This may be the biggest nit pick I have ever done but I have to do it.
Space marine 2 is driven by a desire for things to look amazing and importantly, LORE ACCURATE. I understand that creative liberties must be taken sometimes.
It is well known to Space Wolf fans that Space Wolves DO NOT ever refer to themselves as "Space Wolves" amongst themselves, always as "Vlka Fenryka". Now imagine my surprise when I see two leaked cosmetics related to my favourite chapter (Yes I am taking them with a grain of salt but if these are remotely accurate it's bad) and the runic script on the weapon and shoulder pad reads "Space Wolves" and not "Vlka Fenryka". This is a small detail but it is incredibly important for an accurate cosmetic pertaining to this chapter. No self respecting Space Wolf Astartes would ever refer to themselves this way and would absolutely not have it carved in runic script on their armour or weapons. I understand that to the average player this won't matter, but to the people who love our Wolves of Fenris, it matters a lot.
I genuinely hope the affected cosmetics aren't too far into the design process and this can be changed to be accurate.
Remember, Vlka Fenryka not Space Wolves.
Vlka Fenryka not Space Wolves
a month ago Feb 6, 2025, 6:56:27 PM

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