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Chaos Space Marine operation

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7 days ago
Sep 12, 2024, 4:34:26 PM

Just make it new operations, I dont want to hear Titus commanding chaos marines lol
It would be cool to have Black Crusade in backround and squad of chaos marines from multiple chapters.

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12 days ago
Sep 7, 2024, 7:12:30 PM

Admittedly would like to see a set of Chaos operations running along side the events of the campaign.

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11 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 5:44:23 PM

I would do anything to have this implemented. I play death guard on tabletop and would love to use a plague marine in pve.

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11 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 9:07:26 PM

Bigtomo wrote:

i think that introducing player-controlled Chaos into PvP is a good idea. However, for PvE, i find it a bit odd given the game's theme, since it's Space Marine 2 and not Chaos Marine 2

But also you gotta remember their letting us use Chaos colors and emblems so why not the armor 

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11 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 10:36:57 PM

first game had it, this game needs it.

Though I wish they’d have actual lobbies for the PvE and PvP too, to begin with.

I hate the pseudo lobbies that it basically just puts you in the match.

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10 days ago
Sep 10, 2024, 2:14:23 AM

Give me this, a Sorcerer / Librarian class, and Thousand Sons cosmetics, and I wouldn't play anything else for the next three months.

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8 days ago
Sep 11, 2024, 4:16:16 PM

I was thinking the same. 

You could : 

1/ add chaos Space Marines in operations, fighting the Tyranids.

2/ add "Imperium" as foes later. 

3/ allow further customization : for instance, Plague Marines have improved Armor as well as a cloud of rotten flies around them but can not run (or with less speed). 

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7 days ago
Sep 12, 2024, 1:12:32 PM

This would be sick, i’d love to have a way to play as an iron warrior outside of PvP.

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7 days ago
Sep 12, 2024, 3:30:03 PM

I think this is an easier implementation than most people actually give credit for, however I will preface this with the fact I am simply not a game designer so I could be entirely wrong.
All of the Chaos classes in PVP have their own voice lines, and not a SINGLE ONE is tied to their class. 
As an Iron Warriors fan I love spamming his dialogue options, but not a single dialogue option is actually tied to the fact he is a heavy, so this is very easy to transfer over. In fact it's one of the things that kind of stumps me in general, because truthfully you could allow any Chaos class any voice and it would still fit.
Iron Warrior Tactical Marine? Well he doesn't have any dialogue about his heavy bolter so it could totally work. Night Lord Havoc? He doesn't say anything about his jump pack that I remember so it could also work.
Pushing these classes into PVE with their current dialogue could still work because bluntly there isn't a ton of dialogue in the operations to begin with. The only part that really matters is when a character talks to Titus and even then just have them be silent. Maybe an odd choice and feel out of place or lazy but as a Chaos fan I'd just love to actually be included for once.
For all the nerds saying "It's Space Marine 2 not Chaos Space Marine 2!!!!" 
No one cares. Bluntly no one cares, for those of us who like Chaos we never really get any games made for us, so we take what we can get when we get it. Not to mention Chaos is an INTEGRAL part of the story for Warhammer in general and is where roughly half of the community kind of splits as Space Marines and Chaos Space Marines are some of the most popular factions. Just let us have some stuff for us also, plus it'd open up more people into getting into Chaos so probably more table top sells

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7 days ago
Sep 12, 2024, 3:55:28 PM
Hello everyone, sorry if i join this party only now. I think it is absolutely necessary to have more chaos content, not only aesthetic aspects but also pve mode. In the future they could do something like in the previous chapter of space marine where they make a dlc (even paid) where they add various things connected to chaos. Honestly they could start by making a reskin of some missions where you only fight tyranids (change the lights and add altars and other background things) then calmly add the imperium as enemies. My specific goal would be to add a survival mode where you can build stations and request bot reinforcements, in short take as an example the survival mode of call of duty mw3 and world war z. I think it can entertain anyone
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13 days ago
Sep 6, 2024, 2:16:50 PM

Considering there are two operations where the Thousand Sons have installed a Daemonhost, or opened a Warp Portal in an Ecclesiarchy temple, and we have to clear them out, playing from the Chaos perspective where we have to install said Daemonhost, or open the Rift, would be a really neat way of enabling us to play as CSM outside of just the PVP, and tying the story together.

I really do hope that Chaos gets a lot more customisation, and that we get to play as Thousand Sons- their armour models are all already there, and they have a Terminator and Sorcerer class already as enemies. The PVP is fun enough but, getting to fight the Imperium from Chaos' perspective in Operations would be perfect.

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7 days ago
Sep 12, 2024, 8:44:14 PM

Apologies for joining the party late with this one. I am very much for more chaotic content. This would help give the models more life and utilization. 

However, with the way the game is licensed and how the space marine narrative is told. This would have to be done right, like they did in Space Marine 1.

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7 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 12:40:44 AM

Warsmith_Voss wrote:

I think this is an easier implementation than most people actually give credit for, however I will preface this with the fact I am simply not a game designer so I could be entirely wrong.
All of the Chaos classes in PVP have their own voice lines, and not a SINGLE ONE is tied to their class. 
As an Iron Warriors fan I love spamming his dialogue options, but not a single dialogue option is actually tied to the fact he is a heavy, so this is very easy to transfer over. In fact it's one of the things that kind of stumps me in general, because truthfully you could allow any Chaos class any voice and it would still fit.
Iron Warrior Tactical Marine? Well he doesn't have any dialogue about his heavy bolter so it could totally work. Night Lord Havoc? He doesn't say anything about his jump pack that I remember so it could also work.
Pushing these classes into PVE with their current dialogue could still work because bluntly there isn't a ton of dialogue in the operations to begin with. The only part that really matters is when a character talks to Titus and even then just have them be silent. Maybe an odd choice and feel out of place or lazy but as a Chaos fan I'd just love to actually be included for once.
For all the nerds saying "It's Space Marine 2 not Chaos Space Marine 2!!!!" 
No one cares. Bluntly no one cares, for those of us who like Chaos we never really get any games made for us, so we take what we can get when we get it. Not to mention Chaos is an INTEGRAL part of the story for Warhammer in general and is where roughly half of the community kind of splits as Space Marines and Chaos Space Marines are some of the most popular factions. Just let us have some stuff for us also, plus it'd open up more people into getting into Chaos so probably more table top sells

Well said brother AVE DOMINUS NOX 

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6 days ago
Sep 14, 2024, 1:55:10 AM

god please id love to have chaos as either an armour choice for current pve or their own pve missions 

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5 days ago
Sep 14, 2024, 1:39:21 PM

Doesn't need to go far, a few operation based on the traitor side of the campaign will be enough to hype us for month if added with chaos custom

- Initial contact in Kadaku to locate Nozyk research, ending up by blowing his ship (Tyranids foes, something like an inflitration behind imperium lines)

- Retreive Nozyk ship before Titus squad (a two objectives operation - Nids foes)

- Set up the warp shield to protect the place in avarasx hive city (take and hold type of mission, with an evac run at the end when Titus squad disabled the shield, letting Nyds swarm in (Nids foes)

- Retreive and escort the daemonhost until he warped up the transmission system (Nids / Imperium Foes)

- Invade / breach the ad Mech base on Demerium where Leuze (Imperium foes)

- Hold the line in the final operation (hold and retreat, repeat until the defeat of Imurah)

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2 days ago
Sep 17, 2024, 7:40:57 AM

I really like this idea and I want to know what the purpose of buying the Heretic skins if I can’t get their armor and pretend to be a chaos and see them do executions on Xenos and other chaos in the CO-OP? 

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2 days ago
Sep 17, 2024, 2:11:37 PM

Putting CSM working alongside normal marines would break the immersion.
I would prefer CSM operations

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2 days ago
Sep 17, 2024, 4:14:42 PM

Chaos operations or a campaign would be very interesting to play. I'd like to see this too.

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