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6 months ago
Aug 27, 2024, 8:03:39 PM

Sounds trivial, but several chapters have different colored lenses. I would love to have the ability to alter the lens color of our helmets at some point in the future.

Updated 5 hours ago.
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5 months ago
Sep 10, 2024, 2:11:17 AM

Really rooting for this. I was so excited to make an Ultramarine Sergeant for my Tactical class and I was super sad to see I couldn't change that important part of the look.

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5 months ago
Sep 11, 2024, 7:25:27 PM

This one may be small, it would go a LONG way to adding more character to our marines and lore accuracy.

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5 months ago
Sep 12, 2024, 9:47:18 AM

I said this somewhere else but I love that the devs are responding. But I am somewhat disappointed that this small addition to the game is considered nice to have, I feel like this should be put at must have. As all though the customization is good. This would further that customization and actually give us lore accurate space marines of the blood angels, salamanders various chapters that use sergeant helmets etc. I don't know what the devs vision here. But if I was in there shoes this would be a no brainer and should've been available at launch

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5 months ago
Sep 18, 2024, 12:26:13 AM

Please please pleae Saber. We need Yelloe eyed Salamanders and more Green eyed Blood Angels.

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5 months ago
Sep 19, 2024, 5:05:15 PM

This is a must have. I am very happy to have seen this at number one in most popular. I want this more than any gameplay changes or new content right now.

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5 months ago
Sep 20, 2024, 4:28:04 PM

HungrySkeleton wrote:

This should be moved from "Nice To Have" to "Must Have". I hate that my salamanders don't have yellow visors in their helmets. Right now some chapters are more accurate looking than others and this could help with that.

Same, both my salamander heavy and my imperial fist bulwark look wrong without the yellow & blue eyes repectively.

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5 months ago
Sep 20, 2024, 4:31:12 PM

Hawker wrote:

I said this somewhere else but I love that the devs are responding. But I am somewhat disappointed that this small addition to the game is considered nice to have, I feel like this should be put at must have. As all though the customization is good. This would further that customization and actually give us lore accurate space marines of the blood angels, salamanders various chapters that use sergeant helmets etc. I don't know what the devs vision here. But if I was in there shoes this would be a no brainer and should've been available at launch

Agreed. This was a big question on my mind leading up to launch because it was a feature that was also missing in the first space marine game that drove me crazy not having. Really hope they add this one ASAP.

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4 months ago
Oct 9, 2024, 10:46:47 PM

My Blood Ravens NEED GREEN on any helmet I put on them! Devs, I'm looking at you! e.e

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The GREENLIT status is given by the dev team to ideas they will really likely implement in the near future. Almost there!

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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.

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