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6 months ago
Sep 1, 2024, 1:40:43 PM

At the moment, based on the materials that were published by influencers and the development team itself, we have a fairly well-formed idea about the customization of our characters.

Currently, the system works as follows: 

  1. Specific armor sets are tied to a character's class. 
  2. Specific Chaos classes are tied to specific Traitor Legions. 
  3. Parts of a Champion's armor pack do not apply to other classes and cannot be customized in any way. 
  4. Personality (voice and face) are also tied to classes. 
  5. There are currently no known armor sets for Chaos Space Marines similar to the Loyalists.
  6. Old armor marks are only available to Chaos Space Marines.

So this approach raises a number of questions. The most basic of them is - if you're trying to justify this with lore, then why can we play in the Traitor color scheme as someone who is lore-wise an Ultramarine?

In other words, if you're trying to give players fun, why limit that fun by imposing a lot of hardship? So there is fundamentally no reason not to give players more freedom and fun.

First of all, there are problems of this system, the solution to which lies on the surface. I propose the following:

  1. Make the class binding less obvious in terms of character customization. Using the Loyalist example, class progression should unlock similar armor skins for all classes, or at least for Heavy, Tactical, Assault, Bulwark.
  2. Chaos classes should not be tied to a legion, armor sets should be added, as well as a system for changing specific armor pieces.
  3. The champion pack, especially if it is paid content, should be distributed to all classes, or have the ability to customize other classes with parts of this armor.

Secondly, there are wishes that will give more freedom and fun. I suggest the following:

  1. Give the ability to create your own face and choose a voice option for your space marine. You can do something similar to the Darktide character editor.
  2. Add Firstborn armor (Mark 4, Mark 6, Mark 7, Mark 8). You can make a filter so that if one of these parts is equipped, then Primaris armor (Mark 10) and its parts become unavailable.

At the end, when I found out that my beloved 4th Company of Ultramarines, led by Uriel Ventris, was tied to a specific class (Heavy) that I was unlikely to play, it really upset me. Thus, I hope that the developers have plans to improve this customization system and my suggestions will be considered.


Missing features:

  1. There is no way to change the color of the lenses on the helmet.
  2. There is no tab or color scheme to change the color of the hands. At the very least, it would be nice to see a color scheme like this if the Crimson Fists are going to be added.
  3. No color fill for weapons.
Updated 25 minutes ago.
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6 months ago
Sep 12, 2024, 3:36:29 PM

if they add earlier mk's of the power armour like heresy, mk4 and mk6 and maybe the Corvus helmet with a sideways mohawk thing id give my life for this game its already got my vote for goty but if they do this for free ofc id truly live and die for the emperor as Garveil Lokan himself

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6 months ago
Sep 6, 2024, 10:55:07 AM

Cheyenesku wrote:

A lot of people keep forgetting we are playing as Primaris Marines. Previous Marks of armor are too small for them, its not lore accurate. 

And yet several recent kits come with classic Mk7 helms. Those can be added at the very, very least without breaking canon unless the GW suits are refusing for whatever reason.

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6 months ago
Sep 9, 2024, 6:45:20 PM

SlyVelcrest wrote:

Brother_Sergeant_Stag wrote:

Different armor sets are tied to different classes because they use different variants of armor. The only two interchangeable classes would be tactical and assault. Bladeguard armor is different than regular tacticus armor, and the other classes wear phobos/gravis. It would make no sense to have interchangeable armor pieces/sets.

Say we run with this mentality, how to do we implement older generations of armor onto say a class that wear Phobos. For example, a set of mark IV gets added which is not slim or lightweight in any fashion. How do we deal with that? Just lock it behind certain classes like assault and tactical? Genuinely curious.  

Its pretty simple. Primaris marines dont wear older armor marks, besides occasionally older helmets. So there just wouldnt be older armor marks.

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6 months ago
Sep 9, 2024, 6:55:30 PM

Very keen on the Firstborn Armor. Even if its just the Helmets, I really want to be able to have my Mk7 or my Beakie Helmet. In those cases we know from models and lore that they can be work with MK10 armor. 

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6 months ago
Sep 9, 2024, 6:57:43 PM

Brother_Sergeant_Stag wrote:

Different armor sets are tied to different classes because they use different variants of armor. The only two interchangeable classes would be tactical and assault. Bladeguard armor is different than regular tacticus armor, and the other classes wear phobos/gravis. It would make no sense to have interchangeable armor pieces/sets.

Sternguard Veteran models come with some Mk7 helmets. And Ravenguard Primaris, both Phobos and standard, can and do in lore and on tabletop models use Mk6 helmets. Besides, even if this was only available for two classes that would be more than enough. 

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6 months ago
Sep 9, 2024, 11:27:40 PM

I also want to see faces added as my marine doesn't feel like my own. I'm  Quentin or decimus of the Ultrmarines not my cool Salamander. Drop the narrative and just make an Inquisitor give us orders.

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6 months ago
Sep 11, 2024, 9:11:02 PM

Wlfpak wrote:

Cheyenesku wrote:

A lot of people keep forgetting we are playing as Primaris Marines. Previous Marks of armor are too small for them, its not lore accurate. 

Yes, but at the end of the day it's still a game. I'd rather have more fun factor than keep to the lore. If you want to roleplay and keep to that kind of stuff then go for it, but the rest of us who don't care as much about that stuff shouldn't have things locked off cuz of lore reasons. I've had this issue with halo and thought it was the dumbest thing they've ever done. And I love WH, but I'd rather have access to all armor pieces for one loadout to make the best looking Space Marine I can make than try to be completely authentic as possible. There is a fine line there somewhere but as it is now, it just ain't it. Especially coming off of the first game. The way I see it, lore belongs to the story mode in games, but come coop/mp it shouldn't count since it adds too much limitations in certain areas.

well we could instead have a new class for first borns aka non Primaris Marines or to make it lore accurate use the body model for Titus during the prologue and use that to make old marks of power armor in lore and accessible to the players maybe to roleplay as a veteran space marine that has been attached to a primaris squad 

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6 months ago
Sep 12, 2024, 4:58:27 AM
I completely agree. I am a huge lore nerd and I HATE when games do this, it completely limits fun. Let your players geek themselves out with their favorite chapters and traitor legions please! We will be so happy. 

Also, we really need more of the already existing assets in the game. We really need the full thousand sons cosmetics. In the game, they have several 1K sons helmets, gauntlets, shoulders, etc. And I know some people are saying sorcerer is coming but I want to play as a rubric marine too, please let it happen.
I'm a bit concerned since the chaos space marines in the PvP have voice lines tied to their legion, which I REALLY hope won't hold them back from giving us proper customization. 
At the end of the day, it's unacceptable that the game this is a sequel to which released over 12 years ago has better customization than this. 
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6 months ago
Sep 12, 2024, 7:20:42 AM

SquidMann wrote:

Cheyenesku wrote:

A lot of people keep forgetting we are playing as Primaris Marines. Previous Marks of armor are too small for them, its not lore accurate. 

And yet several recent kits come with classic Mk7 helms. Those can be added at the very, very least without breaking canon unless the GW suits are refusing for whatever reason.

Then why are chaos marines Primaris size? It brakes cannon by your standard

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6 months ago
Sep 12, 2024, 9:20:34 AM

Cheyenesku wrote:

A lot of people keep forgetting we are playing as Primaris Marines. Previous Marks of armor are too small for them, its not lore accurate. 

We play as first born chaos marines in pvp, moot point. 

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6 months ago
Sep 12, 2024, 3:32:37 PM

we should definitely have more customization options especially for Chaos marines. Would be cool to have the classes not locked to a certain legion.

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6 months ago
Sep 13, 2024, 7:42:14 AM

Sgt_Hertzo wrote:

Im 100% behind you with ur second point but your first one is a little bit unrealistic. Its already been mentioned that the different class' pieces of armour physically fit different, i.e. physically incompatible. 

Terminator crucifex shoulder pad as well as the deathwatch shoulder pad is avaliable to all the classes, so i dont see a reason why they cannot make more general armour parts

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6 months ago
Sep 13, 2024, 5:58:01 PM

Limiting creativity for lore reasons is a fools gambit. Especially considering the custiminzation we have currently contradicts the reason. How come in a story connected ops mode we can have a black Templar, salamander, and a blood marine all rolling up together as a squad during an event involving only ultra marines? 

Custominzation of armor pieces and etc shoud never be limited.

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6 months ago
Sep 14, 2024, 6:11:23 AM

​I agree with most of this, the similar pieces being unlocked for classes that share an Armour type? Awesome idea considering that the Sniper and Vanguard both use mk10 Phobos patern Armour while Tactical and assault both use mk10 Tacticus patern Armour. And having access to the champion pack cosmetics as individual parts would be absolutely awesome, not to mention Lens and Weapon colours would help with the Roleplay aspect.

Then there's the actual facial customisation, voices, and personalities, again Awesome idea my personal chapter, The River Hounds, are descended from Russ and are much like the Space Wolves in personality and temperament but the closest I can get is Vanguard's personality and voice.

As for stuff like the older mk's of Armour? I don't really think that's possible as the Marines we play as(and all the npc Marines on the battle barge) are Primaris so the older mk's wouldn't be able to fit, now don't get me wrong I'd love to rock the Beaky or Mk7 helmets cause they're iconic but the rest? Ehhh.

But you've earned my upvote!

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