I'm stuck at 24/25 on the auspex scan ordeal. My data vault says that I've somehow not scanned either versions of the Tzaangor. I can confirm without a doubt I played Reliquary and Sword of Atreus yesterday and scanned them both several times. My data vault has not updated. Beyond that, if the data vault says I haven't scanned two different enemies, but the ordeal says I only need to scan one more, that's completely inconsistent. I'm not really sure how to proceed. Is there anything I can do about this or am I just bugged out completing this ordeal?
Scanning Enemies Ordeal Bugged
2 days ago Mar 9, 2025, 3:41:41 PM

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2 days ago
Mar 10, 2025, 12:31:53 AM
Same here!! I've been writing to Focus about that issue 2 weeks ago. Got no answers. Let's see if there is more chance if we get together!
I want to add that the xbox Achievement is done: I have completed the "Purge them all", I just don't have the Ordeal.
Updated 2 days ago.
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