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Chaplain's, Apothecary's, Terminators, and Dreadnought's oh MY

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6 months ago
Sep 1, 2024, 11:19:59 AM

I know new classes are planned for the future but my personal hopes/Ideas(Both realistic and Unrealistic) for possible future content are:

1. A Chaplain class that's all about Melee and Support, with an ability that that could possibly do something like the Chaplain abilities from Spacehulk Deathwing, or something like Temp immunity to dmg for a short duration(Slightly less than the Sniper's camo cloak) which also taunts the enemies and forces the AI to target you instead of your team mates(Which would mean you are surrounded by enemies once the ability wears off).

2. An Apothecary class that's all about Support and keeping your squad alive, with an ability that allows them to flat out heal team mates or give them temporary health regen while active.

3. A Terminator Class that's all about being a heckin WALL and absolutely mowing down large hordes of enemies, with an ability that lets them boost the dmg and RPM of something like an Assault Canon, they'd also likely be unable to sprint due or Dodge to the weight of Terminator Armour which means that despite the immense damage and HP or Armour pool they'd be incredibly slow and lack the maneuverability of the other classes.

4. A heckin Dreadnought Class that's literally all about being a damn Juggernaut, now this class would be specifically for things like a "Dreadnought mode" or the Horde mode that's planned for S4, as for the ability I'm unsure of what you could give a Dreadnought or if you should even GIVE a Dreadnought class an ability considering just how much fire-power they wield which is also why this is my pick for something that'd be seriously awesome but also completely Unrealistic and will most likely never happen.

Small addition: The customisation for a Dreadnought class would be seriously intensive on how long it would take to design good looking cosmetics and, despite the game already having the Redemptor Dreadnought in both the campaign and an operation, would probably also take a fairly long time to actually get to work right in a player's hand's which is why it's my unrealistic pick for a class. As such while I don't expect anything to ever come of it I do sincerely hope we eventually get to wield these monuments to humanity's need for slaughter and unyielding fire-power against the Tyranids, Chaos, and whatever other enemies the dev's decide to add.

Note: i will be making more in depth post's about what specifically I'd like to see for these classes. The first of which, the Chaplain, is already posted. 

Updated 7 days ago.
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6 months ago
Sep 1, 2024, 2:29:54 PM

I was about to make this same post. Want these classes and heresy pattern armor 

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6 months ago
Sep 8, 2024, 8:10:28 AM

These would be so incredible to have, I want to live out my tiberius redwake fantasy with lightning claws and terminator armor

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6 months ago
Sep 9, 2024, 3:13:26 PM

I think a " tech " class would be a good option after apothecary's. Tech marines perhaps they could also add more adeptus mechanicus armor options alongside it. 

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6 months ago
Sep 9, 2024, 4:57:25 PM

The option to customize a Grey Knight terminator for me.. I'd throw my wallet right at it ! absolutely!!!!

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6 months ago
Sep 11, 2024, 12:51:49 AM

Terminators would be amazing. Maybe there would be indomitus version that boosts damage.

And a cataphractii version that is more about shielding. Since it has shield generators in the pauldrons.

A Deathwatch class would also be cool and they already have a headstart on that.

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6 months ago
Sep 12, 2024, 8:21:39 AM

While i dont think we will ever see a dready class, having a tech marine would be just as fun! They could potentially provide armor boosts and auras or something

Updated 6 months ago.
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6 months ago
Sep 13, 2024, 1:50:26 PM

Man I hope this idea comes true because it sounds really great. Personally I would like to as a Terminator

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6 months ago
Sep 15, 2024, 6:42:19 AM

Techmarines should be added, as mentioned in some previous comments, but dreadnoughts are not possible because they are in a different size/power category compared to regular Astartes. Chaplains and librarians would also be baller if balanced properly.

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6 months ago
Sep 17, 2024, 3:06:12 PM

​Terminators and Dreadnoughts should be temporary classes related to killing and scoring points, while Chaplains, Apothecaries, and Psykers should be new permanent classes

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6 months ago
Sep 18, 2024, 3:48:35 PM

I can see that as you unlock newer armor sets for the Terminator Class, you get older models like Tartarus and Cataphracti. I would love that.

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6 months ago
Sep 20, 2024, 6:25:35 AM

Apothecary, Librarian, Techmarine and Chaplain would be awesome.

But for my part, I'm against the Terminator. It's too strong.

Also, I don't think it's fun for any player with the slow speed. If other players rush forward, the Terminator player sees no action. And you would have to wait for the Terminator all the time to reach the elevator/door.

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6 months ago
Sep 23, 2024, 5:07:34 PM

Really would love tech marine armour pieces and class. I haven't played since 3rd edition so i'm out of the loop. Still wrapping my head around all this Primaris stuff.

Updated 6 months ago.
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5 months ago
Sep 26, 2024, 9:17:32 AM
It seems most people keep saying the same thing when it comes to terminator classes, but i feel their suggestions much like this one wouldn't be used for the sheer fact that these suggestions would be plain overpowered even without the iron halo the sheer dps on the assault cannon would shred anything and everything leaving no class capable of dealing with it consistently, I also hate and I mean HATE the idea of a terminator without a basic sprint, imagine for a moment if you will, by your suggestion a terminator that beams down things but is so unbearably slow that it takes 10 minutes to even get to where you would be needed, sounds boring, just play heavy there would be no real interesting game play potential not to mention a complete lack of variety of equipment, I mean come on man there has to be more than one ranged weapon available, I have a terminator idea myself that has the strom bolter as their "primary" it would be in the secondary slot for gun strikes and a variety of melee weapons, also an ability to increase rpm? too op man, just way too op no way they would add that, take a look at my suggestion and see if you like it, and if you find it worthy perhaps even an updoot?
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5 months ago
Sep 26, 2024, 9:47:28 AM

I just want a Techmarine over a terminator I would love a terminator but man deathwing exist and no shooters feature techmarines

Updated 5 months ago.
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