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Adding modifiers to operations down the line

Game optionsMapsGame modesCo-op

5 months ago
Aug 27, 2024, 5:08:42 PM

I think a cool idea down the line, for players to customize their experience in the co-op operations mode would be different modifiers besides the difficulty, such as amount of enemies spawned, possibly increased amount of certain enemies spawning, or them having more health, higher damage,  etc. Idea would be to challenge players in different ways, as well as further promote use of certain loadouts for certain situations, and all in all make each mission feel even more different than the last. The maps themselves could even change with different modifiers added, the sky is the limit!

Updated 15 minutes ago.
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Must have

The MUST HAVE status is given by the dev team to ideas they would really like to have in the game.


ADMIN Mzulft

status updated 3 months ago

We are working on adding modifiers to customise your PvE experience.


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5 months ago
Sep 4, 2024, 6:00:54 PM

I would also suggest reduction in stimm packages, ammo, and maybe tweaking events a la ghost recon breakpoint, like having Chaos Marines engaging tyranids and the like. Trying to make levels more challenging

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5 months ago
Sep 4, 2024, 6:27:26 PM

jk_muaddib wrote:

I would also suggest reduction in stimm packages, ammo, and maybe tweaking events a la ghost recon breakpoint, like having Chaos Marines engaging tyranids and the like. Trying to make levels more challenging

Definitely, great suggestion brother!

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4 months ago
Oct 24, 2024, 2:53:50 AM

A reddit user made this suggestion so i’m gonna leave this here to help.

“I'm looking forward to what they can cook up for Modifiers. 
I'd like to see something like a:

 "Khornes Influence" where there's zero ammo drops but also zero ranged enemies on Nid missions. Turn Inferno into an absolute moshpit of chainsword and chitin without those fucking mines being an issue. 

Or "Mechanicus Meddling" where your every shot has a multiplier ranging from .5 to 2x damage. 

 "Alternative ammunition" where bolter shots explode on hitting a solid object or when they stop pen-ing.
"Swarm" where there's like half the majoris/extremis but triple or more minoris.

 "Elite Guard" that increases majoris by 50%, but halves minoris.

 "Intelligence report" letting the players know the rough odds of extremis spawns and the type, majoris are quicker to call for back up because they expect you now.

 "Requisition reclamation" that doubles the box spawns or drops, but they will always be guarded by three majoris.

 "Chaos/Hive Interference" where factions that wouldn't normally be in the level can now spawn.

 "Living ammunition" where Nid projectiles don't do damage on impact BUT do greater damage as a DoT. "For Ultramar", drastically reduced ability cooldown and duration.
"Unstable arms" where non-bolters for both players and Chaos cause friendly fire. Then the one I'd love to see but I know will never happen for reasons. 

 "Unusual allies", some strange guard regiment lends their aid.”

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The GREENLIT status is given by the dev team to ideas they will really likely implement in the near future. Almost there!


ADMIN Mzulft

status updated 3 months ago

We are working on adding modifiers to customise your PvE experience

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Must have

The MUST HAVE status is given by the dev team to ideas they would really like to have in the game.

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Must have

The MUST HAVE status is given by the dev team to ideas they would really like to have in the game.


ADMIN Mzulft

status updated 3 months ago

We are working on adding modifiers to customise your PvE experience.

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3 months ago
Nov 25, 2024, 11:43:36 PM

JD232 wrote:

A reddit user made this suggestion so i’m gonna leave this here to help.

“I'm looking forward to what they can cook up for Modifiers. 
I'd like to see something like a:

 "Khornes Influence" where there's zero ammo drops but also zero ranged enemies on Nid missions. Turn Inferno into an absolute moshpit of chainsword and chitin without those fucking mines being an issue. 

Or "Mechanicus Meddling" where your every shot has a multiplier ranging from .5 to 2x damage. 

 "Alternative ammunition" where bolter shots explode on hitting a solid object or when they stop pen-ing.
"Swarm" where there's like half the majoris/extremis but triple or more minoris.

 "Elite Guard" that increases majoris by 50%, but halves minoris.

 "Intelligence report" letting the players know the rough odds of extremis spawns and the type, majoris are quicker to call for back up because they expect you now.

 "Requisition reclamation" that doubles the box spawns or drops, but they will always be guarded by three majoris.

 "Chaos/Hive Interference" where factions that wouldn't normally be in the level can now spawn.

 "Living ammunition" where Nid projectiles don't do damage on impact BUT do greater damage as a DoT. "For Ultramar", drastically reduced ability cooldown and duration.
"Unstable arms" where non-bolters for both players and Chaos cause friendly fire. Then the one I'd love to see but I know will never happen for reasons. 

 "Unusual allies", some strange guard regiment lends their aid.”

this is cool

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3 months ago
Nov 25, 2024, 11:45:46 PM

jk_muaddib wrote:

I would also suggest reduction in stimm packages, ammo, and maybe tweaking events a la ghost recon breakpoint, like having Chaos Marines engaging tyranids and the like. Trying to make levels more challenging

naaaah still to easy, I thing that using stim-pack should have 50% chances of killing you instantly due to overdose, and 25% to explode and kill whole team while picking up. Oh and lets reduce armour to zero because Space Marines are very famous for their armour being useless paper armour and they are very weak and die from single hit lol. 

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a month ago
Jan 13, 2025, 2:40:14 PM

OverlordAnrakyr wrote:

JD232 wrote:

A reddit user made this suggestion so i’m gonna leave this here to help.

“I'm looking forward to what they can cook up for Modifiers. 
I'd like to see something like a:

 "Khornes Influence" where there's zero ammo drops but also zero ranged enemies on Nid missions. Turn Inferno into an absolute moshpit of chainsword and chitin without those fucking mines being an issue. 

Or "Mechanicus Meddling" where your every shot has a multiplier ranging from .5 to 2x damage. 

 "Alternative ammunition" where bolter shots explode on hitting a solid object or when they stop pen-ing.
"Swarm" where there's like half the majoris/extremis but triple or more minoris.

 "Elite Guard" that increases majoris by 50%, but halves minoris.

 "Intelligence report" letting the players know the rough odds of extremis spawns and the type, majoris are quicker to call for back up because they expect you now.

 "Requisition reclamation" that doubles the box spawns or drops, but they will always be guarded by three majoris.

 "Chaos/Hive Interference" where factions that wouldn't normally be in the level can now spawn.

 "Living ammunition" where Nid projectiles don't do damage on impact BUT do greater damage as a DoT. "For Ultramar", drastically reduced ability cooldown and duration.
"Unstable arms" where non-bolters for both players and Chaos cause friendly fire. Then the one I'd love to see but I know will never happen for reasons. 

 "Unusual allies", some strange guard regiment lends their aid.”

this is cool

I confirm, this is cool and even more. 

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