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Assault Power Sword


6 months ago
Aug 31, 2024, 5:12:17 PM


Both in lore, on the tabletop and especially in Space Marine 1, the power Sword is THE available Melee weapon to Assault Squads and the old Vanguard Veteran Squad right after the default Chainsword itself.
I understand that the Bulwark had a higher priority in getting it as so far, its tabletop equivalent has not yet been represented using many other options , yet especially after playing Space Marine 1, the power sword feels right at home with the Assault class at least as much as with the Bulwark class. Perhaps there could be different versions with slightly different traits for Bulwark and Assault respectively.

After talking about this topic with others, I have the strong impression that giving this signature Astartes melee weapon to the traditionally most melee-focused class too would please many.

Thank you for reading!

Updated 31 minutes ago.
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6 months ago
Sep 1, 2024, 10:53:19 AM

Yes, I 100% agree. The Thunderhammer and Powerfist are cool and all, also i can see why Bulwark got the Power Sword but i think it should be added to Assault Class as well. Perhaps another (twohanded) version like Terranic Greatsword. That would be very cool.

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