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difficulties fix

Game optionsGame modesCo-op

6 months ago
Sep 13, 2024, 5:46:44 PM


right now the difficulties are increasing challenge by taking away power fantasy (decreasing player's health and damage values). difficulties above minimal severely lack power fantasy aspect, despite providing more engaging challenge.


instead of this, make the difficulties increase challenge by duplicating enemies and/or changing enemy variant spawn proportions, they would increase difficulty without removing power fantasy aspect (like in Helldivers). higher chance for larger enemies would be a more hardware-friendly alternative i believe, if that's your concern.

if you really want to keep this way of having difficulties, you could at least make custom difficulty with customizable values (health, damage, enemy numbers, large enemy spawn likelihood, enemy aggression, down amount for mortal wound, respawn timer etc.), and let those who select it (or quick match) be able to join custom difficulty lobby thru matchmaking.

I've posted a thread here explaining why this fix is so needed.

Updated 4 hours ago.
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5 months ago
Oct 13, 2024, 3:14:13 PM

"Power fantasy" is a fallacy in 40k. Space Marines are only demi god powered super saiayn warriors in comparison to normal humans. They are built the way they are to be on equal footing to Xenos powers. They are not overwhelmingly more powerful than the Xenos, they are just strong enough to deal with them. You shouldn't be able to walk through without any worry. Space Marines fight tooth and nail for every step of ground they gain.

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5 months ago
Oct 13, 2024, 3:22:44 PM

RelicXXVII wrote:

"Power fantasy" is a fallacy in 40k. Space Marines are only demi god powered super saiayn warriors in comparison to normal humans. They are built the way they are to be on equal footing to Xenos powers. They are not overwhelmingly more powerful than the Xenos, they are just strong enough to deal with them. You shouldn't be able to walk through without any worry. Space Marines fight tooth and nail for every step of ground they gain.

obviously they are on equal footing to xenos forces, even despite Astartes' comparatively microscopic numbers. otherwise the galaxy would be already conquered long time ago by xenos that vastly outnumber Astartes and eat their way thru mortal forces like they are nothing. Astatres indeed fight tooth and nail for every step of ground, but they do so against adequate amount of xenos forces (which would give a power fantasy that's absolutely not a fallacy), unlike what we have in SM2 while fighting Tyranids...

power fantasy doesn't mean lack of challenge.

Updated 5 months ago.
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5 months ago
Oct 15, 2024, 7:15:25 PM

The higher difficulty literally increases the spawn of majoris and above enemies, clusters them together and allows for harder enemies to spawn more freely.

You honestly need to play the game more and pay attention instead of complaining.

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5 months ago
Oct 16, 2024, 7:39:21 PM

Metis wrote:

The higher difficulty literally increases the spawn of majoris and above enemies, clusters them together and allows for harder enemies to spawn more freely.

You honestly need to play the game more and pay attention instead of complaining.

yes? then why does it make you have less health and damage instead of just increasing enemy numbers??

Updated 5 months ago.
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