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AI Director ramping

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11 days ago
Dec 23, 2024, 6:25:13 PM

I feel like there was some change to the AI director in terms of the difficulty of the operations again that wasn't noted in 5.1 . I'm a very casual player normally playing on average with the occasional playing on ruthless if I need a relic weapon data to keep progressing my weapons. Average difficulty ramped. The wave with minors and spore mines, the spore mine count has increased. Waves immediately occurring after a terminus fight is completed. The majoris count per wave increased to the point where I'm getting pinballed or stun locked. There have been occasions where it feels punishing to pick up the Gene Seed because the AI director decides to send a wave or two after you pick it up. 

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3 days ago
Dec 31, 2024, 9:23:36 AM
You're absolutely right, I can't even count now how many times I've been seriously wounded or straight out obliterated by spore mines and I'm starting to wonder if anyone even playtests this game because it's getting worse and worse. How can anyone think of this as fun??? Yesterday we were playing on the 3rd difficulty and couldn't even finish 50% of matches because we always got overrun. They seriously need to clip the AI director's wings and leave manners like this for only the highest 2 difficulties, if not only the highest.

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3 days ago
Dec 31, 2024, 2:16:27 PM

I assume the changes to encourage people not to dash through the operations to earn more XP included the obnoxious increase in swarms and spore mines. I have seen spore mine clusters literally spawn into existence behind a squad mate and instakill them. Not to mention spore clouds now spread out making them difficult to target in a dog pile forcing you to roll around until you die. Additionally the parry mechanic changes have sort of exasperated the issue. It feels like the invulnerability window has been reduced to nothing on pistol strikes making them useless during a swarm as the whip guys basically constantly knock you out of strikes causing you to eat huge amounts of damage.

It is all very unfortunate because it resulted in my squad mates not wanting to play anymore. I have been trying to play solo but with these changes, given the inability to select alt classes as your AI squad (like verm), AI refusing to attack stuff, and the inability to earn armory data till you can clear a higher difficulty with the previous tier's weapons I am starting to get the urge to move on to something else.

I love the potential for this game but unfortunately the industry would rather tune and balance to elite players forcing out anyone else. This is a strange mindset but you see it everywhere. Force out the casual players to build a game designed only for the small percentage of elite players. Big business relies soo much on analytics that they forget how change affects the play experience. There are so many games to play these days that little blunders can cause people to bounce off a game fast and move on which sucks especially for groups that have regular co-op nights.

Updated 3 days ago.
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2 days ago
Jan 1, 2025, 4:37:30 PM

I have no problem with insane waves of spawns except for the spore mines. Honestly they should just be removed from the game. It's absolutely ridiculous. Sometimes a group will spawn right behind you  or on top of you and you eat it with zero chance to have any sort of response. The craziest I've encountered is 5-6 waves of 10+ spore mines each. Fortunately my team had the terrain advantage

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20 hours ago
Jan 2, 2025, 1:18:03 PM

I agree. I think the spore mines are a cool concept that were poorly executed. In general the things I see ATM that make the game feel sloppy and poorly balanced/broken are:

- In operations like Inferno Neurothropes will spawn in the abandoned facility (in the area with the elevator) with no ammo cache. The elevator blocks you from interacting with it while the Neurothrope is out. This has been a recent problem because the ammo cache hasn't been spawning there and if the squad is out of ammo or runs out of ammo you basically have to wipe. There is no way to progress. You can't run and there is no way to fight the *thropes without ammo.

- Spore mine clouds spawning excessively and instantly while your back is turned catching players for a quick, inescapable death. When playing solo with AI this is a wipe.

- Creatures spawning into areas you have just cleared and insta calling for backup and there is nothing you can do as they are too far away to ever get to in time to stop the call. It seems like the director moves the enemies into the next area if you force the progression as there is always a horde waiting that is larger than the usual hordes.

- Creatures spawning and calling for backup out of bounds where there is no way to reach or prevent the call.

- Creatures doing the red unblockable attacks all at once perfectly timed to stop your pistol strike (feels deliberate and broken).

- The Teleporting guys are all sorts of broken. They have been teleporting out of their red stun phase before you can execute. I had one teleport out after I had started the execution animation which seems like a bug. Maybe this was lag related?

- Auto aim no longer seems to work on spore mines nor the green bramble things Xenos coat the ground with making them difficult for console gamers to clear (ie: you basically just ignore them as it isn't worth eating ammo trying to target the tiny hidden seed in the center of a bramble)

- The volume of the green bramble things that xenos coat the area with. They literally coat the ground for yards at a time and will even surround themselves with bramble. Meltas AOE doesn't seem to clear them unless you literally target them.

- Generally things spawning when you have no ammo or have no way to replenish ammo forcing you to run. This was fine before the bonus XP addition but really isn't very cool after the bonus addition. Sure you can melee your way through things but after all of the horrendous parry and pistol strike nerfs melee isn't worth the risk. It seems much much harder (especially with certain classes like Heavy) to regain armor with the state of the pistol strike changes. Getting knocked out of a pistol strike almost constantly makes it basically useless and makes it much harder to regain armor resulting in faster and more frequent deaths. When playing solo this is a wipe especially in the harder difficulties.

- Zoanthrope green lasers tracking you and changing direction as you roll to avoid. This is fine if the xenos weren't both targeting the same person. If you get caught by the first blast you stun lock and have to eat the follow up blasts. At higher difficulties this is instadeath. When playing solo this is a wipe and waste of player's time.

- Zoanthropes (shield bros) should have line of sight to be able to shield one another. Countless times these damn enemies will be separated by geometry making them difficult to fight. One may be in one tunnel and the other may be in a completely different room or tunnel that is difficult to get to when there is a major swarm. At higher difficulties they change shields so frequently that they aren't even worth fighting solo when one is off somewhere in a different room or tunnel.

Updated 19 hours ago.
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