51:14 PM

Saltborn wrote:


REGION: North-east Asia

IGN: NACKTTA (it means camel)

STEAM PROFILE: https://steamcommunity.com/id/akslwktlsdlTsk

EVIDENCE: I can't be sure 100% but there were many weird situations. He was grenade bolter Tac. weapon Skin was not a relic.

1) no one throw 2 straight frags on a single(all enemies are dead) ranged-Tyranid warriors(devourer as I think) in close range(6~8m as I remember) while approaching and shooting them. 

Throw speed was same as rpm of bolter-grenades which is not possible because of throw motion and delay. The speed was same as many cheaters does, closely tailgating frags in the air.


2) Tac can replenish bolter-nade ammo "when they kill majoris". Maximum bolter-nade ammo cap is 10~11 on relic and it is the highest value as I know.

But he used more than that without killing any other Majoris. He consumed all bolter-nade ammo right before the Hive Tyrant door as he did it intentionally. I checked the ammo he used and it was almost 10 and also checked there was no majoris. Right after entering the final door, he used almost 8~10 nade shots on the Tyrant at the beginning. I mean, getting no ammo pack. It is impossible play. No breakable boxes, no ammo pack too. I carefully examined it. He needed to run to find and get the pack to recover the ammo at least, but he didn't.

His usual game play pattern was also weird because he just spammed bolter-nades through the entire stage. It is actually possible if there are enough majoris. But you know, as a usual habbit, people try to save ammo because future is uncertain. I don't claim he is cheater just because of this opinion but it is not easy to scatter 2~3 nades or even more on literally "EVERY" encounters even on 2~3 simple gaunt scarecrow through the game of 20~30min play time. There can be some situations Tac need to try to get ammo by killing majoris but he wasn't like that. 

3) After played-user-list update, I almost couldn't saw a case that players I played right before were not found on the list. I'm not talking about renewal delay. Two players of the match were not found even after 5minutes. They are completely gone from the list. I barely remember there was one or two. But I never had a case like this through weeks recently. I can't find this guy on in-game player list and can't ban him. I think there is something disturbing it or cheat function for the purpose of avoiding reports. 

One more thing is that I met him before in somewhere and tried to remember him as toxic, I can't remember it correctly though. It can be a case I had before player-list update or cheater case on other games. I usually mark something for recognizing cheaters and he had it on steam profile.

I ask you to add simple damage log file or replay function in the game. 

You are requesting 'evidence'. you really think people always play the game recording it?

Simple game logs would be great help for evaluation. Damage record and time stamp. Is it so hard to make it?

Do you even know there is cheating mod in nexus?


Some people are saying they met someone using it on PVE multiplay with impossible loadouts, power sword on sniper. 

I think they can use it only on campaign or private solo. But why is it happening on public multiplay?

Can someone please address the use of these nexus mods? It's seriously uncool to be playing with snipers rocking Thunder Hammers, or Assaults with Multi Meltas. A lot of people do not want this unbalanced stuff in public matchmaking. 

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3 months ago
Oct 15, 2024, 9:18:24 PM

the moment my team started winning this guy on the enemy team started one shotting everyone with the heavy bolter, Iron halos included. I reported him on steam as well.



-I had no way of recording video, but I took this screenshot of the scoreboard, I think someone else on my team might've done so.


Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Oct 17, 2024, 8:36:34 PM

Tyranith wrote:

Why isn't there a report function in game?

There is. If you go into the "recent players" tab.

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