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Aggressor Class

Game optionsWeapons

2 months ago
Oct 13, 2024, 2:18:15 PM

This is an idea for a new class, based on the agressors. It would have 2 prinary weapon options, boltstorm gauntlets (a power fist with a bolter mounted on the top/back of the hand) or flamestorm gauntlets (a power fist with a flamethrower mounted on the top/back of the hand). For their secondary’s, they would have also have a choice between boltstorm and flamestorm gauntlets, however they would have to use whichever one they use for their primary, basically you couldn’t use one boltstorm and one flamestorm (ideally they would duel wield their primary weapons but that could be hard to animate so giving them the same weapon for primary and secondary could help solve that, additionally). The bolstorm gauntlet would essentially work like the auto bolt rifle and the flamestorm gauntlet would basically just be a pyreblaster. Both would have a cooldown instead of reload. These would have a tube or ammunition belt connecting them to a promethium tank or ammunition box (look at their tabletop model for examples). For melee they would only have a power fist. If possible to animate, it would be ideal to have them duel wield these as well.  Their ability would be a back mounted grenade launcher akin to the thousand sons terminators.  They would have 3 armor bars in pve and 4 in pvp as they wear gravis armor.

Updated 6 days ago.
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2 months ago
Oct 13, 2024, 2:50:22 PM

Ab alternative to duel wielding power fists would be for them to only use one but have one on each arm, especially keeping current power fist animations while still being lore accurate.

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